One // What is Most Important in my Life
{As I shared on Instagram on Monday}
The way I spent yesterday (Easter) sums up what is most important in my life. The two things that have my heart above all else are the Lord & my family. I love each person pictured (& family not pictured) more than words can express! God gives such good gifts! The greatest of which is the SAVIOR! I marvel at God's incredible kindness in fulfilling His high standard of justice, all while being so incredibly loving and kind that He Himself paid the price in FULL to meet the desperate need of sinners like me (& you)! He is altogether Holy & Just and cannot be bribed. When we stand before Him one day we will each be held accountable for our sins - of which I know my own are innumerable. We can either spend eternity paying for our own sins in hell OR trust in the FINISHED work of Christ. When I stand before God my ONLY plea will be the pure and precious blood of Jesus that was shed for me! My heart's greatest desire is that YOU (as I sincerely care for each dear one reading this) will enjoy the goodness of God through His amazing grace too! He offers it freely to all who place their trust solely in Him!
Two // The Fool - A Worthwhile Watch
Last weekend Living Waters released "The Fool" on YouTube. Jason and I gave it a watch last night. We loved it!

Here's a description of the movie as given on
"What do you do when the world's most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheist's celebrity idiot? All of this is a true story of exactly what happened to Ray Comfort. This 65-minute movie will not only encourage you and bring your fears into perspective - it will increase your faith and trust in God."
You can find the movie in its entirety by clicking here or by visiting Living Waters YouTube channel.
Three // Quality Family Time
This week has been filled with family time which is definitely a list-worthy "love"! My girls were invited to spend a couple days with their grandparents on Jason's side and as previously mentioned, our Easter was spent celebrating with my extended family. The memories created on both occasions will no doubt be cherished for years to come!
Look at the beautiful setting where my family gathered on Sunday...
Look at the beautiful setting where my family gathered on Sunday...
If you've been around here for a bit you've likely heard me rave (time and time again) about what a terrific team my Aunt Ann and my Cousin Emily are when it comes to creating beautiful holiday tablescapes and delicious spreads! This holiday was no exception. I love my family and truly treasure the time we have together!
Four // Vacation Anticipation
{Photo via Disney's Holidays at Disneyland Resort page}
We booked our next Disney trip! We've tweaked our plans a bit, bumping our trip out a few months and in doing so will check another box on my Disney wish list. We're going to Disneyland at Christmastime! My two favorite times to visit the Disney Parks are during the Halloween and Christmas seasons. Although we've made many trips to Disney World at Christmastime, we've yet to see Walt's "Original Magic Kingdom" all dolled up in its holiday finest. I can hardly wait!
{Photo Credit: Tom Bricker, // See his post on It's a Small World Holiday here and Ultimate 2019 Disneyland Christmas Guide here.}
Five // Gratitude for Overlooked Blessings
The other day my oldest daughter tried to show me something early in the morning before I'd put my contacts in, while my glasses still rest at my bedside. Although she stood very close I was clueless as to what it was she was attempting to show me. She brought it closer, much closer, and then I was in on the excitement of the moment. It got me thinking about how blessed I truly am to live in a time when I do have access to both contacts and glasses. Apart from their aid I cannot see beyond even a foot in front of my face. If I'd been born before the invention of glasses I wouldn't have enjoyed the stunning sights throughout our travels, or more importantly to my mama heart - seeing all the marvelous things my girls do daily. They'd just be a beautiful blur (unless they sat right beside me). This is one of many blessings that I spend most days overlooking. I'd encourage you to think on what adds great joy to your life that you may not even think about as a blessing. If you've got a warm home, a comfortable place to sleep, any food in your kitchen - there is much to be thankful for. The very oxygen you and I are breathing and the functioning lungs we have to make use of it, along with a heart that's beating, and a brain that's allowing us to think on such things - those are all gifts from God, our Creator! My heart overflows with gratitude thinking on these often overlooked blessings. I praise God for all of them and for you, that you've been given today. I'm also thankful that you cared to spend a moment of it here in my nook of the blogosphere!
Thanks so much for visiting today! Wishing you a beautiful day!
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24
Now that I need reading glasses for EVERYTHING, I often think about people living in an era when they weren't available. It can be so frustrating not to see and need to put on the glasses...but thank goodness I have them! Disneyland at Christmas sounds so magical! Have a wonderful weekend.
ReplyDeleteAnd you my friend are such a blessing to all those who love you! I am over the moon you are going to Disney at Christmas time! I am already picturing the awe and wonder on all your beautiful faces! I hope you have a super sweet weekend!
ReplyDeleteYay! How fun that we BOTH have Disney news today! :) I'm so excited for you to experience the most magical place on earth at the most magical time of the year!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting Christmas trip planned! Have a fantastic weekend!
ReplyDeleteMy friend Brenda! It feels like it's been forever since I have seen you. Your family is so beautiful! I pop in here once in awhile and see how everything is going for you. It is a blessing to stop on your page and see how God is blessing you all. Thank you for sharing your life with me even if only by internet. <3 Hugs! -Vanessa
ReplyDeleteI really want to go to Disneyland for our next Disney trip too! Glad you had a lovely Easter and time with your family!