
Friday, February 15, 2019

Five Loves on Friday // A Snowy and Sweet Valentine's Week

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day week!  I'm looking forward to sharing a handful of loves from my own!  Let's get right to the good stuff...

*These loves is listed chronologically.  I have a tough time picking favorites among favorites. ;)

One  //  Snowy Sweetness

We had such a beautiful snowfall this week!  Jason shouted to me, "Look, Brenda!  It's your favorite kind of snowflakes!"  I rushed to the window to enjoy the sweet sight of big beautiful flakes gently falling to the frozen ground below.  It was breathtaking!

I know that my joy over snow is unpopular in the Midwest this time of year.  I totally get it.  While I've always loved a white Christmas, by the time February rolls around I'm usually completely over it too.  However, this year I've had a change of heart.  I've come to realize that winter is a long season and we have two choices - complain about it or embrace it.  The latter is much more enjoyable in my opinion. ;)  

Shoveling has become my new favorite workout.  I find it refreshing to enjoy the cool fresh air and satisfying to see that sparkly snow cleared and a path made for the vehicles and foot traffic of those dearest to my heart.  We do have a decent sized driveway though, so even when I've got a snow shoveling partner by my side at the end of it all I return indoors thankful for the warmth of my home and amply tuckered out from the task completed.

Looking for something to listen to during your next shoveling session?  I've been really enjoying finding sermon series on the Grace to You app to take in while moving the snow out.  

Two  //  Everyday Encouragement
I have found such great encouragement in everyday conversations with friends this week over text, email, and DMs on instagram.  All of these friendships were formed through blogging.  Whether you're a blogger or reader that I've chatted with this week please know how appreciated and valued your friendship truly is!  What a wonderful blogging community we have here.  My heart is full thinking on the blessings that have stemmed from blogging.  Whether this is the first post you've read here or you've been visiting for the past six years, thank you for being here!  Your readership and support is enormously appreciated and I pray that you'll find encouragement through the posts I share here.

Three  //  Hand Delivered Valentines

Long time friends turned chosen family stopped by for a visit this week and brought us a beautiful valentine along with some very thoughtful gifts.  Best of all we spent nearly an hour catching up on all that's new and reminiscing about days of old when our daughters were all small.  It was an absolute delight to have them back in our home after far too much time apart, and definitely a highlight of this week!

Another delivery was made yesterday by my holiday loving, incredibly thoughtful parents.  They came bearing gifts of the edible variety - cookies baked with care and freshly stovetop popped popcorn, the perfect additions to our night!

Four  //  Reading of the Greatest Love

I've been thoroughly enjoying following the "read through the Bible in a year" plan in my MacArthur Study Bible this year.  Yesterday's New Testament reading covered Matthew 27, the crucifixion of Jesus.  I don't know what could've been more fitting for a day when all things love are being celebrated than to fix my focus on the greatest love that's ever been extended to me (and you).  It's astounding that although I broke His Laws, God humbled Himself to pay the penalty on my behalf.  He is a just God, and the Justifier of all who place their trust in Him.  No greater love exists!  Learn more here.

Five  //  Our 21st Valentine's Day

Yesterday Jason and I celebrated our 21st Valentine's Day together.  My hubby who's very keen on the phrase, "whatever makes you happy" (the sweetness of which never gets old), was happy to oblige my wishes for a snuggly Valentine's evening in.  

If you've been around here for a while you may remember my fondness for a certain Thai pizza we used to enjoy pretty regularly years ago.  The pizzeria near us that prepared it so perfectly closed a while back.  The only location left in our area is quite a drive from our home.  However, my sweet Valentine went out of his way last night after work to pick up this much missed perfection in pizza form!  It was such a treat for the tastebuds and completely hit the spot!  While we enjoyed cozy couple time on the couch our girls had a fun "sister night" chowing, chatting, giggling, and gaming.  It was a great holiday for all of us, and I hope it was for you as well!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

for High Five for Friday
AndreaErika, and Narci 
for Friday Favorites

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  1. I really need to try a Thai pizza sometime. I am not even sure if we have those here. My husband is the same way, he always says we can do whatever makes me happy. I let him decide sometimes. ;) Sweets and surprises from friends and family are always the best!


  2. I have lots to comment about this Valentine's post. First, I think our Texas summer must be similar to the Midwest winter in some ways. By the time, August rolls around we are just DONE with the heat and humidity. That's such a great attitude to embrace it instead of complain! Second, I am so thankful to have you as a blogging buddy. And lastly, several years into our marriage I started letting go of some of my controlling tendencies and started saying "whatever you want" on decisions that I didn't have a strong opinion about. It was a refreshing change in our marriage! Glad you all had a happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Sounds like you guys had a super sweet valentines day! I've never heard of thai pizza but I love that he made your pizza dreams a reality!!

  4. I'm tired of the snow but at the same time, I think it's kind of cozy! Glad you had a happy Valentine's week!

  5. Aww! I love that we both blogged about bloggy friendships! <3 Amen on your #4 - the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God overwhelms me!


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