
Friday, January 11, 2019

Five Loves on Friday // Family Fun, New Recipes, and Fab Frugal Finds!

Happy Friday, friends!  It's been a wonderful week and I can't wait to recap some of the family fun, food, and bargains here today!  Let's jump right in!

One  //  A Jolly Holiday Do-Over

You may remember me mentioning in my Five Loves on Friday Christmas Week Edition post that my family enjoys the tradition of seeing our most anticipated holiday release film on New Year's Eve.  We had purchased our tickets to Mary Poppins Returns and were looking forward to a fun family outing.  Sadly, things don't always go as planned.  When New Year's Eve arrived Little One and I had some pretty nasty colds and weren't feeling up to doing much of anything.  We decided it'd be best to cancel our NYE tickets and go when we were all fully well to fully enjoy this fun flick and we did just that this week!

Anyone else love taking pre-show family selfies?  I don't think we've attended a movie in years without one!

I try to avoid spoilers at all costs and would like to avoid sharing any here today too, so all I will say is that like my sweeties pictured above I give this sequel two great big thumbs up! 

Two  //  New Year, New Purse

I'm always a bit sad to pack away my Christmas Disney Dooney, but having a new one to carry sure does turn that frown upside down!  I picked up this sweet bag with some birthday money during our November trip and am so excited to be carrying it regularly now.  The sketch pattern is my favorite and I adore the pattern placement on this bag!  Here's a peek at the back and sides of this cutie too. ... 

Three  //  Sitting Pretty

Last weekend Jason and I put the Christmas money we received from his parents to excellent use buying this beauty.  It's a swivel glider recliner, and let me tell ya, it is incredibly comfy!  We scored a much better price on it in-store than what it goes for on Costco's website which was also a beautiful thing!  

Four  //  The Goal Continues

Although not pictured, I served this chicken chili topped with monterey jack cheese.

For the past few years I've had the goal of trying at least one new recipe each week.  This week I used two rotisserie chickens from Costco (such a time saver) to prepare three new-to-us meals, two of which I've linked above.  The third wasn't actually a recipe, but something new I put together with what we had on hand.  This simple dish of chicken, four cheese alfredo, and broccoli topped with shredded parmesan ended up being Jason's favorite of the three meals.  My favorite new dish of the week was probably the green chicken enchilada soup.  The flavor of the salsa verde paired with creamy, cheesy goodness really hit the spot on a cool winter day.

I can't resist adding a little bonus love within this love, one which I'm continually grateful to God for - tastebuds!  What a kind God He is to have created us in a way that allows us to enjoy the necessary everyday activity of eating.  I'm so thankful for the simple, yet wonderful pleasure that can be found in everything from a spoonful of comfort food to a nibble of a sweet treat!   

Five  //  Frugal Find on Fall Fabulousness

I admired these cute plates on Walmart's website months ago (when they were actually in season).  This week I noticed they were marked down to half price, making them only a dollar and a quarter each!  They arrived every bit as adorable as pictured online.  I'm already looking forward to the fall day when I'm able to pull them out and put them to use!  On a side note, I really enjoy the salad size plates for lunches, snacks, or light dinners.  Being smaller it gives my brain the illusion that I'm enjoying a bit more food than I actually am and with that pretty pattern I'll be just fine with that. ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  It is such a treat to have you visit!  I hope you'll take a moment to say "hello" in the comments section below before you go.  Wishing you the loveliest weekend ahead!

Previously on Chatting Over Chocolate:

Direct Link to Blog Post:  

for High Five for Friday
AndreaErika, and Narci 
for Friday Favorites

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  1. What a deal on those darling Fall plates! Your purse is just the cutest and so you, I can just see you smiling great big when you put it in your shoulder. I’ve been starting to try new recipes more frequently and just last night we had another new fav...bok Choy, chicken and mushroom stir fry but the maple chicken and biscuits is still my fav. Hope you have a super sweet weekend lovely friend of mine. xo

  2. I can't wait to see Mary Poppins Returns. We haven't had a chance yet!

  3. Such a great find with the walmart plates! Love your movie selfie. I can't wait to see Mary Poppins!

  4. My daughter saw Mary Poppings with a friend and liked it. I'll wait until it comes out on DVD. What a pretty Disney bag! And those dinners! I am going to have to check those out. Rotisserie chickens are such a time saver! And what a great deal on those Walmart plates! Have a great weekend!

  5. MPR was such a great movie! I went with friends and ended up really liking it. Your purse is cute, and congrats on 6 years!


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