
Friday, January 18, 2019

Five Loves on Friday // Date Night, Snow, Sweet Surprises, & More!

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you've enjoyed a lovely week.  If not, take heart, the weekend is so close you can almost taste it!   But first, I'm looking forward to recapping some the simple and sweet joys since we last chatted here.  It's Five Loves time!... 

One  //  Date Night = Great Night!

Friday night included many of my favorite "m"s  - my man, a Mexican meal, and a mango margarita!  YUMmm! 

I'm such a seasonally inspired person.  In the summer I long to spend as much time outdoors on walks, bike rides, lounging in the sunshine on our deck - if it's outside (and we're not under a heat advisory) count me in!  Yet, in the winter months I long to be snuggled up with my favorite blanket and favorite people, comfy, cozy, and enjoying the beauty of the season looking out at it from inside my warm home.  However, when our youngest daughter had an event quite a drive from home requiring us to stay out and about for a few hours we had the perfect prompting for a date night out.  I must say, it couldn't have been better and had me questioning myself for always thinking "staying in is the new going out" all winter long.  Ha!  Good food and great company made for an amazing evening!

Nacho Fajitas for me, please and thank you!

I've loved this man for over half of my lifetime now.  It just keeps getting better and better!

Two  //  Canvas Cuteness

While we were out "Mmm"ing it up, Little One was enjoying a fun canvas painting class with her youth group.  The result was this oh so cheery and colorful painting that I couldn't adore more! 

The waterway reflecting the bright, beautiful leaves paired with the glow of the lamplights along each side is so darling.  I wish it were a chalk drawing that like Mary Poppins I could hop inside!

Three  //  Snowy Saturday

It seems the older I get the more I long for those aforementioned cozy winter days gazing out at the glorious goodness of snow laden trees.  My wintry wish came true last Saturday and my heart was delighted that it did!  We woke to about three inches of snow and more danced on down to us throughout the afternoon hours.  

I split the splendidly snowy Saturday between lounging in my new favorite reading chair and gazing out the window at the beautiful snowfall.  I only left the comfort of my cozy home twice, once to shovel with my hubby (I used headphones as earmuffs so Michael Bublé kept me company too) and for a trip to pick up our favorite, Thai takeout.  The drive was stunning and the meal that came from it, amazing!  

When we arrived home I had a surprise waiting for me, which leads me to the next lovely love...

Four  //  My Favorite Kind of Surprise - Happy Mail!

I can't think of a sweeter surprise than opening up my mailbox to find an unexpected package thoughtfully prepared and sent with care.  I received such marvelous mail and what a day maker it was! 

My sweet friend, Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom, handcrafted this beautiful beaded tassel garland for me!  She also included a lovely note and some sweet treats which were throughly enjoyed!  Thanks again, Carrie!  Your thoughtfulness added such joy to my week!

Five  //  Bible Wrapped in Beauty

This week I decided to swap my 20+ year old bible cover for a new beauty.  Covered in pretty pink roses along with golden accents, it's so pretty!  Far better yet are the contents it carries and protects, everything that God Himself has graciously revealed to us about who He is, who we are, our greatest need, His plan for our redemption, how and why He's given us life - all in this precious book, the Bible!  There is nothing of greater value than that!  

I'm currently following the plan to read through the Bible in a year as laid out in my favorite study Bible with New Testament reading in the morning and Old Testament in the evening.  It's such a joy to see the promises and prophesies of the Old Testament fulfilled in the New Testament.  I treasure the wealth of insight found in the study notes John MacArthur has provided in this Bible, keeping each verse in context and diving deeper into what God has revealed to us through the gift of His Word!  If you are looking for an excellent study bible, I highly recommend the MacArthur Study Bible!  You can find them in a variety of translations and cover types at and they always offer free shipping too.

Thanks so much for visiting today!  It's always a joy to have you here!  Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead!

for High Five for Friday
AndreaErika, and Narci 
for Friday Favorites

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  1. Love that tassel garland! And Mexican date night sounds like perfection!!

  2. That fireball cover is absolutely beautiful! We are for sure season sisters! I am the same way and I am tickled pink to know this weekend is going to be snowy and will have lots of snuggles! And Mexican date night sounds like pure perfection! You are sweet perfection and I wish you a most wonderful and joyous weekend! xo

  3. What a sweet package for your friend! The food you had all looks amazing. Hooray for a great date night!

  4. What a great gift! I love a good unexpected date night too!

  5. What a wonderful date night! I love the bead garland, and it's so fun to get a surprise in the mail. I'm also reading through the bible this year using the bible app. A lot of times I listen to it instead of reading and that seems to be helping me stick with it. Hope you have a cozy weekend!

  6. I could go for that mango margarita about now! Such a sweet pick of your hubby..don't you just love to know he smiles like that for you?!! I'm reading through a chronological bible in a year plan for the first time..really loving the accountability. Happy Friday!

  7. Oh that Mexican meal has me hungry and it's 8:55 a.m.! Delicious!!!! And cheers to some snow on the ground....for the past month I think it's been a little ugly and I've just kept thinking, if we're going to have winter, we really need some snow. I hate the cold, but it really is so much nicer to look at!

    Black Coffee Beautiful


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