
Friday, January 4, 2019

Cheers for Six Years of Chatting Over Chocolate!

Happy Friday, friends!  What a happy one it is for me, indeed!  Today marks six years since I began Chatting Over Chocolate.  If I could I'd bake you up a batch of brownies and deliver it to you personally with a handwritten note of gratitude for both your readership and friendship.  Since that's not possible I'll share this snail mail via blog post and include a couple brownie recipes I've shared here over the years. ;)

Now, for the aforementioned links to sweetness that'd be perfect on a day such as this!

The couldn't be simpler route to a delightful Disney dessert at home!

OR if you're in a minty mood, may I suggest...

Another recipe shared during my first few months of blogging, these brownies were created with my mint-adoring oldest daughter in mind.  What a treat it is to remember sharing the first batch of these with her.  Back then I aimed to share a new recipe or craft each week and enjoyed linking those posts to several blog link parties.  These brownies were featured at four parties that week, but even sweeter was when a then new blogging friend (who is now one of my dearest real life friends) baked them for co-workers and shared a blog post on what a hit they were!  Sweet memories all around! 

I'll wrap this post up with a link to last year's 5th Blogiversary post, Five Ways that Blogging has Changed my Life.  Each of these still ring true and play a huge part in why I still make the choice to continue on blogging as Chatting Over Chocolate enters its seventh year. 

Wishing you the happiest New Year, sweet friends!  Thank you for visiting today and adding to the joy of my own!

for High Five for Friday
AndreaErika, and Narci 
for Friday Favorites

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. Happy Blogiversary. Also, those mint brownies look like they are to die for! Thank you for sharing that wonderful recipe.

  2. Congrats on blogging for 6 years! I'm so glad I've found your blog this past year and look forward to following along this year!

  3. Huge congrats on your 6 year blogiversary!!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Happy Blogiversary!!! We started close to the same time!

  5. I love seeing your beautiful handwriting and I honor you today sending big hugs for you 6th blog anniversary. Love what you bring to the blog world and to mine! xo

  6. I LOVE this post! Congrats on 6 years, sweet friend!


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}