
Friday, December 14, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // Favorite Traditions, Family Fun, and Sweets with my Sweets!

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you're having a wonderful week!  I'm really looking forward to capturing mine here today and sharing the sweet deets with you!  Let's get right to the good stuff, shall we?

*Loves listed in chronological order. ;)

One  //  Christmas Light Night with my Loves

One of my favorite annual family traditions happens each December when we devote an evening to driving around looking at Christmas lights, listening to Christmas music, and savoring spoonfuls of sweet treats (my favorite is DQ's candy cane chill blizzard - yum)!  It always makes for such a fun and festive family night out!  I especially appreciate the time and thoughtfulness my husband puts into making this a special night as he knows it's one of my favorites of the year.  He spent the afternoon finding new songs and customizing a fantastic playlist for our evening, searched out the homes in the area that put on the best displays syncing up music to their own radio frequency so you can tune in and watch the lights dance to the beat, and even took our Explorer through the car wash so we'd all have the best possible view!  I am so thankful that Jason always goes out of his way to make this beloved tradition a spectacular one!  We soaked up every beautiful bit of the evening and returned home with light hearts and new memories!

Two  //  Dinner and Extended Anniversary Celebration with my Parents

My parents have been wanting to have us over for dinner to hear more about our 20th wedding anniversary trip.  Illness and schedules prevented it from working out on one end or the other, until this week.  The time together was worth the wait!  My parents prepared a yummy chili cheese dog bar with all the fixings followed by desserts galore.  We shared stories, laughed to the point of happy tears, and were given the thoughtful gift of money to go out and celebrate some more!  My parents also found a vintage Disney World 25th anniversary tin a while back and saved it to fill with goodies for a special occasion such as this.  We thoroughly enjoyed this special evening together! 

Three  //  Hallmark Girls Day with my Sweet Sister

It's no secret that I love heartwarming Hallmark movies!  My oldest daughter and my sister also share a mutual adoration for them which sparked a new tradition - Girls Hallmark Movie Day!  We spent a full day cozied up side by side wrapped in soft Christmas blankets, laughing, getting misty eyed, cheering, and snacking while we marathoned our way through three fantastic new flicks.  It was easily one of my favorite days, not just of December, but the entire year!  Good eats, great entertainment, and the best company makes for an unforgettable day!

I invite you to pop back by my blog tomorrow for a special Saturday post dedicated to a super simple, yet oh-so-yummy breakfast I prepped for our time together.  If you're a fan of Christmas themed sweets that are as cute as they are easy to prep, you're not going to want to miss it!

Four  //  Christmas Package + Early Christmas Gift Goodness

Since I don't share the girls' real names on the blog I covered them on the adorable ornament on the top left, but it does indeed list all our names.  We couldn't love it more! :)

My incredibly thoughtful and equally talented friend Chrissy sent my family an amazing Christmas package this week!  She had us open four gifts now to enjoy during the Christmas season, and included more to tuck under our tree for Christmas morning.  Check out these magical gifts!  She ordered the darling personalized ornament on Etsy.  The Maleficent ornament is from the awesome Disney Sketchbook ornament line.  The pom pom Mickey ornament and Mickey snowman she both handmade herself!  Aren't they super cute?!  Until Christmas morning the packages wrapped up in Christmas donut paper sure are looking "sweet" under under our tree!  Thanks again, Chrissy!  You never cease to amaze me with your awesomeness, attention to detail, and care!

She also made the Mickey snowman faux snow globe seen in the bottom left and gifted it to us for Christmas 2016.  You can find her full tutorial for it here.

Five  //  Mini Dessert Date Night

Wednesday evening Jason had music practice for the Christmas Eve service at our church.  His practice began at 7:45pm, but our girls needed to be there at 7:00 for youth group.  What was he to do with those 45 minutes to spare?  He spent it sweetly, inviting me out on a "mini date".  I so enjoyed chatting with him between sips of another seasonal favorite, Chick-Fil-A's peppermint chocolate chip shake.  A date doesn't need to be extravagant or even a full evening to be special.  Taking time out of any day to give and receive the undivided attention of your love is a priceless gift.  I know this time of year can be extra busy, but I'd encourage you to take a "mini date" with someone you love soon too!  Your day and theirs will be richer for it!

Thanks so much for stopping by my nook of the web today!  Hope you'll be back tomorrow for a sweet "recipe" for a Christmasy breakfast that will bring smiles and holiday cheer to those you hold "deer"! ;)

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)  


  1. Happy Friday Sweet friend!! How have I not had the Candy cane Blizzard or Chick fil a's Peppermint shake...changing that this weekend!! The lights looked amazing, how sweet is your sister and you, my friend make me so overjoyed with your Christmas spirit. After my own heart. Our doggy groomer was here this week and said I was the most spirited person she knew, lol. You are right here with me and I adore it!!! Have a super sweet and festive weekend!! xoxoxox All the HUGS!

    1. Hope you were able to get and enjoy one (or both! lol) of those goodies this weekend! Your dog groomer is right - at Christmastime and all throughout the year too! You sparkle, Andrea, and it's such a joy to count you a sweet friend! HUGE HUGS right back at you, darlin'! xoxo!

  2. You've been having lots of seasonal fun! I love the light shows to music, we have one right down our block! Love all the Mickey things!

    1. How fun that you have one right down the block from your home! Love it! I also love that we share a mutual adoration for all things Mickey! Thanks so much for stopping by, Dara! Always happy to hear from you! :)

  3. Such a sweet week for the sweetest friend! I'm so glad you're able to share this time with your favorites! Love you bunches!

    1. Thank you, sweetest Nik! Wishing you a merry and marvelous week ahead! xo!

  4. I love reading about your family traditions and the candy cane blizzard is my favorite holiday treat as well! Hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks so much, Bridget! That makes sharing even more fun! :) You've got great taste in seasonal sweets, my friend! It's been a really wonderful one here, thank you! Hope you and your cute family are enjoying a terrific weekend as well!

  5. I love the disney family snowman ornament ... do you happen to have a link to it on etsy? I really like to buy from small artists instead of buying from big companies if I can!

    What does the candy cane blizzard taste like? Is it super peppermint-y? I personally LOVE the Reese's PB Cup blizzard!

    1. Thanks, I love it too! I received it as a gift and was told that the Etsy shop is called The Painted Mouse. She definitely does excellent work! I wouldn't say that the candy cane chill blizzard is overly pepperminty, but it does have crushed candy canes in it so you definitely have to like peppermint to enjoy it. :) You can't go wrong with Reese's either - yum! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great week!

  6. What a festive post as always! Love that girls day for hallmark movies!


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