
Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas ALL in One Week!

Happy first Friday of November!  This has been such a full week filled with festive fun!  We celebrated an early Thanksgiving, a Halloween of firsts, and kicked off the Christmas season!  Needless to say this is a Five Loves post I'm giddy about writing!  Thanks so much for stopping by to read it!  Holiday cheer straight ahead...

One  //  Thanksgiving 2018

We celebrated Thanksgiving a month early with Jason's side of the family as several travel plans made it too tricky to work out gathering together next month.  It was such a lovely day together in my in-laws beautiful home.  We enjoyed a delicious turkey that Jason smoked overnight, along with several sensational sides my mother-in-law prepared, and a delicious pumpkin pie freshly baked by my sister-in-law.  The only thing that rivaled the scrumptiousness was the time together, and the fabulous fall view (more on that soon).

Two  //  Walking in a Fall Wonderland

My in-laws' home in the country is like a fall dream!  I think I went for a walk around their place at least three times while there just to take in the beauty.  I've always been partial to bright red and orange foliage and they had plenty of prettiness in those swoon-worthy shades.

My sweet girls took a stroll with me and posed for a cute picture (or ten) too.  This mom's heart was so full it could burst!

Three  //  Halloween 2018

Little One created her own Halloween costume this year!  We got her a new sewing machine over the summer and she's been putting it to good use and making her mama proud at the same time.  She sewed her dress and neck accessory and added a few extra touches to complete the look she fashioned after one of her favorite characters, seen on the pillow she's posed with in the photo below.

She didn't stop there with the Halloween creations, she also carved these two cat pumpkins too...

Halloween evening was gorgeous here!  It was in the upper 50s and the sky was lit beautifully for the occasion.  We enjoyed sitting outside on our front porch, passing out treats and visiting with neighbors, friends, and family who all stopped by to say, "Hello" and added to their sugar stash at the same time.

This was the first year that we didn't go out trick-or-treating ourselves and it couldn't have been a better evening at home  celebrating and creating spooktacular new memories!  I hope yours was every bit as sweet!

Four  //  New Phone

My awesome hubby hooked me up with a new phone this week!  My old iPhone 6 had two huge cracks, was running extremely slow, and the list could go on and on about how it'd seen better days.  We both got new iPhone XRs and are loving them!  I went with coral which was a special order color (at the location we purchased our phones from).  It was well worth the wait as it's oh so lovely!  I got a Kate Spade case for it that's half glittery, half clear, and entirely perfect for allowing me to admire the prettiness of the color along with a dose of sparkle.  I'm loving the phone's camera!  All the photos in this blog post were taken with it.  Pretty good for a phone, right?  The speakers are excellent too.  Want to know what I've been listening to on it?....

Five  //  Christmastime is Here!

I couldn't be any more excited that it's November, friends!  As Jason said when we were setting our wedding date, "November is a good month."  Indeed it is!  This month Jason and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary!  It's also the month we celebrate the anniversary of becoming parents, aka: our oldest daughter's birthday month.  Add in holiday cheer and it's absolutely the best time of year!  

Don't worry I don't skip Thanksgiving altogether.  Yesterday morning I swapped out all of my jack-o-lanterns and spooky sweet Halloween decor for turkeys and more fall touches throughout our home that speak of the thankfulness that fills our hearts during this month and all throughout the year.  Make no mistake about it though, every waking hour spent in my cozy home this month there will be either a Christmas movie or Christmas record playing despite the terrific turkey decor surrounding it.  Christmastime is definitely here and I embrace it wholeheartedly!  

Yes, Yes, Yes!

Attention fellow Hallmark loving friends!  Have you seen this app?  It not only tells you when each of the new 2018 Christmas movies premiere, it also helps you keep track of which ones you've watched.  It makes my list loving, Hallmark movie adoring heart skip a beat!

They also launched a new Hallmark Channel radio station on SiriusXM yesterday too!  I haven't had the opportunity to tune in yet, but look forward to listening soon.  If you've got a SiriusXM subscription you can find it on channel 70.

So, how about you?  Are you Team Christmastime or do you hold off on holiday cheer until later in the year?  I'd love to hear in the comment section below.  Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)  


  1. Eeek, girl I am right with you! So, yesterday, I was in an At Home store for the first time, half of it, and it's BIG, is filled with Christmas, they were playing Christmas music and I was singing, yes singing LOUD in the store, lol! Look how proud Jason looks with his pie and nice lookin turkey! That photo of the girls is so so sweet, aren't the leaves just spectacular!! Oh sweet friend, I hope you get your cozy on this weekend! Heart you big time! AND 20 years....what a month this shall be!

  2. We don't celebrate Christmas so we feel left out a lot of the time when people go Christmas crazy! lol. My birthday is in November too! Love the fall colors! Happy fall weekend!

  3. EEK! A Hallmark APP?! I haven't seen that yet! Getting it now! We haven't had a chance to tune in the the Sirius XM station yet, either, but we've been anxiously awaiting a chance to be in the car so we can take a listen!! :)

  4. Oh my heavens what I wouldn't do to see beautiful fall color like this! And I am not a turkey fan typically but that darn turkey looks amazing. I'm not mentally ready for Christmas just yet but will definitely get in the spirit soon enough. Happy Friday!

  5. That fall color is gorgeous. I have an iphone 6, so I know I'll be wishing for a new one soon! I've heard the new camera is incredible. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. So much good stuff in this post. Can’t wait to see all the Christmas fun! I love a good smoked turkey. I’m drooling now. And thosefall pictures are so beautiful

  7. Yes, that turkey looks delicious and your new phone takes great pics. I had to tell my daughter about the Hallmark Cmas movie app, she watches them all. And, I'll have to tune in Channel 70 and check it out. Happy weekend!

  8. I love that you celebrated an early Thanksgiving! Double the turkey, sides and pie....Yum! I am loving the fall foliage as well. These pictures with your new Iphone are amazing! Your daughter did such an amazing job on her Halloween costume! As much as I enjoy Christmas, I can't even think about it at the moment....but I know it will be here before I know it. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  9. Been watching Hallmark Christmas Movies all weekend!! And What a beautiful fall walk. I am celebrating Thanksgiving a bit early too this year, with our Friends giving celebration!! So looking forward to it!! Hope you had a great weekend Brenda!!

  10. Those foliage pictures are so pretty!! I'm all about Christmas starting November 1st. Even been working out to Christmas music! haha I love it so much. The new iphone takes amazing pictures!! I love mine so much.


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