
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Trip Report Tuesday - WDW Day 15

Welcome back, friends!  We're getting down to the final few days of this trip.  Thanks so much for being here to hear all the magically Disney details!  Let's dive right in...

Day 15 - Friday, December 7, 2017

While I had thoroughly strolling through the Disney Springs Christmas Tree Trail the day before, I felt like I spent so much of it taking photos rather than truly taking in the details.  On this fine Friday morning I'd remedy that by asking Princess if she'd like to join me for a lunch date, a milkshake and a second stroll through all the holly jolly goodness.  She agreed and we set off for a fun mom/daughter date!

Lunch at The Earl of Sandwich
I'd never eaten here before and had heard such rave reviews about their family Holiday Turkey Sandwich I was eager to give it a try.  Princess went with her favorite on any sandwich menu, an Italian.

That hot holiday sandwich was absolutely scrumptious!  I will certainly be back for another!

Christmas window display reflection selfie

We decided to place a mobile order for our sweet shakes over at D-Luxe Burger and made our way there lickety split!

Not only does D-Luxe Burger offer mobile ordering, they even have a specific beverage pick-up window inside.  If you ever find yourself nearby and wanting some sippable sweetness I highly recommend bypassing what always seems like a lengthy line, ordering on your phone, and heading back to the beverage takeout window near the soda fountain inside.

Cheers to mom/daughter memories in the making!

Pics by our favorite trees - Princess loved the Villains and I adored the Tangled tree!  Neither was a surprise as we're longtime fans of each!

Cute posters lined the walkway.  Love it!

If you missed last week's post and would like to see each of the Disney themed trees in detail you can click through to that post here.

When we finished at Disney Springs we met Jason and Little One at Animal Kingdom.  They were dining at Flame Tree BBQ, although only one of them was eating Flame Tree food.  Little One ordered a chicken drumstick meal with applesauce and cookie, while Jason brought his meal over from Eight Spoon Cafe, baked macaroni and cheese with shrimp and sweet chili sauce.  He's a big time shrimp lover, but actually preferred the baked macaroni and cheese with pulled pork we'd enjoyed earlier in the trip.  If you ever find yourself there and torn between which to order we'd back the pulled pork version! ;)

Soon it was time for our Flight of Passage fastpass in Pandora.  I couldn't get enough of that ride!

Next up, Expedition Everest!  We loved seeing something new in the queue here.  While in line you see digital "advertisements".  They use the information from the magic bands of guests who are nearby to insert their names into the "ad".  Here it is quoting my husband Jason as saying, "The climb with them was pure joy!"

Princess was quoted on her thoughts on Yeti Tea, "Hot".

My family likes to pre-plan ride photos.  I'm clearly not so good at it myself, friends!  I told my family at the last minute before boarding that we should do "Y-M-C-A" and gave everyone their letter assignment.  Oops it doesn't quite read on the photo like YMCA, maybe more like ACMY?  Ha!  Still fun and hilarious that I goofed like that.  Perhaps we'll give it a try next time.  It'll have to be fail proof after this lesson learned, right? ;)

Princess is not a fan of water rides so while Jason and Little One headed to Kali River Rapids my oldest and I went on a Disney popcorn date!

Some Disney ducks joined us...

Reunited and it feels so good!

Dinosaur Time!

One of the afternoons that Little One spent at the resort down with a nasty cold we surprised her with a wearable souvenir from the Dinosaur gift shop.  I couldn't resist taking a couple photos with a dino friend when she sported it for the first time.  


I have always adored this snowman during our Christmastime trips.

On this particular evening I had a bit of shopping to do.  I lingered back bopping from shop to shop while my family made their way back to the resort and Jason began cooking us up some brinner (breakfast for dinner).  I enjoyed picking up a few souvenirs, a Pandora pin and magnet (perfect for my pin and our magnet collections as it was the year of its opening) and a cute sipper I simply pass up!

This photo was taken at home for my Disney Christmas Souvenir Haul post.  I had my hands for too full to snap the pic that night!

I requested that the cast member pour my beverage into a separate cup to keep this one clean for packing.  She sweetly said that they usually ask guests if they'd like them to do that as the "mug" doesn't hold much.  So kind!  I look forward to displaying it in my home each Christmas season to come!  I sipped my soda and watched the show projected on the Tree of Life momentarily, but knowing that yumminess was being prepared at the resort had me rushing off to the buses before long!

Another delightful Disney day came to a delicious close.  The next day would be our final one in the parks (of this trip). We put our heads on our pillows that night ready to pack in us much magic as possible before it was time to pack up and fly home.  Hope you'll be back to hear all about it next Trip Report Tuesday!

Thanks for joining me for another pixie dusted post!  Hope to see you again same time, same place next week for another dose of Disney magic!

Also, don't forget to check out the video footage from this day at my family's YouTube Channel, 
Direct Links to Previous Trip Report Tuesday Blog Posts:

WDW Day 1 | Thanksgiving Day Arrival + a Disney Dream Come True!

WDW Day 2

WDW Day 3 Part 1 | Our 1st Visit to Pandora

WDW Day 3 Part 2

WDW Day 4 Part 1

You can check out previous years of my Disney World and Disneyland Trip Report HERE.

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. Baby ducks! Love them. I don't know how you get all those ride pictures. I always look like I'm screaming in fear in my pics!

    1. Aren’t those ducks so precious? :) Sometimes the screaming in fear pics make for the best laughs though! Lol. I’m sure yours are so much fun to look back at too! Thanks for another sweet comment! I so appreciate you stopping by each week, friend!

  2. Haha - that's what David & I got at Earl. He got the Holiday sandwich and I got the Italian! The holiday sandwich sounds super good, but it's just so hard for me to get anything other than a salami sandwich! LOL Maybe next time I make it to Earl, I'll try it. ;)


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}