
Friday, October 12, 2018

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!  So glad you could pop by for a visit!  I hope you've had a wonderful week!  If not, hang in there the weekend is just around the corner!  Before it arrives it's Five Loves time!

One  //  A Year of Botanical Beauty

For years now I've considered getting a family membership at a nearby botanical garden.  When we visit each July I always marvel at the loveliness and daydream of taking sweet strolls there more regularly.  Last weekend we attended a festival there and rather than purchasing single day tickets we bought an annual family membership.  I'm looking forward to filling the year ahead with much more botanical beauty!

Two  //  Japanese Ambience Festival

Now for what brought us to the gardens, the Japanese Ambiance Festival!  As a hobby my oldest has been learning Japanese and is very interested in their culture as well.  Over the summer we heard about a Japanese festival in the area and have been anticipating a fun family day at this event ever since!  This festival featured Japanese music, dance, archery, martial arts demonstrations, floral and bonsai displays, games, crafts, and more!

Disney friends, do you agree with my youngest daughter's observation that this bonsai looks like the Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom?  I definitely see the resemblance! 

Three  //  Takeout Tastiness

After the festival we picked up takeout from our favorite Chinese restaurant.  Jason and I have been following the ketogenic (low carb) diet since May (with the exception of vacation and a fun family splurge like this now and then) which made this deliciousness especially delightful!  

Four  //  Hallmark Channel's Fall Harvest Movie Countdown

Sunday and Monday the Hallmark Channel ran a countdown of their best fall flicks.  I loved tuning in when time allowed.  I especially enjoyed #2, the new this fall, Falling for You.  I'm still not sure how my all-time fall favorite, October Kiss, only scored the #6 slot.  Did anyone else get cozy with their favorite blanket and catch a movie or two?  If so I'd love to hear your favorite(s) in the comment section below!

Five  //  Handy Hubby to the Rescue

This little story will serve as both a cautionary tale and an excuse for me to gush over the goodness of my handy hubby (which I'm always tickled pink to do).  Earlier this week while removing the lint filter from our dryer I accidentally bumped something down the lint trap!  Whoops!  My husband took the entire back off of the dryer and was able to get it out, but what an avoidable mistake.  I'm so thankful Jason and his tool bag came to my aid.  Not only did he take care of the problem, he went above and beyond deciding to replace the dryer vent while he was at it!  My, what a guy, Jason! (Gaston has nothing on my man! ;))

Learn from my lesson, friends.  When you're removing lint from the filter be careful with any objects that you may have nearby.  It's always ideal if the back of your dryer can stay put allowing you to run that load of laundry without a tool bag getting involved. :)

Thanks so much for visiting today!  Happiest of weekend wishes to you!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)  


  1. Loving all the fabulous floral and fauna! Your man! I always think that, that he is your Gaston but even better. I will definitely have to remember that about the lint trap. I hope you guys have a super sweet joyful weekend!

    1. I love that you always think that - hehe! :) Yes, he is, and even better! ;) We had such a wonderful one, friend! Thank you! Hope you've enjoyed a fantastic week! xo!

  2. Ooh, such pretty flower pictures! I definitely think that bonsai looks like the tree of life!

  3. That's going to be such a great place to visit year round! Those pictures of the botanical garden are beautiful! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  4. I love visiting botanical gardens. That's great you were able to get an annual pass. I'm sure you'll create some great memories there. Thank God for handy husband's! I'm glad he was able to retrieve it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thanks so much, Sierra! Praise God for handy hubbies indeed!! <3

  5. I love botanical gardens and wish we had a nice one here in Houston! Hurray for your husband saving the dryer! Would you believe we found a squirrel in our dryer vent earlier this year. yuck! Have a wonderful weekend! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. EEK! A squirrel in your dryer vent?! That sounds as crazy as the armadillo you had in your pool!
      Thanks so much for visiting, Tanya! I always love hearing from you!

  6. Loved your dryer story! I am the lint nazi and am always using something to dig in there and get all the lint out of the inside. One of these days I'll drop my utensil down in there and I'll have to....text you to send Jason over! Ha! :)

  7. I'm so thankful that I have a handy husband, too! We've been fortunate enough to save money in the past just because Wayne knew how to fix things around the house and with our vehicles. Have a great weekend!

    1. Way to go, Wayne!! So happy for you, Laura! I fully understand and appreciate how much money a handy hubby can save as mine does our home and automobile repairs too! Gotta love a DIY man! :) So good to hear from you! xo!


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