
Friday, October 19, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // Little One's Birthday Week Edition!

Happy Friday, friends!  It has been quite a week at the Platt Household!  I'm looking forward to sharing all the memorable deets with you this morning!

*Note:  This week's loves are listed in chronological order. ;)

One  //  Annual Birthday Sleepover

Years ago when my parents asked what their youngest granddaughter would like for her birthday she requested a sleepover at their house along with a trip to Build-A-Bear.  They happily met this request and had so much fun doing so that this has become a beloved annual tradition for the three of them!  

These are some of the sweet pictures I received from my mom that night.  Following their fun shopping trip they went to Chick-Fil-A (one of their mutual favorites) for dinner.  Afterward they returned to my parents' home for a candle topped homemade dessert and an evening of relaxation, more gifts and munchies, and best of all, quality time!

While they were off celebrating, Jason and I enjoyed quality time of our own with our oldest daughter.  She chose Raising Cane's to go and for us to watch Thor Ragnarok which was perfect as the three of us love Marvel movies and Little One isn't really into them.  We'd been wanting to see this fun flick since its release and were glad to finally have the perfect evening to do so.  Later that night "Princess" and I spent a few fantastic hours of mom/daughter time which was thoroughly enjoyed!  It was a great night for all!

Two  //  Date Night at the Lake

Saturday my nephew was visiting my parents and requested some cousin time.  So sweet!  While the girls were off enjoying their evening with him and my folks, Jason and I spent our evening at our local happy place, the lake.  We grabbed our beloved Qdoba burrito bowls and soaked up the sweet time and wonderful weather together!  

Three  //  First Snow Day of the Season

Speaking of weather, it changed drastically on Sunday and while it may not have been a popular opinion, I LOVED it!  Don't get me wrong, fall is my favorite season.  I love the perfectly cool temps, the brilliant colors, really everything that fall has to offer.  Yet, when big beautiful snowflakes begin falling for the first time I can't help but smile!  I adore this time of year - everything from the start of fall to the drop of that New Years ball, I enjoy it ALL!  We knew this wintery wonderland would be very short lived (which was also great by me), so we made the most of it getting super cozy indoors while enjoying the loveliness of the snowy scene right outside our window.

Little One couldn't resist gathering up that first snow and building some cuteness!

Snow days require comfort food.  Am I right?  This Keto Low Carb (5 Ingredient) Pizza Casserole hit the spot.

I spent much of the afternoon lounging in my comfiest clothes, wrapped in my coziest blanket, watching Hallmark channel and flipping through fall issues.  I also indulged in a simple low carb splurge - cinnamon sugar Chips Ahoy Thins topped with a fun find, Reese's whipped topping.  It was National Dessert Day after all, how could I resist celebrating that in some small and scrumptious way? ;)

It was a sweet day indeed!  The snow melted within 24 hours and our high for today is actually 72 degrees.  It has been a week of all sorts of weather, all of which I continue to enjoy!

Four  //  Honeymoon Memories

For any of my readers who are fellow Disney fans and may not know, my family has a Disney YouTube channel Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat.  I have a lot of fun sharing photos on our Disney dedicated Instagram account of the same name,  @eatsleepdisrepeat.  

This month I have had a ball taking part in Disney Style's #fallintodisneystyle photo challenge.  On the 14th the prompt was "Disney Wedding".  This was such fun timing as the next time the calendar reads the 14th of the month Jason and I will be celebrating our 20th Wedding Anniversary right back where we began our life as husband and wife, Walt Disney World!  For that prompt I shared these honeymoon photos.

We were each just a few months into our 20s here.  It has been the greatest joy of my life to grow up with and grow older alongside this incredible man who I've been blessed to call my better half for nearly half of my life now!  

Check out our Mickey Groom and Minnie Bride hats!

If you look closely you'll see that our sweet server taped a "Just Married" sign on the back of our car (table) when we dined at the Sci-Fi Dine-In (a drive-in themed restaurant at Disney's Hollywood Studios).  Magical memories like these are why we love Disney!  I'm beyond excited for a week long Disney date with him next month!

Now, we've saved the BEST for last...

Five  //  Little One's Birthday!

I can not believe that my littlest love has grown yet another year older!  Where does the time go?!  I could not be more proud of the sweet, caring, creative, talented, driven, compassionate, and unique young lady she is growing to become.  She adds endless laughter and love to my days and being her mom is one of the greatest gifts God has given me.

The morning began with the Birthday Girl's older sister up extra early, super eager to celebrate this special day!  As soon our our "Little One" awoke she was greeted with a birthday card letting her know that she was giving her the gift of an online game they'd been anticipating playing through together and some of their favorite bakery cookies to enjoy while gaming.

As soon as Jason arrived home from work it was officially time to open gifts from the whole family.  As you can see in the photos below there was no shortage of enthusiasm over the presents we carefully picked for our girly!

Adding to her Rilakumma, Disney pin, and POP! collections, and her favorite - Purrito!

Declared her favorite gift, this "Purrito" had her name written all over it!  Plush and pastel, this soft 'n' sweet kitty was wrapped up like a burrito!  I randomly came across this looking for (Japanese) kawaii cat gifting possibilities.  She thought it was the purrfect gift!

After her choice of dinner, Olive Garden "to go", we gathered around her (and her dad's) all-time favorite, carrot cake!

We found these really fun candles at Walmart called "Party Color Flames".  Each candle glowed with the flame in its likeness.  Very cool!  Pay no attention to the number of candles, when she asked if we could get these the other day, I said, "Sure!" and had her toss it into our cart, not paying any attention to how many come in a box.  I told her it'd be just fine with me if she was only turning 10 though - ha!

The Birthday Girl's slice, because when it's your Special Day you can request all the cream cheese carrots you'd like!  After all, birthdays come just once a year!

We spent the evening playing games, laughing, and enjoying family time.  After the Birthday Girl's sister and dad called it a night Little One and I enjoyed some special time just the two of us!  We gathered some favorite snacks and cozied up for some chatting and binge watching the series we're currently watching together.  It was like the cherry on top of a super special and memorable day!  In the end she called it her "best birthday ever"!  It seems like she says that each year, but looking back over past birthdays and all the fun that we've had over the years my heart is full thinking that we continue to top the best each birthday!  Being a mom is the best job I could ever dream of and I couldn't be more grateful to have it!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  Wishing you a fantastic fall weekend ahead!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)  


  1. What joys in your life sweet friend! First of all, a big Hapoy Birthday to your littlest angel! The build a bear tradition makes my heart happy and yes, so do the big ole snowflakes. The wonders of nature and the wonders of sweet life! I’m sooo excited you’ll be spending your 20th at the most magical place on earth and I love that you keep the magic alive!! Have the sweetest weekend my dear friend!

  2. I love all the family time your girls get to experience. Love that sunset, and your snow pictures are so pretty! Love those old pictures from your Disney honeymoon. You were so young! Dave and I got married young too, but this year is our 18th anniversary. Happy Birthday to your Little One who is actually not so little!

  3. What a fun week! That birthday tradition with your parents is too sweet. Your date night on the lake looks amazing. What a view! I can't believe you got snow already. I don't mind if it melts right away but I can't say I'm not ok with it holding out for awhile from making its way over here just yet lol. Loving the throwback pictures! Happy birthday to your sweet, little lady! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  4. What a great week. I love the birthday tradition with your parents. That is so precious. I cannot get over that snow!! So crazy!! Hope your daughter had a wonderful Birthday!! Love all the old pictures!!

  5. What a fun week - and I love the birthday tradition with little's grandparents! Those are the moments your kiddos will definitely remember. Also, I'm totally jealous of your snow! We moved from upstate NY to Washington this summer, and I'm missing those early frosts and snowfalls haha color me crazy! One day, we'll get back to the snow :) Also, thank you for sharing those fun throwback pictures - they're priceless and sweet! Have the best weekend!

  6. You and Jason are just too cute in those snaps! Love them! Happy Birthday to your Princess! Carrot Cake is one of my favs as well and looking at that cake has me drooling! :) There is nothing prettier than the first snowfall. I'd much rather have that then the rain we are having now in my neck of the woods. Have a great weekend my friend!

  7. A week long anniversary trip at Disney sounds so perfect. Wow, you two were just babies when you got married and now you've been together almost 20 years! I met my husband when I was only 12, which it's hard to believe my Nathan is now 12! I love how you had a little daughter and mom time on her birthday, that is so sweet and it's always nice to have some one on one time with each kid. Show watching and munchies sound like the perfect way to spend it. Have a great weekend!


  8. Happy Birthday to your youngest! It looks like she had a great day! I still can't believe you had snow! Although it's pretty, I can wait. Once it starts here, it doesn't seem to stop. You must be so excited for your Disney Anniversary trip! It sounds like such a fun time. Hope you had a great weekend!


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