
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Trip Report Tuesday - WDW Day 12 | A Beautiful Morning in Pandora

Day 12 - Tuesday, December 4, 2017

If you were here for last week's trip report you'll remember that Little One was battling a cold, but was content as could be to stay back at our one bedroom Copper Creek Villa while we hit the parks.  She was quite comfortable with having the spacious accommodations all to herself for a bit.  She had a cozy place to relax, Disney channel, and a fully stocked kitchen, so she was having a different type of vacation back in our room as my husband, oldest daughter, and I made our way to Animal Kingdom.

Good morning, Animal Kingdom Christmas tree!  You are such a lovely sight to see!

We started our day, where else but Pandora!  This morning we kicked things off with Na'vi River Journey.

Hearing these drummer play was always fun as we passed by their show.

Time for some fun with The Dino Institute on Dinosaur!

Next time you find yourself in the queue for Dinosaur, look up!  See those pipes with chemical formulas?  They are the formulas for ketchup, mustard, and mayo!  Disney details are the best!

Lunch at Flame Tree Barbecue
My long time favorite Animal Kingdom quick service restaurant was in the plans for this terrific Tuesday!  This place is quite popular.  There is typically a line before it even opens.

I could hardly wait to try these french fries with pulled pork and cheese!

My entree was the 1/2 chicken with coleslaw (that I gave to Jason, not a fan of coleslaw in general) and baked beans.  Yummy!

When you're on a 17-day Disney trip by right around this point you sometimes need a fresh, lighter option.  Jason was in that mode on this particular day and chose a mixed green salad with roasted chicken, apple slices, pecans, cheddar and white balsamic vinaigrette.

Princess had about our 100th all-beef hot dog of the trip - ha! 

Tip for anyone who plans to dine here and would like a lovely view:  Head downstairs and look for a table near the water that looks out toward Expedition Everest!

These two are so patient with my requests for several thousand photos each vacation! 

After lunch we decided to take a stroll down the Discovery Island Trail.

The intricate details of the Tree of Life never cease to amaze me!

Once again, you have to hear this talented musician to believe the beautiful music flowing from that harp!  Be sure to check out my husband's next Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat video for the footage!

A Christmastime Visit to our Disney Vacation Club Home
Being that close to Animal Kingdom Lodge, our DVC home resort, how could we resist popping by to see it in its holiday best?  We took the short bus ride over and entered through the gift shop.  Look at the Hidden Mickey formed with wreath "ears" above the gorgeous lion head behind the check out!  Loved that!

Animal Kingdom Lodge's lobby itself is a sight to behold.  The gigantic Christmas tree adorning its center was nothing short of breathtaking!

Here are some shots of the smaller tree lit up in cuteness near their fantastic table service restaurant, Boma...

We went over to The Mara, AKL's quick service restaurant to grab some treats that we would bring back to the lobby to enjoy while gazing upon that grand Christmas tree yet again!

I stood in front of the refrigerated dessert section for a bit debating what to choose.  I was between zebra domes and some scrumptious looking cupcakes.  A kind British guest approached and I apologized for blocking the refrigerator telling him there were too many good choices to decide.  He asked, "Have you tried the Zebra Domes?  They're lovely!"  I have enjoyed them on numerous occasions and agree.  His remark was the deciding factor, a lovely dessert it was!  I wasn't sure how best to describe a zebra dome for those who haven't sampled one, so I turned to the trusty Disney Food Blog.  AJ described it here like this, "A Zebra Dome is an Amarula Cream Liquor mousse enrobed in panna cotta-esque white chocolate and drizzled with chocolate and chocolate shavings.  The whole thing sits atop a thin cake base."
Princess went with a classic, premium Mickey bar, and Jason got a sweet sip complete with Mickey straw! 

We then headed back to our resort, with three of my zebra domes in hand to find their way to our fridge to be enjoyed throughout the remainder of our trip.

During our afternoon break I folded a bit of laundry.  Having accommodations equipped with a washer and dryer is so nice as it allows me to keep up with it.  Y'all know I find folding laundry relaxing so throwing some in before we hit the parks then folding on a break works perfectly for me!

Some breeze from the sliding glass door to the patio is wonderful too!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  I hope you'll return next Tuesday as the Trip Report I'll share then is one of my favorite of this vacation!  I'll be sharing the full scoop on our first Disney Vacation Club members event where we were the chosen family to be filmed for the event exclusive fireworks!  It was so magical!  I can hardly wait to share more!  See ya real soon, friends!

Direct Links to Previous Trip Report Tuesday Blog Posts:
You can check out previous years of my Disney World and Disneyland Trip Report HERE.

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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. My most recent trip post was about animal kingdom too. Great photos!

  2. AKL at Christmas time....I'm swooning! <3 Thanks for sharing once more, sweetest friend!

  3. I loved learning more about Animal Kingdom!! Sometimes I feel Animal Kingdom gets left out since Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom are more popular. Beautiful Christmas Decorations! - Shannon


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