
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Trip Report Tuesday - WDW Day 9 Part 2 | Magic Kingdom + Monorail Loop Christmas and Gingerbread Displays!

Who's ready for more Disney magic?  Wonderful!  Let's get right to the good stuff!

Day 9 - Saturday, December 1, 2017  // Part Two

Last trip report concluded with our first viewing of The Muppets Present Great Moments in American History.  We went straight from that new Magic Kingdom addition to a blast from Disney past.

Soon we were sitting comfortably in the Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room!

Another classic straight ahead...

Lunch at Columbia Harbor House

Each trip we make a point of eating here.  I'm not sure what we enjoy more, the food or the view from our favorite table overlooking the walkway to Fantasyland!

Jason loves their New England Clam Chowder!

This is the one place I typically order chicken breast nuggets and then dip them in equal parts BBQ sauce and ranch.

The fun people watching view from our favorite table upstairs in Columbia Harbor House.

Here's a look from the outside at where those tables are actually located.  Fun spot!

A castle reflection + Disney ducks!

After lunch we climbed aboard a monorail heading back to the resort for a refreshing afternoon break.

A peek at some Mary Blair artwork and the gingerbread display in Disney's Contemporary Resort as we passed through on the resort monorail loop.  

How could I possibly resist a Dole Whip Float as I passed by Pineapple Lanai on the way to our room?  It's terrific (and terribly tempting) having a dole whip window right there at the Polynesian Village Resort!

The pool nearest our Disney Vacation Club building was beautiful!

Cute chairs right inside the Tokelau building

Okay, time for a beverage comparison!  So, over the course of the trip we stayed in every level of resort.  It was interesting to see the differences in the soft drink assortment.  The moderate resort we stayed in on Thanksgiving night, Port Orleans French Quarter, was the only to have Coca-Cola Freestyle machines.  The value resort we spent four nights at, All-Star Music, didn't have the freestyle machines but did have a greater variety to choose from.  Lastly here's a view at the deluxe resort with a very limited choice of beverages by comparison.  (Both the Polynesian here and Disney's Wilderness Lodge we check into the following week had similar machines.)  While it wouldn't impact my decision on where to stay, I did find it interesting to see the differences between each of the various levels of resorts we stayed at throughout this trip.  I thought it was odd that the moderate (mid-level) resort was the only to (currently) have the Coca-Cola Freestyle machines.  In any case, there is something to wet your whistle wherever you stay, whether a vast variety or a limited selection meet you and your Rapid Refill Mug.

Pool Party!

The girls swam and Jason and I lounged poolside.  Ahh, lovely vacation days! 

If you were here a few trip reports back and saw Little One debating on whether or not she should get this adorable Rilakkuma bear in the Japan pavilion, the next visit she did!

Mommy/Daughter Afternoon Date!
Something I really looked forward to on this trip was taking in all of the Christmas displays throughout Disney's deluxe resorts.  Little One and I headed out to enjoy the gingerbread displays and Christmas decor at the other resorts on the monorail loop, but not before shopping in Polynesian's Moana Mercantile on the way out!  

Fun fact, Moana means "ocean".  If you see the Moana Mercantile in the Polynesian and your mind instantly goes to the fun Disney flick with its namesake, know that this shop has been here years before that movie hit the big screen and has always been in perfect theme with this Polynesian themed resort.  I love shopping, and little tidbits like that.  If you do too, "What can I say except, 'You're Welcome'!" ;)

Monorail Loop fun straight ahead!

First stop, the breathtaking Grand Floridian!  This place is, as the name suggests, incredibly grand!

"Window shopping" with a monorail view

I absolutely adored the details in the Christmas decor throughout this magnificent resort!

These perfect pink bow left me swooning!

More window shopping, this time at Basin!  How cute are all these soaps!  I'm surprised that I managed to leave without one of each!

Downstairs the grandest gingerbread house awaited!

She spotted a golden Hidden Mickey!

Housed inside this life-size gingerbread house is a shop that sells, what else, gingerbread!  We bought a gingerbread "shingle" made just as the ones adorning this sweet house that we were in awe of!

Not pictured is the backside that's chocolate covered!  Yum!

To the side of the display sat one table with two chairs, that just happened to be empty!  We cheerfully snatched those seats right up!  We sat and chatted between bites, taking in the incredible aroma that filled that lovely lobby!  

After enjoying a bit of our gingerbread treat we strolled through the lobby to take in the remaining beauty of their Christmas decor.

Little One sat texting her dad and sister back at the resort to tell them about the fun we were having as I snapped more photos of the tree.

As we took in the grandeur of the lobby laden in Christmas sparkle and scented of Christmas dreams, we listened to the live band playing Christmas carols.  It was nothing short of Christmas perfection, friends!  Sometime I want to stay at the Grand Floridian at Christmastime and simply spend all my non-park time in this lovely lobby!  This was easily a highlight of this trip for me!

As we headed out Little One spotted this ornate egg and said, "I'd like to see the fancy bird that laid that egg!" ;)  

We passed Mrs. Potts in the afternoon tea room and hopped back aboard the monorail for our final resort of the loop, Disney's Contemporary Resort. 

Their display, while much smaller than the Grand's, was incredibly "sweet"!  Cinderella and her Prince greet guests outside their delicious looking Castle all decked out for Christmas! 

Little One posed alongside it to show the size of the cute characters and their home.

I loved the view as we awaited our monorail "home"!

Remember how we got the Polynesian Twilight Feast the evening before?  We couldn't resist a repeat!  This time we ordered only 2 adult portions and while ordering Jason mentioned that one of our daughters loves the noodles and asked if it was possible to get a bigger portion of those.  They made it happen!  Disney dreams come true! ;)

(For the full description of this meal see my last trip report here.)

With full tummies we headed to the beach to view the Electric Water Pageant once again!

Look at that castle!  *Happy sigh!*

The Grand Floridan, looking as grand as ever!

Bungalos with Disney's Contemporary Resort a glow in the distance

Polynesian Village Resort guests returning home on the lit boat that runs between the Poly and Magic Kingdom.

The Electric Water Pageant is always a fun show to watch and hear!  If you stay at the Polynesian (or are visiting for a meal there in the evening) catching it from the beach is a must-do!

Another magical ending to a perfectly pixie dusted day!  Hope you'll join me, same time, same place next week for more Disney deets!

Also, don't forget to check out the video footage from this day at my family's YouTube Channel, 
Direct Link to the Video of Day 9 Part 2:
WDW Day 9 Part 2

Direct Links to Previous Trip Report Tuesday Blog Posts:

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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. We did the same resort tour when we were there in December. I love the lobby displays!

    1. So glad you experienced all the beauty of those lovely lobby displays too!

  2. Each time I see those gingerbread displays I'm overwhelmed by the creativity involved! They are absolutely outstanding! I'm pretty sure I would have taken Jason's lunch of when he wasn't looking! YUM!

    1. They truly are awe-inspiring!
      I’m sure he would’ve gladly ordered seconds if so. ;)

  3. Drooling over that Dole Whip Float, and love that you dip those chicken fingers in bbq and ranch - YUM <3
    Green Fashionista

    1. Just reading your comment makes me hungry for all that Disney deliciousness! :) Ready to enjoy another dole whip float soon!!

  4. What a fun post! Columbia Harbor House is on my list for our next trip - you just can't beat that view of Fantasyland!

    1. Thanks, friend! Glad to hear that CHH has earned a well deserved spot on your next trip list! I’m working on some similar lists right now. I may be devoting equal time to my “must-eat” and packing lists. #vacationpriorities

  5. The holiday displays are beautiful and that food looks delicious!!


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