
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Trip Report Tuesday - WDW Day 9 Part 1 | Early Morning at Magic Kingdom

Welcome back, Disney friends!  Join me and my family for a marvelous morning at Magic Kingdom!

Day 9 - Saturday, December 1, 2017

We started early to pack in as much magic as possible!

A sweet sunrise through the doors of a Magic Kingdom bound monorail

Our first trip as WDW Annual Passholders, we loved it when they had a passholder line available for us to enter through.  

What a gorgeous sight...

A lovely first light of the day shining atop Cinderella Castle

"Make a wish and do as dreamers do"

This is why I love extra magic hours, look at how empty Fantasyland was!  Peter Pan's Flight with no wait?  Yes, please and thank you!

Next up, a favorite with typically long wait times, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.  We waited only long enough to enjoy the cute queue along the way in.

Pure Disney joy with a dash of silliness too!

Time for something sweet!  No, not honey, willy nilly silly old bear!  A ride with Piglet, Roo, and Tigger too on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh!

A cute queue ...followed by hand sanitizer for my fam ;)

Haunted Mansion + a PhotoPass op = a happy mama!

Time for the wildest ride in the wilderness!

I love taking in the fun signs along this queue, the one above just may be my favorite!  No kidding!

"Arr"ing with my mateys on Pirates of the Caribbean...

This was our first WDW trip since the addition of The Muppets Present Great Moments in American History.  We arrived a bit early and with a healthy dose of excitement and anticipation for the show!  

We grabbed a great spot near the Liberty Tree where a cast member came to visit with us before the show.  Come to find out he stars alongside the Muppets, was incredibly friendly, and is perfectly cast too!

It was no surprise that we enjoyed the show.  After all, my husband is a lifelong Muppets fan and we've raised the kiddos on Muppet fans too.  Yet, I think I was surprised just how much we loved the show!  My history loving heart and Muppet adoring family left singing, "Great moments in history, but only the American parts", already eager to see it again!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  I hope you'll be back next week for some super sweet Disney holiday fun and more!

Also, don't forget to check out the video footage from this day at my family's YouTube Channel, 

Direct Link to the Video of Day 9 Part 1:
2017 WDW Christmas Trip Day 9 Part 1

Direct Links to Previous Trip Report Tuesday Blog Posts:

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. I love the Magic Hours, too! We always try to get there right when the parks open, even if it almost kills us and we are sleep deprived beyond all reason! Hahah! That Peter Pan ride does get so crazy busy later in the day. Seven Dwarfs Mine Train was a first for me last summer when my daughter made me go on it! I used to love rollercoasters as a kid, but I don't as much anymore! Ha, ha! But, I will say it was really cute and not bad at all! I'll def. be going on it again next summer!


    1. You are my kinda Disney girl! Making the most of extra magic hours (and the less crowded early morning hours in general) is absolutely the way to go, sleep deprivation and all! lol! I hear you on not loving the rollercoasters as much as during childhood. I still enjoy them, but now once a day is good for me! Ha! I have the same thoughts on the Mine Train. :) It hasn't ever made me feel unwell, it's super fun, and absolutely adorable! Glad you'll be enjoying it again next summer!! Hooray for more Disney goodness coming your way soon! :D

  2. I love early Disney mornings. We totally should have done Peter Pan first. The long wait for that ride is no fun! Love all the rides you ride and love the muppets so much too!

    1. Me too, friend! That Peter Pan line does get crazy long! Hitting it during extra magic hours when you're there just long enough to enjoy that super cute queue (without being stuck in it for hours - lol) is my favorite way to enjoy it! We sure do have a lot of Disney things in common! I love it!! Thanks for another fun comment, Dara! I always enjoy hearing from you on Tuesdays! :D

  3. I miss Magic Kingdom so much. Your pictures bring back so many fond memories! - Shannon

    1. I'm so glad they brought back sweet Disney memories for you, Shannon! :D

  4. Magic Kingdom is my favorite!! I love the funny signs too, so much creativity and detail! <3

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

    1. Yes! Disney magic is in the details!! I love that you appreciate them too, friend!

  5. Looks like a fun day! I'm going to have to go back and read all your Disney posts and visit your YouTube channel. I need all the tips I can get for planning our trip next year! :)

    1. We have so much Disney fun documented between the blog and YouTube channel! I hope the posts and videos add to the excitement of your upcoming trip and that you pick up some tips along the way as well! ;) Happy trip planning, Kaz!

  6. What a fun day! My kids loved the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Haven't been back since the Muppet show. There's so much new stuff in all the parks to see whenever we make our next visit!

    1. That is one of my favorite things about the Disney Parks! There is always something new to enjoy each trip! :D


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