
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trip Report Tuesday - WDW Day 6 | Animal Kingdom + Checking into Disney's Polynesian Village Resort

Day 6 - Tuesday, November 28, 2017

We begin Princess' last day of "15" back at Animal Kingdom.

Lunch at Satu'li Canteen | Pandora

First, I popped over to Pongu Pongu for another Pongu Lumpia (pineapple cream cheese spring roll) and brought it inside to have for dessert. 

Little One ordered a cheese quesadilla from the kids' menu which came with vegetable chips and grapes.  Princess opted for an all-beef hot dog wrapped in dough with the same sides.

I went for a repeat of the meal I so enjoyed the day before, a create-your-own Satu'li Bowl with my choices of slow-roasted sliced grilled beef, rice, and creamy herb dressing.

The cream cheese pineapple scrumptiousness I brought in from Pongu Pongu next door for dessert hit the spot yet again.  Yum!

Bubble fountain fun

PhotoPass Time!

"Magic shot"

Expedition Everest
The girls were tickled pink to be in the front row of the train up and back down the mountain!

Flights of Wonder
We had to get back to see Flights of Wonder one final time before it was no longer there.  (It has since been changed to an "Up" themed show.)

While awaiting the show, there is a bird expert just outside the outdoor theater who shares fun facts and answers questions.  

While we haven't gone to this show every trip, we have been several times and it always brought on laughter, "ooo"s and "ahh"s.  I'm so glad we were able to see it one last time to enjoy both the playful banter of the talented cast members who host the show and their fine feathered friends!

Out of the show and on to a dino!  Triceratops Spin will forever have a sweet spot in my heart as this was the first ride we rode as a family of four on Little One's very first trip back in 2009!  I had to ask them to look back for a photo as I thought back to that first dino flight!

Here's a flashback photo from that first ride years ago...

This is what my mama eyes still see when they're riding in front of us!

One of my favorite things about going to see "It's Tough to be a Bug" is getting up close to the Tree of Life as you make your way around it and inside of it to watch the show.  The intricate details of the animals carved on this "tree" never cease to amaze and delight me!

This musician was outside playing Christmas songs, often as mash ups with Disney classic tunes, each time we visited Animal Kingdom.  He is incredibly talented!  You need to hear this one to appreciate it.  I'll link this week's video at the conclusion of the post.  Click through and listen for yourself.  You'll have happy ears if you do! ;) 

We made our way out of the park and on our first bus ride to our new home for the next five nights, Disney's Polynesian Village Resort!  This is somewhere we'd all look forward to staying at someday and on this day that Disney dream was about to come true!

Hooray for staying on the monorail resort loop!

Upon check-in we were given leis and welcomed home.  First stop, Christmas tree photos!

This tree was stunning!  I will be sharing a closer look at it on a future trip report as one day I devoted a marvelous morning to taking extra photos in and around this gorgeous resort.

Ready for a look inside our Disney Vacation Club Studio?

As you make your way into the studio there is a full bath on the right hand side.  I loved everything about this bathroom from the paint color, to the mermaid art work, and beautiful shower curtain, it was lovely!

On the opposite side of the hall was a storage closet and kitchenette with microwave, sink, and fridge.

Further down the hall the master bath featured a wonderful rainfall shower!

The room itself couldn't have been cuter!  I loved every last perfect Polynesian touch!

This couch is also makes out to a bed as well.

My favorite color is pink and Jason's is orange, they basically created this seating especially for us. ;)

Ta Da!  Little One's dream bed!  Lilo and Stitch have been her all-time favorites!  When we planned this trip many months prior, we told her that she could choose one of the resorts we were to stay at.  (Her pick would be in celebration of her milestone 13th birthday earlier that fall.)  She chose the Polynesian for this reason!  It was just right for her in every way!

How cute is this lamp!  Gotta love the "Hidden Mickey" coaster set up too! 

Stepping outside onto our private balcony, I couldn't help but be giddy about this tropical view!

Ok, sad story time.  I almost hate to spoil this trip report with the truth here, but I want to remember the reality of this day so here it goes anyway. ;)  I was so excited to stay at the Poly and not only that, but for the dinner we'd long anticipated having this very night as we were planning on ordering 'Ohana as room service!  Sadly as soon as we checked in and I finished up taking room photos I quickly felt extremely ill.  Jason and I had shared food throughout the day and he was fine so I'm certain it was nothing I ate.  I do think I was very dehydrated so that may have been the biggest factor.  After getting very sick I just needed to sleep, so my sweet husband took our girls out to dinner and for a fun night around the resort while I rested.

This darling girl had to dress up in tropical attire for her first night at the Polynesian!  She's a girl after my heart, no doubt about that!

They ate at Capt. Cooks, Poly's quick service restaurant.  Jason had Thai Coconut Meatballs, Princess ordered the Pan Asian Noodles, and Little One went with chicken breast nuggets (which I hear they didn't take a picture of because that's her usual).

Thankfully when they arrived back to the room I was resting comfortably after catching some zzz's.  Jason brought me back Pepto-Bismol and crackers, both of which were extremely appreciated   

We enjoyed a quiet evening in after that and I went to bed hopeful that the next morning would find me well.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I hope you'll be back next Tuesday to hear about the day that follows as it's an extra special one, my firstborn's Sweet 16!

Also, don't forget to check out the video footage from this day at my family's YouTube Channel, 
Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat!
Direct Link to the Video of Day 6:  

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. Oh my friend, did someone say Cream Cheese pineapple scrumptiousness! YUM!! That tree of life is incredible. My goodness the Poly does not disappoint, that shower, that lil bed, sooo cool. I am sooooo sorry you fell ill. Jay was sick one day of our family vacation last week and I felt so bad for him. I trust the next day did find you well. Not as much fun without sweet mama!!

    1. You would LOVE that cream cheese pineapple scrumptiousness, friend!! I agree, the Tree of Life with all of its intricate details is amazing! You are so right - the Poly certainly did not disappoint! So glad we were able to spend those 5 nights there ...even though this first night was a rough one for me. I'm so sorry that Jay was sick on your family vacation!! :( I know what a bummer that can be both for the one sick and for the spouse of the sick one as well. Way back on our 5th wedding anniversary we took a week long couples trip. Jason got sick on the first night and remained unwell until the very end. It broke my heart seeing him so miserable. Sad memory for sure! Anyway, as you'll see in today's trip report that was not the case with this illness. I did bounce back the next morning which was such a blessing as it was my oldest daughter's birthday!! Still praising God that I recovered quickly to enjoy that!!

  2. Oh no, I'm sorry you got sick at Disney. That's my worst fear! Luckily you were there for so long, it probably didn't effect your trip as a whole. I love the Tree of Life details too. I remember watching the bird show but we did not catch the new Up show this time. I think I have a similar picture on the triceratops spin of my kids looking back at me too! I am jealous of the Polynesian stay. I think my 13 year old would pick that resort too! We visited over Christmas time last year and the tree in the lobby was a fave. So pretty!!

    1. Thank you for your super sweet comment, Dara! Yes, having a longer trip definitely helped with that! I'm looking forward to checking out the Up version of the show this fall. I'll let you know how similar it is after we do. ;) That's so sweet that you have a triceratops snapshot like that of your kids too. Disney memories are the best to look back at! I love that we have girls the same age and you think yours would make the same resort choice too. So glad you were able to visit over Christmastime last year! I couldn't agree more - so pretty!!

  3. Oh that's no fun to get sick on a Disney trip! I loved the picture of your girls on the same ride when they were younger, how sweet to have those memories there!

    1. You're right, friend. No fun at all. Thankfully as you'll see in today's report it was short lived! Praise God! :) Thank you! It melts my heart looking back at our Disney pics from over the years and seeing two photos like that side by side is so precious! <3

  4. Oh my goodness! I LOVE this! Except for the fact that you were ill during your trip! What a beautiful room to be in though! <3

    1. Thanks, Nik! Yes, if I had to be sick anywhere a Poly room was definitely not a bad place to stay put! ;)


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