
Friday, June 8, 2018

You Have Worth | There is Hope | Help is Available

Hello, friends.  I'm so glad you stopped by!  Today I am taking my Friday post in a different direction than my typical "5 Loves".  My heart has been heavy and I feel compelled to share something of great importance with you all today.  This week I worked on a future Trip Report Tuesday blog post that covers the final performance I watched featuring my long time favorite Citizen of Hollywood (an incredibly talented cast member at Disney's Hollywood Studios) who a few short weeks later committed suicide.  That coupled with the tragic news of Kate Spade ending her life and the shocking statistic that 800,000 people do the same every year (which amounts to 3,000 deaths a day or one every 40 seconds) has put the urgency of this topic at the forefront of my mind.  

Chances are that someone reading this post may have considered or knows someone who may be considering suicide.  I want to take this opportunity to share a few things with you and a video that could potentially save your life or the life of someone dear to you!

First, I want to tell you, precious reader, your life has worth!  You were created in the very image of God! (Genesis 1:27)  He knit you together in your mother's womb. (Psalm 139:13)  You are so valuable that God knows the number of hairs upon your head! (Luke 12:7)  You are loved!  Romans 5:8 tells us that God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  Your life matters to the God who created you and to countless others who you may not even realize your life impacts on a daily basis.  I'd like to share a video with you today that I found deeply moving.  Please set aside the time to watch this important film and share with those you love, just as I'm sharing with you today out of sincere care and genuine concern for you!

Here is a trailer for this important film:

*If you are reading this blog post via an email subscription you can view the above video here.

You can watch the FULL MOVIE for FREE 

EXIT:  The Appeal of Suicide 
or on YouTube HERE.

Information below from /movie/exit-the-appeal-of-suicide

For millions who suffer from deep sadness and despair, "EXIT" points to a better way.  This compelling movie shines a powerful light in the darkness and offers true hope to those who think they have none.  Someone you know may be secretly considering their exit.  Watch "EXIT", and share it with those you love.

If you are dealing with depression or have suicidal thoughts to any degree, PLEASE seek help!  There is hope!  


To find God's forgiveness and everlasting life:
TOLL FREE: 1-800-437-1893

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Speak to someone confidentially.  Free & available 24/7.
TOLL FREE: 1-800-273-8255
Click here for a list of phone numbers outside the U.S.

Biblical Counseling

You were created uniquely by God.  Your life has purpose.  The people at the above links sincerely care about your wellbeing and desire for you to reach out to them so that they can provide help and hope.  If someone in your life is struggling, please reach out to them.  You won't regret it!  Sharing a link to this movie or the information above where they can seek help just may have an eternal impact on those dear to your heart!


  1. Oh sweet friend, thank you for reminding us of our worth and God's love. I was so saddened by the news this week and we must use it as a teaching lesson that mental illness is real and not something to shove under the rug. We also must spread the word of God daily so those lost can have more hope that he shall never forsake us even in our darkest hour. LOVE you and I hope your weekend is lovely!

    1. Me too, friend. It is so heartbreaking! I agree, it definitely isn't something to shoved beneath the rug. I pray for all those who have read/will read this. There is help available for those who feel helpless and lasting hope for those who feel hopeless. I pray that the resources shared within this post will be helpful to those who need it, as well as for those moved with compassion to share it. <3 Love you too, sweet friend! xo!

  2. SUch beautiful, powerful words, wonderful friend and so timely! Have a wonderful weekend with your family XO

  3. Brenda, your heart shines through this post. Thank you so much for sharing and recognizing the need for your awareness on this topic. I am going to try to share everywhere I can <3

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Cassidy. I pray that these resources will help others who need to know that their life has worth and there is lasting hope to be found in Christ!

  4. Thank you for sharing. I have lost three friends to suicide. I also think 13 Reasons Why glorifies suicide too much and a lot of young people have been watching it, which is very sad.

    1. Oh, sweet friend. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious friends. I agree, glorification of suicide is definitely a problem. I would urge others to steer clear of that too!

  5. Thank you so very much for sharing this. Very powerful words, we are all God's children and he loves us all. Thanks for bringing awareness to this topic, I lost a dear friend to suicide last year and the pain of that is still very fresh. So many what if's, going to share this post with my friends. Thank you.

    1. I am so saddened to hear about the loss of your dear friend, Marie. I will be praying for you and your friends during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing with them. I hope they found it helpful. Much love to you! xoxo

  6. It has really been a tough week with all these suicides in the news. And it really shows that even when a person appears to "have it all together," there can be tremendous anxiety on the inside.

  7. Amen! The movie is such a great resource! It breaks my heart to know that so many are hurting when there is so much hope to be had. While I can't comprehend it, my heart aches for those who are hurting so badly. Thank you for taking time to address this issue and bringing awareness. Thanks even more for sharing the truth that there IS hope and that every single one of us is NOT worthless, but rather priceless! <3

    1. I agree, the Exit movie is such a great resource! I am so thankful for the ministry of Living Waters and that they produce such excellent content and freely share it. I felt so burdened over this issue throughout last week. I am very thankful to have this little space of mine where I can share with others that their lives do have worth and there is eternal hope to be found in the very one who created them and died that those who trust in Him can find lasting hope and eternal life through him!

  8. So important to read. Thank you for sharing!

  9. This has been such a hard week and your post is so important! Thank you for taking the time to share such a good messsage and offer the hope we have in our sweet Lord!

    1. He truly does offer such incredible hope, everlasting, to all who trust in Him! Thank you for visiting and for your kind words. xo

  10. What a touching post and so full of truth. It is so hard to imagine someone's desperation when they take their own life. We just never know what someone is dealing with through their smile. Happy weekend and abundant blessings!

    1. It is hard to imagine and so heartbreaking to think of anyone in that desperate state. You're so right. We never really know. It is so important that we share the truth of God's Word and the eternal hope that can be found in it, through Him! Thank you for your continual sweetness!

  11. THANK YOU for sharing this post. This is always so important for others to know, but especially right now with all of the recent news stories. Anyone reading this, you DO matter, and you ARE LOVED.

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

    1. Thank you for leaving this comment, Meg! I appreciate the caring words you shared with all who may read them! xo!

  12. Such powerful words and great courage in sharing.

    1. Thanks, friend. It's a blessing to have this little nook of the blogosphere to share the hope that I pray all who visit here will also find and enjoy through Christ!


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