
Friday, May 11, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // Goodness of God, Foodie Finds, and What's Returning Next Week!

Happy Friday, friends!  It's been a few weeks since we chatted.  I hope you're doing well!  There are so many things I could share with you today.  I've decided to highlight a few favorites, some fun finds you may enjoy, and fill you in on some blogging goodness to come!  Let's dive right in...

One  //  Seeing God's Faithfulness in Great and Small Ways
This week we've experienced both incredible blessings as well as hardships, yet in all of these things we've seen God at work in circumstances to provide for all of our needs in quite unexpected and wonderful ways!  He is so good, flawlessly faithful, and I praise Him that His Word is trustworthy at every turn!

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good..." 

That doesn't mean the life of a Christian is perfect, but it does mean that in all times (the best as well as the most difficult days of our lives) we can trust that God is working ALL things together for our ultimate good and His glory!  What an incredible and eternal hope He offers to each of us!

Two  //  Time with Family
We have a home improvement project in full swing at our house which has provided extra opportunities for time with family.  I'm so thankful that we have loved ones who are always willing to lend a hand whenever it's needed.  While Jason's dad was here helping last weekend my mother-in-law came over for dinner.  They live a ways from our home and I hadn't seen her since our Christmas celebration so it was great to catch up in person! 

Three  //  Fun Food Find

I spotted these low carb, HIGH flavor snack crisps at Walmart near the deli the other night and I am so glad I picked up a bag!  I dipped them in a cup of wholly guacamole for lunch yesterday and my taste buds were instantly in love!  I had Jason give one a taste test and he said, "It's like a Cheez Its that graduated from college!  This is a whole new level!"  (No, this is not a sponsored post.  We just thought they were that good!)  They also come in cheddar cheese and parmesan.  Yum!

Four  //  Speaking of Cheese...

I am so intrigued by these edible spoons I stumbled upon this week!  I haven't made them so can't vouch for the recipe, but don't they look fun?  You can check out a recipe prep video tutorial to this and links to written recipes for these cheese spoons as well as cookie and granola spoons here!  

"you can even eat the dishes"

Five  //  Trip Report Tuesday Returns NEXT WEEK!

I mentioned recently that I've had new installments to my Trip Report Tuesday series in the works.  The time has come to begin sharing them!  Hope you'll be back on Tuesday to hear all about our Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World!  I can't wait to share the deets and pixie dusted pics with you then! 

Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to visit!  Wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day weekend ahead!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. We are headed to Disney next week!

  2. Yay for your trip reports! And I love cheese. :) Happy Mother's Day!

  3. SO sorry you've had some hardships this week, but so glad you're able to be able to look beyond the immediate circumstances and know that the TRUTH is just as you shared! What a blessing to see beyond the circumstances! YAY for a home renovation project! While super exciting, I know they can be a bit overwhelming at times too! So glad you have some awesome help! HOORAY for anything cheesy! I will have to look for those next time I get to Walmart! And SUPER YAY for Trip Reports! WOOHOO!!! Happy Friday, sweetest friend, and HAPPY Mother's Day to one of the best! <3

  4. Well, I must try those chips. Will check by our deli and see if I can find them. I need some more snacks. :o)) Yes, He does always work things out for our good but it sure is hard to see the good sometimes as we wait and wait. But, HE is so faithful! Happiest of Mother's Days!

  5. So glad you were able to find the good in such a hard week!! YAY for family time!! Hope you had the best mother's day!!

  6. Those edible spoons look awesome!


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