
Friday, April 27, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // New Appliance Appreciation, Snail Mail Goodies, Blog Parties, and Family Fun in the Sun!

Happy Friday, friends!  Hope this week has been a fabulous one for you!  If not, as the saying goes, better days are coming ... they're called Saturday & Sunday! ;)  Before then, I'd love to share a handful of loves from the week!  Five Loves time!

One  //  Family Fun in the Sun

This week has truly felt like springtime.  Oh, how wonderful the warm temps, bright sunshine, and lovely days have been! So thankful to have taken advantage of it with one of my favorite activities, evening family walk and talks!  Love these three with my whole heart and the time spent together is more cherished than I could begin to express!

Two  //  New Dishwasher

Over the past week or so my dishwasher has been acting up.  My sweet and incredibly handy husband tried taking some things apart and did all he could to get it working properly.  It was sadly beyond repair.  When dishes started coming out looking more dirty than I put them in it was clearly time for a new one!  While unexpected expenses are never fun, washing dishes by hand is one of my least favorite things to do which makes a functioning dishwasher basically my appliance BFF. (Well, that and my convection oven tie!)

Three  //  Happy Mail

My grab bag also included adorable chalk art stickers to seal this cuteness up with! LOVE!

Lily & Val (my favorite shop to order cards from) had an amazing sale offering a grab bag of 20 cards for $20!  Their cards typically run $4.50 each or 8/$20, so I was all over that!  Plus, with it being a grab bag it felt like Christmas opening the box with great anticipation to see which cards I'd find inside!  I must admit that a couple may find their way into frames around my home, but most will be sent out in hopes of brightening the days of those dear to my heart!  

We still have a few days left in National Letter Writing Month.  Get out that cute stationery and your favorite pen and make someone's day! 

Four  //  The Perfect Date

That's right, this week included the perfect date, April 25th!  Jason and I celebrated with a drive and dessert date after picking up the aforementioned new dishwasher and while awaiting the time to pick up our girls from youth group.  It was an evening very well spent!

I love that Miss Congeniality movie quote too much not to include it this week, and we clearly love the "cherry on top" of Chick-Fil-A milkshakes too much to resist eating them before snapping a photo too!

Speaking of dates, my parents invited the girls over to spend the night tonight and then join them for a fun Saturday morning event.  This allows my sweet hubby and I both a date night and morning!  I always look forward to precious one on one time with my man.  I have been counting down to Friday all week, and now it's here, friends!  Care to join me in a happy dance? 

Five   //  Link Partying

When I first began blogging I found a different link up to join in on nearly every day of the week.  However, for the past few years I've only consistently joined in on the Friday fun.  Lately it has been such a delight to take advantage of link party opportunities as a means to connect with blogging friends, old and new alike!  If you've come across my blog through these link ups recently, welcome!  I'm so happy to have you here!

If you've missed any of the fun link party prompted posts I've shared throughout this month, you can check out the fun by clicking through the links below!

Direct Link:  TBB Asks: Spring Q & A

Direct Link:  What's Up Wednesday

Whatever the weekend holds for you, I hope you enjoy every bit of it!  Thanks so much for popping by today!  Before you go, please say, "Hello!" in the comment section below!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. I adore that you guys eat the cherry on top asap!!! And family fun in he sun, well, it doesn't get much better!! Pretty Pretty cards, love the peony ones! I have flowers in the brain..greenhouse visits with mom next week!! Have a beautiful weekend my darling friend!! xo

  2. Enjoy your date night, girlie! I was the same with linkups earlier on. Now, not so much. Instead i have sweet friends like you who have discovered my blog! Xo happy Friday!

  3. Hey Sweet Friend!! I laughed hysterically when I saw that meme too. It is one of my favorite movies. And I went years without a dish washer. I’m pretty sure I’d cry for days if I ever have to go without one. Or not cook. Haha. Happy weekend!

  4. I love the stationary and cards! I wish more people wrote cards. They are so fun to receive and bring a smile to someone's face. Have a great weekend! - Shannon

  5. Those cards from Etsy are beautiful...going to check out the shop!! Looks like a perfect date to me with Chick Fil A milkshakes:)

  6. Fun date on the best date! I love those cards too!

  7. I love those cards and that is a great picture of your family enjoying the sunshine! :-) I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  8. Those cards are SUPER cute! I typically shop the Target Dollar Spot for my stationary, but I may have to check out that site! So fun! Enjoy your date night/morning, sweetest friend! I love that you two make special time to spend together-that's so important and those moments are such treasures! <3

  9. Yay for a new dishwasher! You don't realize the convenience until you dont have it right? Hoping you get more fun in the sun this weekend!

  10. Love the cards grab bag. I will have to check them out. Have a Good weekend.


  11. Such super cute cards! We use our dishwasher twice a day and sometimes even more than that so I heard you on replacing it ASAP! I can not stand washing dishes.

  12. New appliances are so exciting! Even if it is a big expense. We don’t have a dishwasher and I look on with envy at people that do!

  13. Your date night sounds just perfect - knocking out some important to-do's while still enjoying your time together. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  14. I love everything here! Date nights, NEW appliances, snail mail = total happiness! haha!

  15. Washing dishes is one of my least favorite chores as well! I couldn't live without my dishwasher! Hope you are enjoying your new one. You got such a great deal on those note cards! You know I'm all about a bargain! And a drive and dessert date sounds like fun. Especially if it involves milkshakes! Hope you had a great weekend!


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