
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hello, friends.  Since this will be week two of being off my normal posting schedule I wanted to hop on here quickly and share why I’ve been away from blogland.   I devoted last week to caring for my husband who’s been battling illness for several weeks now and didn’t feel up to posting.  Now I’m sick in bed myself.  Lord willing I’ll be back sharing again next week and will have happier news to report.  Meanwhile, prayers for my husband and I to fully recover, and for our precious girls to remain healthy would be enormously appreciated!!  Thank you! 


  1. Sending tons of cyber good wishes for improved health your way!! Lots of love! Xoxox

  2. Oh sweet friend, my husband and I too have been battling the bugs. I feel like I live on cough drops and it will never go away. My prayers are lifting you both up for healing, comfort and timely recovery and that the girls continue to stay healthy!!! HUGS!!!! xo

  3. I am so sorry to hear this Brenda! I hope that you and your husband feel better soon. It does seem like there have been a lot of illnesses going around. Sending love and hugs your way, and healthy vibes too!! :-)

  4. Oh no, hope you and your husband are feeling better soon!

  5. Oh gosh! Is he still sick? That is terrible! My daughter was sick and running a fever (it was in the lower 90's near the end of it) for almost 2 weeks. She had the flu (type B). Just terrible! I hope that you get over it quickly. It's been a rough winter and we need some warmer temps and for all the germ bugs to leave! I'll be praying for y'all!


  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this!! What an ordeal. I'll be praying for you all!! Hugs!!

  7. Sending so many prayer for you and yours friend. Prayers for peace, healing and protection.

  8. I've been out of town and away from the blog for the past week and a half and I am just seeing this. I hope you and your husband are both feeling better now! You are all in my prayers. ((Hugs))


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