
Friday, March 9, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // Enjoy a Simple Pleasure Each Day

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you've enjoyed a lovely week! Unfortunately, ours has seen more illness. By the end of last weekend I was well, but passed on the bug to Little One. Now she has passed it back to me.  Jason is still battling his chronic cough, but I do believe it’s beginning to ease up slightly.  I greet any relief he experiences with a grateful heart!  Praying my man will be fully well A.S.A.P.!  

I want to say a special THANK YOU to each of you who sent such sweet well wishes and offered your prayer support last week! I’m so sorry that while caring for unwell loved ones and fighting my own re-match with this stomach bug and this time around an accompanying cold, I haven't gotten back to each of you. Please know it was and is deeply appreciated!!  I’m enormously grateful for your care and support!   (Side note:  Honestly, I sort of hate sharing all of this sickness stuff as doing so makes me feel like a broken record, and that's the last thing I want to be.  Yet, I do desire to be real here and painting any other picture for you all right now wouldn't be true to real life.)

All that being said, it was a pretty uneventful week here. However, I would like to pass along a little sunshine in the midst of what may seem to many, an endless winter. While unwell I was on a steady diet of comfort food and Hallmark movies.  I gleaned one sweet thought from the latter that I think you may enjoy incorporating in your every day life too! 

In one perfectly cheesy, sweet ‘n’ sappy flick a character mentioned that he allows himself one simple pleasure every day. He went on to say it has to be something easily obtainable.  In the scene featuring this conversation that day’s simple pleasure was a juicy cheeseburger. While I’ve only left the house once this week (and once in the car, I didn’t get back out until returning home), a simple week may just be the perfect time to reflect on simple loves.  Here are a handful of them...

One  //  Dancing in the Kitchen

While passing each other in the kitchen the other day, Jason took hold of me for a dance which started slow and quickly picked up to him twirling me around with my feet barely touching the floor!  We laughed and enjoyed what, although simple, was hands down my favorite moment of that day!

Two  //  Appreciating the Fruit of Restored Energy and Productivity

After being down for the count for days I felt the most basic of things, housekeeping, to be invigorating!  I had a solid couple days at the beginning of the week with full energy on tap and it was glorious!  When you’ve been so sick you can barely do a thing, having the energy to tackle some deep cleaning is so rewarding!  Both the activity itself and the sight of spic and span surroundings that followed brought joy and fulfillment that all too often I take for granted during seasons of health!

Three  //  In-Car Date Night

I’m so glad I was well on Wednesday night as this was a highlight of this week & it would’ve been sad to have missed it. 🧡🍦🍦💗

Little One wasn’t up for it, but Princess was glad to get back to Youth Group this week. During which Jason and I hit the Chick-Fil-A drive thru for meals complete with shakes (& extra Chick-Fil-A sauce, the best part). We took it to the empty backside of a large parking lot and listened to one of our favorites, Beautiful Eulogy, while savoring the deliciousness.  Then, we held hands and chatted the remaining time away.  Simply sitting in the company of the man I love most in the world is a treat worth cherishing!

Four  //  A Cup of Hot Chocolate in my Cold Hands

There's nothing quite like wrapping freezing fingers around a wonderfully warmed mug filled with a cup of hot chocolate. A handful of marshmallows were like sprinkles atop a liquid unbirthday cake!  

This is my favorite stuff!  Thanks for the introduction a few years back, Chrissy!

Five  //  Decor Refresh

I absolutely adore this laser cut wood piece, but the quote is the best part!  So very true!

The snow outside indicates that winter is not done with us, yet I'm a bit over the winter look in my home.  I decided to go ahead and replace our winter decor, art, and bedding with pieces I’ve been long anticipating getting back out!  The piece above is one I've not shared here before and is one of my fairly new favorites!  The simple pleasure of seeing our homey haven refreshed for the sweet, sunnier season ahead fills my heart with happiness! 

I hope you’ll begin intentionally enjoying a simple pleasure a day!  Doing so lends itself to a greater appreciation for the good gifts God bestows that all too often go unnoticed and unappreciated.  I think that’d do all our hearts good! 

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. Oh precious friend I've missed you and I sure hope you're all on healing upswing. I feel you, we have battled it too, my cough is finally subsiding but took 4 weeks for my Mr. Nine. Ahhh dancing in the kitchen, we have done it and I am a huge proponent on finding a pleasure to enjoy each day. Fingers wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows of course, well, it gives me such joy. And we know Jesus wants us to have JOY!!! And Spread JOY just like you do my darling friend! Love you, take care and big HIGS!!

  2. Very sweet post, my favorite is the in car date night!

  3. I am so sorry that you and your family are still dealing with illness. On a more positive note, I am glad that you enjoyed an in-car date night and a hot chocolate. Sending you a hug and I hope that you all feel better soon and that you get to enjoy your weekend! :-)

  4. The little things in life usually play a much larger role than the larger things! These are BEAUTIFUL moments, Bren! Continuing to pray for my fave fam! Love you all!!

  5. I love that decor and that car date night sounds so sweet!!

  6. My daughter had a chronic cough for 2 months a few years ago! I still remember dealing with that... it was terrible! I took her to the DR I think 3 times for it. I hope your husband gets rid of his soon!! I love how he twirled you in the kitchen and you had a Chick Fil A date in the car, you two are all about keeping that romance alive! :)


  7. That double chocolate cocoa looks amazing, and I loooove Chick-Fil-a shakes. Can you tell I gave up sweets for lent and am living vicariously through you?! Have a great weekend, friend!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  8. Continuing to pray for a quick recovery for all of you! I love your wood decor! I've recently started decorating for spring in hopes that it brings warmer weather! You can't go wrong with a Chick Fil A Milkshake. Those look delish! Hope you and your sweet family have a great weekend!

  9. Dancing in the kitchen, it doesn't get much better than that sweet friend. I have been thinking of you lots today. So good to see a post from you.

  10. Oh no, so sorry you guys are still battling sickness. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I just posted about something similar this week, where each day I find something, no matter how small, that made me happy. I love that even through all the illness you were able to find simple pleasures. Hope you have a great weekend.

  11. I'm sorry you've been sick so much. I hope things get better soon. We've been passing illnesses around a lot lately in our family too.


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