Happy Friday, friends! I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Valentine's week! I'm looking forward to sharing a handful of loves from mine. Let's get right to it!
{Today's Loves are listed chronologically.}
One // Celebrating Family
My Aunt Ednah hosted a party in honor of my mom and another aunt who also turned 60 recently. We enjoyed a sweet evening in together over a buffet of comfort food she’d prepared, followed by the highlight of any party for me, chocolate cake! I don’t see this side of my family all that often so it was nice to catch up and share a few laughs!
Two // I’m grateful that my dad is safe after his vehicle caught on fire.
To make a long story short, which as many of you know, is not one of my strengths ;) ...
As my dad was driving home from work this week his vehicle was running really hot, and began smoking. He pulled over, put the hood up, & found that it was on fire! While waiting on the fire department's arrival he used snow to slow it from spreading. A roadside assistance truck just happened to be traveling down the interstate in the opposite direction, saw the smoke, and came to my dad’s aid. He was able to use the equipment on his truck to extinguish the fire quickly. I am so grateful he received almost immediate assistance and that it didn’t become a much more serious situation! This daddy’s girl is praising God that my dad walked away (or rode away in our car while his vehicle was being towed, rather) safely!
As my dad was driving home from work this week his vehicle was running really hot, and began smoking. He pulled over, put the hood up, & found that it was on fire! While waiting on the fire department's arrival he used snow to slow it from spreading. A roadside assistance truck just happened to be traveling down the interstate in the opposite direction, saw the smoke, and came to my dad’s aid. He was able to use the equipment on his truck to extinguish the fire quickly. I am so grateful he received almost immediate assistance and that it didn’t become a much more serious situation! This daddy’s girl is praising God that my dad walked away (or rode away in our car while his vehicle was being towed, rather) safely!
Three // Olympic Fun
We have really enjoyed watching the Olympics this week! The highlight for me was seeing Shaun White cry in his mama's arms after his gold medal earning final run!
...a girl can dream, right? ;)
Four // Valentine's Day 2018
Valentine's Day got off to a sweet start with my favorite breakfast, chocolate iced donuts!
I still play with my food ... Hidden Mickey!
The girls and I were invited to my mom's daycare Valentine's Day party. We enjoyed pizza and goodies, crafts, and plenty of cuteness while swapping valentines with the little ones there!
We returned home for an afternoon of Hallmark movies and sweet treats!
Jason + Brenda + Chocolate = Happiness!
It's hard to believe this was the 20th Valentine's Day Jason and I celebrated together! He is still fighting illness, so we enjoyed a cozy night in comfy clothes, savoring our favorite Thai takeout by the glow of the television. I've come to realize even less than ideal holidays are an absolute gift! I'm so thankful to have had 20 happy heart days with my Forever Valentine, in sickness and in health!
I surprised him with something reminiscent of gifts I often gave him in our early days of dating and marriage. It didn't cost a dime, but this "book of love" came straight from the heart. Here's a peek at the cover page:
Inside the "book" I gushed over my man and talked about things we do each day to show each other love. While perhaps sometimes overlooked, these are the traditions that are ours alone and make us "us". I loved creating every last page, and thoroughly enjoyed the smiles that spread wide across my Love's face as he read it!
Five // The Steadfast Love of God
There is a lot going on, both in the world and perhaps in our own personal lives too, that can stir up feelings of hopelessness and despair. If you are dealing with devastation, whether on a small scale or a completely overwhelming one, I urge you to look to the One whose likeness you were created in. The Bible says you were knit together in your mother’s womb, and God knows how many hairs are upon your head. He is the giver of life, and the only One who can grant you complete peace in the the midst of ever changing circumstances we face in life. He is faithful, unchangeable, and bids all who are heavy laden to come to Him and He will give you rest. To learn more visit: NeedGod.com. I, for one, am grateful that in the midst of uncertain health situations, unexpected emergencies (like my dad’s vehicle catching fire in what was expected to be a typical drive home), and with all the chaos seen any given night on the news, that one thing remains steadfast, the eternal hope I have in Christ alone.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to visit my lit'l nook of the web! I'd love to hear from you while you're here!
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Your loves on Fridays always make me LOVE you more!! My goodness, Jason is a lucky guy, I love the look idea, so sweet and precious! That 60th cake is sooo cool and I bet it was super yummy! Chocolate iced cake doughnuts are my favorite too and look what you did with the little Hershey nuggets...CUTE!! I am so glad your daddy is ok too! Have a wonderful weekend my beautiful friend! xo
ReplyDeleteSo glad your dad is okay. That is scary. And what yummy, chocolate fun!! Happy weekend, sweetie!
ReplyDeleteScary about the car, glad your dad is ok! We've been watching the Olympics too. Yummy chocolate things!
ReplyDeleteAll of those treats look delicious! I am glad that your Dad is OK too. Sorry that Jason is battling illness though, boo to that! Hope that he feels better soon. I have also been watching the Olympics. It is so fun!! Shaun White hugging his mom and crying was very touching. :-) Anyways!! I hope that you and your family have a lovely weekend!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great week! Except for the incident with your dad! How scary! So glad he was okay! I enjoyed that moment on the Olympics too! While it's amazing watching the athletes, I always enjoy when they show the parents. Seeing how excited they are for their kids is just so sweet. Hope you have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteSO glad your dad is OK! That's scary. My husband was sick on Valentine's day so we just planned to celebrate at a later date when he's feeling better. I still celebrate with my boys and ended up buying myself a few chocolate treats. LOL.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great week of love! I am so happy to hear your dad is ok. That moment with Shaun White made me tear up. There is nothing like a man showing his momma some love. I could not agree more with you, friend. Standing firm in God's love is so needed right now. My heart is breaking for all that those parents and loved ones in FL. I am praying over my boys hard for God's continued protection to be upon their lives. I hope you have a great weekend! Sierra~Beautifully Candid
ReplyDeleteI see a hidden "Nikki"! It's been a tough week, sweet friend! I love that you are able to find things to love even in the midst of not so lovely circumstances! Praise God that our joy does NOT come from our circumstances! I've been writing one thing I'm thankful for each day of 2018. Some days I have to force myself to only write one-other days I struggle, but there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! Thank you for encouraging me everyday as well as everyone you encourage here. Love you, sweetest friend!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your dad was ok and hope that Jason gets better soon! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that your dad is okay after that car fire. That is so scary! Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! What a sweet Valentine gift you gave your husband. Hope he feels better soon! And I am loving the Olympics as well. It was so fun to see White win the gold! Hope you have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry your husband is still not feeling well! I thought my daughter was on the mend, then started running a fever again last night and we went to urgent care. She has the flu, type B, but they think she's had it since last Saturday, so couldn't treat her with anything. She seems to be doing better again today, but she threw up last night and early this morning... but, I think it was just all of the congestion! I am glad she has a 3 day weekend to rest up. I'm not taking her anywhere! Thankfully her cough went away today, she's had a cough the last few days! Ugh! Not fun!! I am so glad your dad was ok, I would have been worried about it getting to the gas line! Eek! I would have never thought of using snow! So glad someone stopped to help him! That chocolate cake looks so yummy, I love chocolate too! I really need to watch some Hallmark movies. I always feel too busy to slow down to watch some TV! I know, crazy! It seems so many had chinese and thai on V-Day, is this a thing? lol!
I'm LOVING all the Olympics coverage, and am going to be so sad when it's over next week! Those cakes look delish, and I'm so glad to hear your dad is safe <3
ReplyDeleteHidden Mickey's are the best. Emily lives her life constantly looking for them, lol. I was also a HUGE fan of seeing Shaun White cry like that. My goodness, talk about a chain reaction. I watered up instantly. SO happy your dad is okay. That is just so scary. God was so good to bring him help quickly and keep him safe.