
Friday, January 12, 2018

Five Loves on Friday // Husband Gushing, Cozy Winter Days, and Delicious Deals!

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope your week has been filled with simple joys!  Looking forward to sharing a handful of mine with you all right now...

I adore my Mr. Fix It!

Jason returned home with dreadful words upon his lips, "Something is wrong with the car."  After a full evening of researching, taking things apart, ruling things out to pinpoint the problem, one trip to the parts store, and some elbow grease later, he had it back up and fully functioning!  I am seriously in awe of this man of mine!  His drive to care for our family in every way possible still sends me swooning 19 years after becoming his Mrs.!  

More Gushing Over my Man Straight Ahead . . . 

It was predicted that we were in for a pretty bad snow and ice storm on Wednesday night into Thursday.  Wednesday afternoon I received a text from Jason with a pretty little pizza offer.  He simply sent a photo of the deal followed by the words, "If we're going to be snowed in, leftover pizza is a must."  He knows the way to my heart, friends ... bargains and pizza! ;)  We didn't end up getting nearly the extent of the weather that was expected.  This meant that all my family and friends who had to commute to and from work today were safe on the roads and we ate pizza two days in a row. Win/win!

It's a Marshmallow World in the Winter

By early in the week most of our snow had melted away.  Today I gleefully watched a fresh new coat of winter white dance down upon our yard.  I don't know what it is about this season, but I'm enjoying snow maybe more than ever before!  It's just so beautiful!  One of my favorite things about living in the Midwest is watching the seasons change and enjoying what each has to offer.  Flowers and time out in the fresh air will be upon us before long, but for now I'm cozied up indoors in my favorite new lounge pants, with a cup of hot chocolate, looking out at the beauty that is wintertime!  Side note, I should mention that I love the beauty of it from indoors looking out.  The freezing temps aren't necessarily my favorite. ;)

The Aforementioned Lounge Pants that I'm LOVING! 

Each Christmas my parents give their children and grandchildren new pajamas.  After all the gifts have been opened we all change into our new pjs, watch a movie, and enjoy leftovers from the Christmas feast and my mom's generous spread of sweets.  I've been wearing the lounge pants they gifted me on a continual rotation ever since! ...and I may have just paused the writing of this post to visit to order the other two colors! Ha!  Psst... is there anything you need from Kohl's?  Right now the promo code:  SNOWY30  will get you an extra 30% off when you use your Kohl's card and promo code:  JAN4FREE  will score you free shipping on your order!  That just brought $30 lounge pants down to $14.97 each shipped!  Not too shabby and as comfy as can be!   *This is NOT a sponsored post.  I just love passing along deals to y'all! ;)

Your Sweet Comments!

One of the sweetest joys of this past week has been receiving such heartwarming comments and messages from so many of you in celebration of my 5th Blogiversary!  To each of you who reached out, thank you!  You guys make blogging so much fun!  From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your kindness and for being here today!  The fact that you have take time out of your day to visit my lit'l nook of the blogosphere makes my heart light!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

Direct Link to Post:  TBB Asks // Q & A

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. Happy friday, loely! Hope you enjoy all that snow, all from indoors! I’m the same way. If we have nowhere to go, I love snow! Also leftover pizza is a must when it’s snowy, I agree with that husband of yours :-)

  2. Happy Friday! I'm with you on enjoying the snow from inside! We also got a good amount of snow recently. The temps are finally starting to warm up to bearable! Your husband is so sweet. Nothing like enjoying pizza on a snow day and not having to cook is even better! Have a great weekend!

  3. Girl, you have all my loves in this, lounge wear, Mr. Fix It's, pretty snow and so much blogger love! Adore you to pieces and I hope you guys have one grand and comfy weekend! xo

  4. Those lounge pants look so comfy! And yummm to all the pizza while cozy and snowed in. How awesome that he fixed the car! Amazing! Happy Friday <3
    Green Fashionista

  5. Your sweet hubby is a winner!! And that pizza looks delish!! I only love the snow when it first falls!! That is IT!! LOL Have an awesome weekend Brenda!!

  6. Aww what a great hubby you have! :-) Pizza and lounge pants sound great when you are snowed in. I don't mind the snow either when I'm watching it from inside haha. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  7. There's nothing I love more than great lounge pants! Well, maybe they're not at the tippy top of my faves list, but they are certainly on it! It's been so beautiful to see the snow (from inside!)! I, too, love all the seasons, although I'd prefer the cold, dreary one to be a bit shorter and the others a bit longer! ;) That hubby of yours is definitely a good one! You gush ALL you want, sweetest friend! Love you LOTS!

  8. I just saved the link to those pants in my favorite places so I could order some after I'm done reading blogs. Thanks for the suggestion!

  9. What a great guy you have!! My husband is very handy too and it's one of the things I love about him. Pizza two nights in a row is always a win! How yummy! I hope you have a great weekend and get to enjoy the snow. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  10. Pizza on a snow day sounds good to me! I forgot about that song marshmallow world!

  11. Happy Friday sweet friend!
    Sounds like you've got one great hubby! I'm a pizza junkie myself and lounging in comfy pants while watching the snow fall sounds wonderful! As much as I want it to be Spring, I'll admit I do enjoy cozying up by the fire on cold winter nights. Have a great weekend!!

  12. My husband is amazing with what he can all fix (home, car, etc.). Ahh, I love warm pizza, especially on cold winter days! I haven't been to Kohls in ages, but I was talking to some moms at school and they said they have a really nice legging selection there for girls. So, I may be going in there to look for some new leggings for Autumn to wear under her skirts at school. That snow photo is just gorgeous!


  13. Aww I always think it's so sweet when a man can fix a car for you :-) Happy belated 5th blogiversary!!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams


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