Happy Friday, friends! This is an extra special week so today I'm bringing you an extra special celebratory post! One silly evening at the end of last year I told my husband, "I've loved you for a thousand weeks!" Soon after we began figuring how long a thousand weeks actually is. If you're curious, it's 19 years, 1 month, and 30 days, which we hit this week! In honor of this super fun, momentous occasion, I bring you a celebratory look back at the love story that brought my husband and I to this very week we now celebrate!
How We Met
The night we actually met I went to a concert for a band that was on tour and playing in the area. Jason was there not with an instrument, but rather in a yellow "security" shirt. Afterward we both headed to a mutual friend's house for a birthday party. We continued to hang out in the same circle of friends. Fast forward a few months and you'd hear Jason starting that song with, "This one goes out to my favorite girl. It's her favorite song." Swoon.
Our First Date
Jason actually called me three times in one night to ask me out on our first date. I really liked him and was a bit in denial about what was actually happening there. He called and asked what I was doing on Friday night. I told him about the plans I had, end of conversation. He called back again basically repeating the same question, which seemed extremely odd. I replied with the same answer. The third time my phone rang he asked what I was doing after those plans and a date was set. Needless to say I cut my previous plans short! ;)
When talking about where we should go for our first date we knew one thing for sure, we wanted to do something different, not the typical dinner and a movie. I jokingly mentioned that the circus was in town, when he said he'd never been we had to remedy that! Ha! He picked me up, with a single sweet rose in the backseat, where it actually remained for a bit as he'd been too shy to give it to me right away. (Let's keep in mind that we were both 19 at the time.) We didn't end up staying for the entire circus, but we did have a fun there. It was a playful atmosphere and since it wasn't something we had to focus much on we felt free to chat. Afterward we went downtown to a cute old fashioned ice cream parlor. We had to walk a ways from where we parked and along the way crossed paths with some rough looking guys. I'll never forget how safe I felt with Jason at my side. It was a sweet feeling of safety that I enjoy to this day in his company.
Our evening concluded with a hug and I remember thinking I fit perfectly in his arms, almost like we were made for each other. I'd previously only dated much taller guys. Clearly Jason was a much better fit in every way.
The Time I Broke up with Him
This is one of the funniest stories I seem to share continually, but haven't shared it here before. So, today we'll change that. Shortly after Jason asked me to make it official I became scared I was in for a major heartbreak. Everything seemed too good to be true. He seemed too good to be true. I thought I was setting myself up for a hard fall. So, I told my best friend I was going to have him bring me to her house at the end of our date that night and there I'd break up with him. I poured my heart out and ended it. Let me just tell you, I did not get the response I expected. I thought he'd be heartbroken, beside himself with such devastation. Instead I marched into my bestie's home and declared how arrogant he was! I had just told him I was breaking up with him. You want to hear the audacity of his response, "It's okay. I know we're going to be together." What?! I'm dumping you!! Ok, so he was right! Ha! Honestly, I'm pretty sure the very next night we went to the movies for one of the countless times I saw Titanic in the theaters. We were together ever after that too.
Distance Couldn't Come Between Us
While Jason and I dated we were both full time college students. Jason was taking an extra heavy course load that semester and on top of that lived about an hour away from me. Despite all of this he still managed to drive up and see me nearly daily! During finals he told me he wouldn't be able to visit for three or four days. I thought I was going to die. I was so overdramatic about it too. During an hour break I had between classes a friend and I would always go to a Taco Bell for a quick bite to eat. I told her that day that I couldn't eat and that I didn't know how I could possibly make it without seeing Jason. She literally said, "Shut up. He is right there." I told her not to mess with me like that and that it wasn't even funny to say that! But, she was telling the truth. He knew where we'd be at that time and when I turned around he was right there! I wasn't the only one who couldn't stand even a handful of days of us being apart!
The First Time I met my Mother in Law
In my late teens I loved dying my hair a shade of burgundy. Jason had mentioned wanting me to meet his family. Having just dyed my hair I actually told him we'd have to give it a good three days as it always looked super purple at first. I didn't know what his mom would think of that. (So funny to look back on, because burgundy is so much more subtle than purple, right? ;)) The next night as soon as I arrived to the venue to watch Jason's band play a friend came over and asked,"Have you met Jason's mom yet?" Yep, she was there. That was the only concert she came to the entire time I knew him, but she was there. I was nervous the entire concert. Afterward he introduced us and then said, "I've gotta go tear everything down and pack up." He left us there alone to talk for close to an hour I'd say! I told her all about how nervous I was for her to see my hair and we laughed and chatted with no problem at all. Once Jason was all set to leave she walked to the car with us. As we were saying our goodbyes she gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, "I've been praying for you for so long." and cried. Jason had this look on his face like, "What are you doing mom?!" To this day it's one of life's sweetest memories! He had told her that I was "the one" but we'd not been dating long at that point.
Our Engagement
When you know, you know. We were engaged on the 4th of July, just two months after our first date. There was no grand proposal, in fact, that night there was no ring even purchased. He had a concert, we saw fireworks, then returned to my parents home where we had a conversation about how when you know something is right, why wait? The question, "Will you marry me?" was never even asked. We just had a conversation, decided we wanted to get married, and set a date for our wedding month. Jason simply said, "November is a good month." This has been a theme in our marriage as you'll soon see...
The next day he went shopping and got a ring. We made it official and we began planning for our wedding that would take place in four months, just six months after those three phone calls to request that first date.

Read the sweet story of these wildflowers Jason picked from the side of the road and surprised me with here.

Our Wedding
While many American engagements can go on for years to get all the details "just so", I couldn't have cared less about all that, I just wanted to be Mrs. Jason Platt! Everything came together beautifully! We welcomed 400 guests to a beautiful candlelit church where we exchanged vows and left husband and wife!
Our Honeymoon
Any guesses where we went?
That's right, Walt Disney World! This was Jason's first trip there and I think it's safe to say he was instantly hooked! How cute is that pic?! Just a few months into our 20s and taking a selfie way back in 1998 long before that was a thing!
Starting a Family of our Own
Completing our Family
Family Life
We decided that we valued creating family memories and enjoying special time together far more than going after what many people strive for. We've happily chosen a small home (by American standards), a single car, and cut our cable back when that was unheard of to allow for what is more valuable to us. We may not have all the "stuff", but we do have what matters most to us...
The original Main Street U.S.A. from Walt Disney's hometown
For the past 1,000 weeks Jason has worked tirelessly to provide for us and care for our family, our home, our vehicles, you name it, he's got it covered. I praise God continually for blessing me with such a patient, gracious, loving, kind, handsome (can't forget how much I enjoy the very sight of him!), and generous husband! He blesses me beyond what any words could even begin to convey! He encourages me, challenges me, takes me on the grandest of adventures and keeps me safe and warm on a daily basis. I lack nothing and I count that all to my incredible God who provides for all of our needs often using my husband as a means of providing them through. Life is good. My heart overflows with gratitude! I'm wrapping this up with a light heart and teary eyes!
Thank you for sticking by me through good times and bad, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, all the days of my life. There have been rough days that only by the grace of God we walked through. There have been poor days when we've rejoiced over finding enough change to go buy a bean burrito. There have been hospital, doctors, and specialist's visits as well as heartily heathy days we've spent a top a mountain we literally climbed together. Some of the best days of all, haven't been extreme ones, rather just the simple "every day"s of life that you return home happy to see us after a long days work followed be an evening enjoying each others company. Some may think it's crazy that we were engaged at 19 and married each freshly into our 20s. I couldn't be more grateful to have grown up with you and to be growing old with you. You're the best part of my yesterdays and what I look forward to the most about all of my tomorrows.
Thank you so much for stopping by on this extra special day! I hope you enjoyed hearing a bit more about how my life came to be!
Join me in the adventures to come!
I’m crying tears of happiness, I’m rejoicing in your glorious bond and I’m wishing everyone could know the joy you two share. You and I are blessed as can be to have men who are our hero’s and I thank God each and everyday. “I’ve loved you for a thousand weeks”....makes my heart soar! Mr. Platt is a lucky man, you are the real deal my friend, I know you light up his world because you sure light up ours! xo PS Thank you for the snail mail, you made my day sweet as sugar and I adore you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet story! I love the part about your mother in law. Love all the Disney things - we went to Marceline this past summer too!
ReplyDeleteOH my goodness Brenda!! I am tearing up...and laughing!! This is the sweetest post ever!! Love all the throwback pics to and your beautiful love note to Jason at the end. Have a wonderful weekend friend!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet story. You and your husband are a true example of marriage is all about and you inspire me. You two are also going to be super cute when you're really old hehe. :-) I am always amazed by how kind, caring, and genuinely happy you are. The world needs more people like you in it! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend too! :-)
ReplyDeleteTo see the way you two look at one another on a regular basis it is SO clear that there is an incredible love shared between the two of you! I am so thankful for you and Jason in the lives of Trav and me--and the kiddos. It is a blessing to have friends who value time and family more than stuff and "chasing the American dream". We love you guys! HAPPY 1,000th Week, my sweet friends!
ReplyDeleteThis was so sweet to read the beginning of you and Jason. Happy 1,000 weeks of marriage! I love seeing all the old pictures. thanks so much for sharing your story and I wish you 1,000+ more weeks!
ReplyDeleteYou are just too sweet friend. True story, I totally googled how long 1000 weeks was when I saw your photo on IG this morning. I loved all of the photos in this post. It was so sweet to look back. Here is to another thousand.
ReplyDeleteLove how he pursued you and love that he made daily trips to see you when you were both in college!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteThis is so, so sweet, Brenda. I love reading about marriages that are strong and full of love and devotion! I met my husband when I was 12 (!!) and we had our first date (with our parents along) on my 13th birthday. I had my first kiss, but then my husband's mom made him break up with me. She was worried we were getting too close and too young! lol! Then we reconnected later (a lot later!!) and it was love at first sight again. I can't imagine being with anyone else, he really completes me. So happy for you both, what a beautiful family you have! The memories and daily love far outweigh 'things'!! We have a small house, too and it allows us to go on more trips, etc. and enjoy our hobbies. I love all of these old pictures, wow, I don't even know if I have as many old photos as this of us!
All the feels, my friend!! What a sweet love story! We're in the "when you know, you know" club too, getting married 11 months after our first date and planning a wedding in 2 months. I respect you so much for the things you value and how you prioritize your family. None of the four of you will ever regret that!! Also, I love that sponge painted wall! You were SO on trend in those days! :)
ReplyDeleteWhitney @ Come Home For Comfort
Hahah! "It's okay, I know we're going to be together!" I just giggled! What a story you have! Happy anniversary!
Congratulations! What a great story. And I like your wedding dress!
ReplyDeleteWow what a story! You were a beautiful bride. You both are so very blessed. I wish I had a story like that. Happy Anniversary and here is to many more!!
ReplyDeleteCrying over here! Love this so much and love you all!