
Friday, November 17, 2017

Let's Chat! // Catching Up and Future Post Plans

Hello, friends!  I hope you are doing well!  I've missed you all during this hiatus!  While I've been away from my corner of the blogosphere and social media longer than originally anticipated, it has been for good reason.  I thought I'd take a moment this morning to fill you in on what's been happening here and also share my blogging plans going forward.  

If it were possible I'd pass you a slice of scrumptious chocolate cake to enjoy while we chat!  Instead, we'll just have to enjoy a sweet, calorie free conversation. ;)

This fall has been filled with milestones for my family.  The season began with a birthday that ushered me into the last year of my thirties and progressed on to the birthday that brought Little One into her teens! (The latter of which I'm surprisingly more in denial about!)  Earlier this week Jason and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary!  He is such an incredibly wonderful, amazingly patient, abundantly kind, supportive and loving husband and father to our girls.  As we move towards the two decade mark my heart overflows with joy and gratitude!  Speaking of gratitude, Thanksgiving will find us at Walt Disney World! While there we'll be celebrating our firstborn's Sweet 16! The combination of these exciting milestones has brought into perspective how quickly life passes and the brevity of this season of life in which my precious girls are in my care.  While I fully anticipate continuing to share with you all here, the hobby of blogging has taken a backseat to soaking up the splendor of everyday life with my family.

I do look forward to setting aside time in the months to come to both preserve and share with you here!  New installations to my Trip Report Tuesday series will be up early in the new year, beginning with our holiday trip to Disney World.  Those will be followed with fresh new editions throughout 2018 as a big Disney dream has come true for this Midwestern girl; we have become Walt Disney World Annual Passholders!  We have plans in the works for three magical vacations within the next twelve months, the details of which I'm giddy to share more about soon!

Meanwhile, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the loveliest start to the holiday season!  To my readers here in the states, Happy Thanksgiving!  May your hearts be even more full than your tummies!  As we all prepare for dashing through the snow, or at least flipping the calendar over to the most wonderful time of the year, I pray you'll fix your thoughts on the true meaning of Christmas.  We're living in a time when chaos seemingly abounds.  You can't flip on the news without hearing a heart wrenching story these days.  Yet, I long to impress upon you today that although we can't be certain of what tomorrow holds, we can be sure of where we'll spend the eternity that follows.  When the fallenness of humanity is blaring in every headline you see, know that there was One who unlike all others who have walked this earth, loved purely, lived sinlessly, and then selflessly sacrificed Himself for our salvation.  When carols are sung of the Savior's birth, know that it's not your ordinary holiday tale to encourage us to do good and make it on a "nice list".  On the contrary, because none of us is capable of living a sinless life, God provided a way, not for us to be "good", but rather, forgiven.  God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to miraculously be born of a virgin.  Although Christ was fully God, He willingly humbled Himself to be born a babe in a lowly manger.  Being God, He alone could live a completely pure and sinless life.  None of us are capable of perfectly keeping God's Laws, the 10 Commandments.  A lie, using God's name as a curse word, looking with lust, each of these are an offense to the Holy God who created us in His own image.  Yet, Jesus Christ, being fully God and living fully as man, could and did keep God's Law perfectly.  He then willingly died on the cross, baring the sins of all mankind.  If we humble ourselves, repent (apologize and turn from) our sins, and trust in Him for our salvation (rather than trying to merit God's favor with our "goodness") the price He paid for us will essentially be credited to our account.  Then, we draw our last breath, whether it's taken tragically or from a warm bed in our old age, we will stand before God pardoned solely because of what He has done on our behalf and given freely to all He place their trust in Him.  There's no better gift at Christmastime or any time of year, and there's no greater hope we can have in the midst of this world! 

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  To those who have reached out to me inquiring about my return or sending well wishes, there aren't words to express how much that means to me!  I hope this has answered some questions, given fellow Disney fans some pixie dusted posts to anticipate, and has encouraged anyone downcast over current events to turn to the only One who can truly and freely give you lasting peace.

Until We Chat Again, 
Happy Holidays!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. Welcome back Brenda! You had so many wonderful things to celebrate this fall. I very much understand your need to live in and enjoy these special moments with your family. It definitely goes by way too fast. I look forward to reading about your upcoming Disney adventures! Have a great weekend!

  2. I thought that I was dreaming when I saw your post come up on my Bloglovin feed!! Welcome back! I completely understand why you took such a long break. That is exciting about your upcoming Disney trip and I am happy for you that so many wonderful things have happened to you and your family. :-) I look forward to reading more posts from you and I hope that you have a lovely weekend!

  3. So good to hear your blogging voice and such a wonderful post too. Lots of love to you at this most busy and hectic of seasons

  4. So many great things have happened and I'm glad to see you back here! Happy belated anniversary!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Dear, sweet angel friend, how I've missed you! Welcome back and I can hear the joy in your words because the love of your beautiful family is one of my favorite things about you! Hugs and blessings to you this Thanksgiving!

  6. Welcome back! I'm totally craving a slice of that amazing looking cake now! Happy Anniversary and yay for all the trips you have planned <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. Hie!!! So happy to see your post in my feed this morning! I want that cake!! And I am so glad you all are doing well! So many great memories and a happy Anniversary! And Disney?! I'm so jealous!! And you're so right about the holidays - it's all about Him!! And He died to set the world free! You have been missed! Looking forward to seeing you around more often. I totally understand taking a step back. I do it too. Sometimes little ones, sometimes huge ones. Haha!

  8. So excited to see this post up from you and to catch back up with you and your sweet family. I actually squealed!

  9. Annual passholders?!?! That's amazing!! I also cannot believe you now have TWO teenagers - so much excitement in the year ahead. Happy to see you back!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}