104 Days of Summer Vacation!
Originally shared here on May 20, 2013
Phineas and Ferb aren't the only kids looking for Summer fun! Banish
Now it's time to fill those colorful strips of paper with fun ways to fill Summer days! Get your kids involved. Be CrEaTiVe & have FUN! Write one activity on each strip of paper, then roll and toss it in the jar.
I designated a color per category for our jar, then we wrote on our strips of paper accordingly: Fun in the Sun!, Bring Some Cash, Girly Goodness, Fun with Food, Rainy Day Fun, Love for Others, So Random! (This category can include any activity)
Here are 104 ideas ...
Choose your favorites, then add some ideas of your own that your family will especially enjoy!
1. Create driveway masterpieces with sidewalk chalk
2. Water balloon fight
3. Ride bikes
4. Skate
5. Go for a picnic
6. Fly a kite
7. Play frisbee
8. Go fishing
9. Swim
10. Run through a sprinkler
11. Set up a lemonade stand
12. Play at the park
13. Feed ducks
14. Go for a walk
15. Build a sand castle
16. Catch lightning bugs
17. Play freeze tag
18. Play hide and seek
19. Go geocaching
20. Skip rocks (or learn how to)
21. Blow bubbles
22. Create and go on a scavenger hunt
23. Jump rope
24. Pick flowers
25. Invite friends over for a cookout
26. Have a hula hoop contest
27. Go for a boat ride
28. Watch clouds and find shapes
29. Play with squirt guns
30. Go bowling
31. Have a "wild" day at the zoo!
32. Take time to smell the roses at Botanical Gardens
33. Buy a new board game
34. Go out for ice cream
35. Dollar store shopping spree {let each child choose a thoughtful gift for their sibling(s)}
36. Go to a movie matinee
37. Go out to lunch
38. Rent a movie from redbox
39. Go mini golfing
40. Play at a local fun center/amusement park
41. Makeovers
42. Facials
43. Mani/pedis
44. Watch a chick flick
45. Blindfolded makeovers (give each other makeovers while blindfolded for silly fun!)
46. Tea party
47. Make friendship bracelets
48. Throw a slumber party
49. Fashion show
50. Bake cookies
51. Pizza party 52. Make popsicles
53. Set up an ice cream sundae bar and host an Ice Cream Social
54. Make root beer floats
55. Make fresh lemonade
56. Create a "family restaurant". Have kids draw menus listing the meal you plan to prepare for dinner. Let them decorate the dining room according to the restaurant theme. Have the children "work" at the restaurant. Make sure you tip them generously for excellent service too!
57. Make ice cream sandwiches from freshly baked cookies
58. Create a new recipe
59. Make banana splits
60. Make a "just because you're sweet" cookie bouquet for a loved one
61. Visit a neighbor
62. Create and mail handmade cards
63. Give a loved one a bouquet of fresh flowers
64. Think about something kind someone has done in the past week. Write them a "Thank You" note.
65. Donate a toy you don't use so that another child can enjoy it.
66. Teach a friend or sibling something new
67. Read to a little one
68. Plan a play date with a friend you haven't seen in a while. Call and tell them you've missed them and can't wait to see them again soon!
69. Find your favorite photo of you and a loved one. Make a frame by gluing together popsicles sticks, then decorate with paint or stickers. Deliver it to them and tell them how special they are to you!
70. Movie marathon
71. Go to the library
72. Play board games
73. Paint
74. Play cards
75. Start a club complete with secret passwords and handshakes
76. Make a movie, then host a special movie premiere party complete with red carpet (a red blanket works just as well ;)) ...Don't forget the popcorn!
77. Read
78. Visit an art museum
79. Paint pet rocks
80. Dance party!
81. Go exploring. Count how many of God's beautiful creatures you see along the way.
82. Try a new (to you) seasonal fruit
83. Make s'mores
84. Go camping (outdoors OR in living room)
85. Have a lip syncing contest
86. Open a "Bike Wash"
87. Do mad libs
88. Make paper airplanes
89. Backwards day! Eat dessert before dinner, ect. :)
90. Decorate t-shirts
91. Learn how to say a phrase in 5 different languages
92. Create a photo booth with fun props and take silly pictures
93. Paint a self portrait
94. Let's be pirates for a day! Each child hides "treasure" and creates a treasure map so their siblings/friends can go on a treasure hunt!
95. Throw an unbirthday party!
96. Write and illustrate a story
97. Make paper bag hand puppets and put on a puppet show
98. Make Flower Pens
99. Pajama Day
100. Host a book swap. Gather books you've already read and trade them with friends for new summer reads.
101. Create a neighborhood newspaper. Write stories. Interview an interesting neighbor. Take or draw pictures. Make copies and play "paperboy" or "papergirl" delivering them to your neighbors.
102. Put together a puzzle
103. Be a tourist in your own city! Look at your city's tourist info (online or in a state travel brochure). Find area attractions you've never visited and go explore!
104. Create a Summer scrapbook!
Each day of Summer Vacation let your children take turns drawing an idea from the jar. ... Let the SUMMER FUN BEGIN!

Thanks for stopping by! Don't be shy. Please say, "HI!"
This is an amazing list. I need to sort through it and see if we can add any fun things to the one we have going.