
Friday, June 23, 2017

Signing Out for Summer

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope the first official week of the summer season has been a lovely one for you and yours.  I've spent a lot of mine thinking about how I only have a handful of summers left with my girls in my care, how much of life these days is spent lit by the glow of a screen, and pondering what I'll value a decade from now.  

When my girls are grown I'm certain I won't wish I'd spent more time blogging or scrolling Instagram.  On that note, I've decided to simply sign out for summer.  This isn't goodbye forever.  It's simply time for a good old fashioned summer break, the kind I enjoyed back in the day with more sunshine than screen time! 

While I may have withdrawals for a bit, I'm honestly pretty giddy about signing out of my addiction beloved app, Instagram, as well.  It's a new day, and I'm putting my phone away.  I can hardly wait for a refreshing change of pace.  A simpler summer awaits!  

However you choose to spend the time you're given this season, I hope it's sensational, friends!  Don't forget to look up.  Love those you're blessed to call your own.  As long as there is breath in your lungs be sure to hold your family and friends closer than your phone. ;)

Hope to see you back here when I return this fall!  
Meanwhile, much love to y'all!


  1. I LOVE you and I will miss you but I am incredibly proud of you and I often feel like I need to take more time and I am. Taking the first week of July off and cutting back posts and it already feels good!! Wishing you so much joy and love and go make those memories sweet sister!!! Email me anytime and I will eagerly be waiting your precious return!! I wish more people would put away the phone and LIVE!!! xoxoxo Pretend I'm giving you a hug and go have the BEST Friday evah!!!

  2. I can't blame you one little bit. I have been thinking about backing off more and more friend. Enjoy those girls and we will see you again soon.

  3. You will be missed for sure but I'm excited for you!! What an awesome decision! I have taken my share of extended, completely logged out sabbaticals multiple times and they are worth it! Sometimes keeping up with the blog is stressful or at least for me. Have a FANTASTIC summer!

  4. Such a fabulous idea, enjoy every single second! See you in the fall <3
    Green Fashionista

  5. I hope you have the best summer together!! Take lots of photos to share with us when you return :)

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  6. I hope you have a great summer!

  7. Hope to see you back soon! And I hope your summer has been amazing!!


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}