
Friday, June 16, 2017

Five Loves on Friday // Donuts, Disney, Family, & Hope on the Hardest of Weeks

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm going to be really honest here and say that this week has been brutal.  I considered skipping a highlights style post this week altogether, but pushed on with it knowing that every week has something worth being thankful for!  Let me see what gems I can mine from this week...

One  // It's the little things like brightly sprinkled donuts on a Saturday morning.

I'm grateful for Saturdays, donuts, and extra sprinkles.  

Two  // Digital Postcards from WDW & Disney's California Adventure 

My aunt and cousin have been texting me such perfectly pixie dusted pics from WDW throughout this entire week.  That always makes my day!  Then, my blogging bestie, Chrissy, spent the day at DCA and kept the fun photos coming my way as well!  I get so "homesick" for Disney goodness and seeing my family and dear friends enjoy the magic is honestly the second best thing to being there myself!  Thanks again, Ann, Emily, and Chrissy for sharing your trips with me!  

Three  // A Shopping Date + Dinner at the Lake with my Love

Tuesday evening Jason and I had a shopping date to pick up a few things he needed for an upcoming business event.  We successfully scored bargains on everything needed.  (Thank you Kohls for allowing us to stack $15 off $50, $10 off $50, and 30%!)  Afterward we took a delightful dinner of Firehouse Subs out to the lake and sat there enjoying the view, chowing and chatting.  Even on the toughest week having him to talk to about everything and taking advantages of opportunities to encourage each other is a enormous blessing!

Four  //   The Hope I have in Christ

I am grateful beyond words for the hope that I have through my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.  As previously and repeatedly mentioned, this has been an incredibly trying week.  I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions, some highs, and more lows.  The one constant has been that I can rest with confidence in the truth of God's Word.   Romans 8:28 encourages my heavy heart.  "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,  for those who are called according to his purpose."  This is not a promise of a perfect or easy life.  It does however let me know that whatever I'm dealing with good or bad will be worked together towards my good, when all is said and done.  My prayer is that He'll use this trial to cause growth within my husband and myself, and that as we walk through it it will drive us to His Word, the Bible, to sustain us, and to our knees in prayer.  

Five  //  Helpful Resources

If you're going through a rough patch right now as well, here are a few resources I've found to be a tremendous help.:  Apart from Him there is no true and lasting hope.

MacArthur Study Bible  I have found this study Bible and its verse by verse notes to be an incredible tool in reading God's Word in context, which is so important!  (Currently on sale 25% off + free shipping!)  

*You can find all MacArthur Study Bibles here.  Each translation and cover style currently 25% off.

Anxious for Nothing  If you deal with anxiety issues I couldn't recommend this more highly!   (Now on sale for just $7.85 + free shipping!)

Book description:

As Christians, we're certainly not immune to the troubles of life. We aren't promised an easy road, and when troubles do come, we're urged to rise above them and experience "peace that passes all understanding." But how, in day-to-day life, does that really happen?
While numerous books have been written on overcoming anxiety, Anxious for Nothing moves us beyond pop psychology's temporary cures by returning us to our one true source of comfort and victory—Scripture. John MacArthur reminds us that God is completely sovereign, understands our struggles, and has equipped us with resources to not only face, but also to triumph completely over our anxieties.

Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to visit my nook of the blogosphere!  Wishing you a beautiful weekend to come!

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  1. Oh girl I am so sorry to hear that this week has been a trial for you. I love what you said about God working ALL things out, for his glory. Even when we don't understand the why we can find peace in knowing he will be glorified and never leaves us to deal with any mess on our own. Praying for peace for you and that you would have a blessed weekend.

  2. I need the Anxious for Nothing book! I'm so glad you shared it because I've heard great things!! May need a Barnes and Noble trip this weekend :)

    Katherine |

  3. Oh, sweet friend! I'm so sorry you're having a rough week! You are SO right though--God works things out in just the perfect way for Him--not necessarily in the easiest way-for us while we're dealing with it. I love you dearly, and you know we're praying for you! Love you!!

  4. Prayers for a better week friend!
    Glad you got some time with your hubby at the lake! And where do y'all get those cute sprinkly donuts?? Our Dunkin Donuts just isn't cutting it!

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a rough week. It's amazing how you are able to see the positive in the little things as you work things out. Dinner dates are always fun! I hope you have a great weekend and a better week ahead.

  6. Girl, that is my life verse!!! I hope this this coming week is less trying for you. Weeks that are trying are so draining. Hoping your weekend is restful and rejuvenating! And donuts make everything better. :))

  7. So sorry you have had a trying week. I've been listening to a series I missed at church and it's been all about trusting and holding on to faith even during trying times.

  8. I'm sorry you had a rough week, Brenda. Hopefully, next week is better! And I totally use my H54F posts to find the good in not-so-good (or just dull) weeks--there's always something there. A sprinkled donut always helps too. :)

  9. #4 is a great reminder. Prayers, friend. And I love your plates!!!

  10. Hugs, my sweet friend! I love your reminder in #4 - there is so much hope in Christ! You're so wise to look for the ways you can grow even through the trials. God doesn't waste our suffering, and He is always at work around us. Praying that you'll find continued comfort as you dwell under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91).

    <3 Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort


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