
Friday, May 19, 2017

Five Loves on Friday // Mother's Day Bliss, Fashionable Mail, & Kate Spade Sale!

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope y'all enjoyed a fantastic week!  I'm giddy over the goodness I have to share with you today!  Mother's Day weekend was hands down the best weekend so far this year!  Let's go ahead and get to that goodness, shall we?

One  //  Sweetest of Saturdays

Jason spoils me so!  He made Mother's Day a weekend long celebration!  We kicked it off with my choice of brunch at the lake!

This, my friends, is seriously the best breakfast sandwich I think I've ever eaten!  The next time you hit Panera during breakfast hours I highly recommend their Asiago Bacon, Egg, and Cheese! YUM!

As soon as we finished our brunchiliciousness we drove over to the farmer's market.  I just love the setting and atmosphere!  It makes it so much fun to browse around at the goodies there!

Exploring New-to-Me Passageways
Friends of ours own a photography business with a prime downtown location.  We decided to pop by their studio while in the area.  Unfortunately it was closed, but I was still pretty excited as it lead us to and through this stunning passageway! 

How gorgeous is this space for shopping and dining? 

Afterward we enjoyed a sweet Saturday stroll ...

... and made a new fine feathered friend along the way!

This is no ugly duckling!  Such a cutie!

That afternoon we visited my parents in early celebration of Mother's Day and exchanged a few gifts.  It was so nice to enjoy a chat out in the sunshine and get sappy about how much we love and appreciate each other!

A few more spins of the clock later we headed to the park for some kite flying fun and a nice lit'l walk & talk...

Little One flying the ducky kite she chose as a souvenir from a San Francisco toy shop.

As you can tell, my girls and I have a good ol' time together!

Two  //  Mother's Day 2017 

Any day that starts with chocolate in bed is bound to be a fantastic one!

Mother's Day was absolutely beautiful!  My wish for the afternoon was family time at the park and it couldn't have been any more perfect!  We spread out a picnic blanket and enjoyed such a lovely time!  Princess and I played a few games of checkers while Jason and Little One flew kites. (His stunt kite is so much fun to watch to watch!)  The girls sketched while I lounged against a tree with a magazine.  We finished it off with a family game of Disney UNO.  It was pure, relaxing bliss!  I could use more afternoons like that in my life!

For linner (lunch/dinner) I chose NY style pizza.  We had to park quite a ways away from the pizzeria as it's in a popular area downtown, but that worked out to be super fun as our parking spot was right smack dab in front of a huge candy store we'd never been to!  Jason smiled, handed me some cash and told Little One and I to have fun shopping while he and Princess walked to pick up the pizza ...and fun we had!

We left with a bunch of salt water taffy, a pretty pink package of Almond Roca, and a couple red velvet Oreo pops!

Cheesy NY style deliciousness! Mmm!

Three  //  Thoughtful Gifty Goodness

Look at what Princess made me for Mother's Day!  I couldn't have possibly received a more beautiful gift featuring a scene from my Disney animated favorite, Aladdin!

I'm the proud mom of a talented artist!

I don't know that it's traditional for mothers to give their daughters Mother's Day gifts, but mine does!  Look at all this cuteness my parents gave me! ...

Also, there may be a Disney Store package on its way to me from my family (but chosen by me - ha)!  You know I'll be sharing that soon!

Four  //  Fashionable Snail Mail Ahead

I have this thing for beautiful stamps to put on cute snail mail!  When I saw this prettiness I had to order them immediately!  *You can find them from USPS here.

Five  //  Kate Spade Surprise Sale

I would wait to share this as a favorite when it arrives (as it's sure to be a favorite), but I thought some of you may not know about the sale.  You know I love to share a good sale and Kate Spade is hosting one!  It's a Surprise 75% off sale!  I was having an "add everything pretty to the cart" kinda day yesterday, but I managed to narrow it down to the one bit of loveliness I simply couldn't resist!

I mean, it's a bow and it's pink & gold!  Plus, 75% off!  Couldn't pass on that!

Fun and fancy!  I can hardly wait to wear it!

You can find this and much more at I believe it ends tonight, so shop fast! ;)


I'd just like to take a "keeping it real" opportunity here and remind you, sweet readers and cherished friends, that this is a Friday favorites post.  It highlights all the highlights of my week.  I don't ever want to paint the picture that my life is ALL sunshine and strolls in the park.  Each of us face stressful situations and troubles in life.  I am absolutely no exception to that.  

Last night my husband shared an article with me that we both found incredibly encouraging.  As Christians it's invaluable to know/remember that God works all things together for His purposes and ultimately for His glory.  For fellow believers who may be facing a trial right now (or inevitably will down the road, we all do), I'd like to pass this on to you today as well.  I pray it'll help you face trials with a biblical perspective, which makes all the difference!

Thanks for popping by the blog today!  Wishing you a beautiful upcoming weekend!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  I'd love to come check out your Friday favorites too! ;)


  1. Oh my heaven B - extended Mama day, delicious food (especially that breakfast sandwich) farmers market, baby duck AND kate space? I love it all! Enjoy yalls weekend! Xo

  2. The area for your farmers market is so pretty! And those passage ways... gorgeous!!! Hope you enjoy your weekend! :)

  3. I am so happy you had such a nice Mother's Day weekend and so much fun with the girls! Brunch at the lake sounds perfect. That passageway you found is so adorable, I would be taking pics there all the time. Loving your new necklace too! Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  4. Between the pizza and the breakfast sandwich I'm now drooling! Your mother's day looked so perfect. That's the best way to spend a day with family!

  5. What a great Mother's Day weekend you had! Can you believe that as much as I love Panera, I've never been for breakfast! How fun finding new-to-you places near where you live! That candy store could be very dangerous for me! And I'm loving those Oscar de la Renta stamps! I don't send a lot of mail, but I never get the plain flags! I'm always asking what designs they have! LOL! Not sure they'll have those at my local post office though! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. I'm SO glad you had such a marvelous Mother's WEEKEND! So much fun and beauty to take in ALL around us! I absolutely LOVE that article, and I love that you are REAL in admitting that these highlights aren't the only things that happened this week! We all have struggles that don't show to others. I love the statement in the article that mentions trials being God's school of character. It puts a different perspective on things. Thank you for sharing, and tell Jason thanks for sharing with you so that you were able to share with the rest of us! Love you!!!

  7. Your Mother's day weekend looked amazing! They have a Disney version of UNO? How did I not know about this? It's my little one's new favorite game and I wish I knew they had a Disney version! What a way to start Mother's Day with breakfast in bed and that pastry looks so delicious! Glad you had a great day with your family. I love Kate Spade and I love the necklace. I'll have to go check out the site. Have a good weekend, Brenda!

  8. Oh what an absolutely amazing Mothers Day weekend. So glad you had such a great one, you really deserve it sweet friend. I REALLY need to send some snail mail but I am wanting some new summery stationary first. Guess I better head to Target!

  9. That passageway is so pretty! Love all the plants! And it sounds like you really had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! :)

  10. Wow such pretty scenery, yummy food, and what an adorable little duck!!!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  11. That sounds like a great weekend.
    I love those narrow little alleys.
    The Kate Spade necklace is so pretty.


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