
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Trip Report Tuesday: California Day 7 {Part 2} // Elephant Seal Vista Point and Pismo Beach

We bid farewell to Monterey and drove on toward our next day's destination, Disneyland!  First, we'd make an overnight pitstop at Pismo Beach.  When we planned our itinerary for this trip, Pismo Beach was merely to be a place to rest our heads overnight before moving into the second half of our trip.  Little did I know then that our night at Pismo Beach would be one of my favorite evenings of this vacation.  I can't wait to share more about it in today's trip report!

Day 7 - Friday, September 16, 2016

The drive along Pacific Coast Highway from Monterey to Pismo Beach is nothing short of breathtaking!  

We stopped along the way to take in the beauty properly.  Those were moments of awe where I did my best to memorize my surroundings, knowing this would contend for some of the most gorgeous glimpses of God's masterful creation I'd behold in this lifetime!

The color of the water was unreal.  Almost more picturesque than a photo could fully capture!

Elephant Seal Vista Point
Jason was really hoping to see elephant seals in the wild during this trip.  It was hit or miss as to whether or not we would as this was the time of year they begin to migrate.  He had said, "I'll be happy if we even see just one or two."  All the way there I was so curious how this would turn out!

Much to our delight we found a beach filled with elephant seals!  

Photos don't begin to accurately depict the massiveness of these mammals!  Check out these stats...

Wide eyed and happy hearted we hit the road again...

You may recognize this bridge from countless movies and tv series.  If one comes to mind share in the comments below! ;)

A view doesn't get much more gorgeous than that!

Pismo Beach, California

Jason read that this area of beach was great for finding seashells, so we stopped to search for some treasure before heading to our hotel for the evening.

I spy a natural Hidden Mickey!

SeaCrest Oceanfront Hotel
This place was an absolute gem of beachy goodness!

Check out that view from our private balcony!

One of the best parts of this hotel was the beach below!  A beautifully lit stairway from the resort gave easy access, giving it the feel of a private beach.

A look up at our hotel from the beach

My sweet girlies with bags full of seashells that had just washed ashore

The stairway from our hotel to the beach

This was to be our last sleep outside of Disney property this trip.  What an incredible journey this road trip across California truly was!  It exceeded my expectations far beyond what I could begin to express!  I haven't stopped gushing about my love of California since.  It's been such treat recapping it for you, friends!

Next trip report I'll be taking you along as we make our way back to L.A. and check in for our week stay at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa!

Sometimes snapshots just don't do things justice!  Be sure to check out the video footage from this day and more on my family's YouTube channel, 
Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. Oh wow! What beautiful ocean pictures 😁.

  2. Hidden Mickey, love it! The photos from this post may have been some of my favorites. I could practically hear the crash of the waves just looking at the beautiful photos friend. Love, love, love. Also, those seals really know how to relax. Those pictures were making me laugh.

  3. Oh, my! That water! I've never seen the shades of blue and green swirl together in such a magnificent way! Absolutely stunning!!!! And that stairway?! SO perfect! Oh my goodness! You should go again and let us tag along! ;) Oh, and that hidden Mickey?! LOVE!!!! Looking forward to more of Mickey next week!

  4. Such a great trip! Buttttt I've been waiting patiently for this part coming up next =)

  5. That's so awesome that you got to see the elephant seals! The ocean views are beautiful! What a great road trip.


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