
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Throwback Thursday // Remembering Easters Past + Holiday Inspiration!

One of the best parts of having a blog is being able to look back over years worth of documented memories.  This Throwback Thursday I'd like to skip down Easter memory lane!  Below are photos from the past four Easters with a direct link to each holiday recap as shared in those week's Five Loves on Friday blog posts.  If you're interested click on through and see how we celebrated, pick up some impressive Easter tablescape inspiration from my Aunt Ann and Cousin Emily, and join me in "Aww!"ing over my beautiful growing girls!

Direct link to post:  Easter 2013

Direct link to post:  Easter 2014

Direct link to post:  Easter 2015

Direct link to post:  Easter 2016

As we approach Good Friday tomorrow I'd also like to share the news about what makes it so GOOD!

Not sure why Jesus had to die?  What does it have to do with you anyway?  Check this out:

*If you're reading this post via an email subscription, please view the video here.

There is nothing that we could do to earn our salvation.  It is a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.   All our "righteous deeds" are like filthy rags before a holy God.  Through Him alone can we can have redemption!  Christ willingly shed His spotless blood as the only acceptable payment for the FULL debt of our sins.  He died, was buried, and on the third day rose from the grave, defeating sin and death!  When we repent and place our trust in Christ, we are forgiven and offered eternal life!  That is the GOOD news of Good Friday!

I'm taking a blogging break to celebrate the holiday with family.  I'll see you back here next Friday, April 21st!  Wishing you a lovely Easter, and more importantly, a forgiven one through the finished work of Christ, our risen Savior!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. LOVE!!!!! So much cuteness with beautiful tables and gorgeous girlies as well as a stunning couple! What a blessing that we are able to celebrate our God who is ALIVE!!!!! <3 Happy Easter, sweetest friend!

  2. I LOVE Easter tablescapes! This is such a fun collection! Happy Easter - I know you all will have a wonderful day celebrating the life we have in Christ! <3

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  3. Your Easters look so festive! I hope you enjoy this one and your blogging break!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  4. Those bunny twinkie cars. Oh my goodness I wish I had read this post sooner. That is the perfect little treat for a car loving family like ours. I hope y'all had the best Easter friend!


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