
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Throwback Thursday // Cadbury Spring S'more Mix

Happy Thursday, friends!  Today I'm excited to throw it back to one of my tastiest (& most adorable) snack creations to date! 

Cadbury Spring S'more Mix
Originally written & published here on March 18, 2013

If you're excited about SPRING and you L-O-V-E  S'MORES (that should be everyone, right?! ;)) ... then have I got the snack for YOU! 

This simple 3-ingredient mix is a fun twist on traditional s'more flavors. The addition of Cadbury creme, cheerfully colored bunny mallows, and the adorable factor of each lit'l Teddy Graham, ensure that this celebratory snack will have your taste buds shouting, "HELLO, SPRING!"


Mini Cadbury Eggs  A highlight of Spring. They rank right up there with waking to the song of chirping birds, and being able to stand outside for a full ten minutes without getting frostbite. ;)   

Bunny Mallows!  Cutest. Marshmallows. EVER! They help to create a cheerfully colored mix. Bunny mallows are vanilla flavored which is important! Other colored mini marshmallows are fruit flavored, which wouldn't quite give ya that s'mores-y taste we're going for here. ;) 

Teddy Grahams  Absolutely adorable and perfect for Spring as they're quite lively and flavorful after a long winter in hibernation! 

 MIX TOGETHER & ENJOY! Be sure to share with anyone you'd like to see smile or hear exclaim, "CUTE!" and "Mmm!" 


1. Gifted in mason jars. 
2. Presented in a cute basket at your Easter gathering. Place a stack of Easter/Spring cupcake liners beside it, ready to be filled with yummy goodness. 
3. Rest a cute cupcake liner inside a clear cup. Fill with mix. Wrap with cellophane or cut the top off a ziplock bag and slip the cup inside bag. Gather the open top of bag and tie a sweet ribbon into a bow to secure. 
4. Tucked inside those bright plastic eggs and included in Easter baskets, or used in egg hunts! 

 *TIP: Prepare it just before sharing it - both to keep it fresh, and because once taste tested you may find it extremely difficult to resist! (Not that I would know, or anything. ;))

Thanks for stopping by! Don't be shy. Please say, "HI!"

I was honored to have this recipe featured at:
What's cooking, love? Sweet Benanna & Sam

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  1. Oh my goodness. This couldn't possibly be any cuter if you tried. I KNOW my girls would think this was the best thing ever. We are HUGE s'more fans over here. Thanks for sharing... I think :P.

  2. Great minds think alike with the s'mores today ;) This is SUCH a fantastic idea!! I could eat the whole jar in one sitting!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  3. These are TRULY adorable! I'd like to say too adorable to eat...buuuuuuttttt......I'm never one to turn down a Cadbury egg of any sort, and adding marshmallows and Teddy Grahams to the mix ensures there's no way I'd keep my hands out!

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! I need to make this!!!! Autumn has a Brownies meeting coming up next week and I need to bring the snack and I may make this. We both LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Cadbury eggs! LOL! She hated them until this year. They're my fave Easter candy! I just shared this on Pinterest, Twitter AND FB I loved it so much! LOL!


  5. This is so fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to make some for my family for Easter. They will love it. They love Cadbury Eggs.


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