
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Trip Report Tuesday: California Day 6 {Part 3} // Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa and Dinner at Cannery Row

Happy Tuesday, friends!  You all make it so much fun to share these adventures each week!  Let's dive right in for some more California fun!

Day 6 - Thursday, September 15, 2016

After enjoying a magical afternoon at The Walt Disney Family Museum we had only one more pit stop we had to make in San Francisco, McDonald's!  Okay, I'm not typically a big McD's fan, but I do have a weak spot for their french fries.  All over San Francisco I'd seen ads for McDonald's fries, not the fries we have back home though.  These ads enticed me with Gilroy Garlic Fries, only available in California!  If you've been around here for a while you know I love trying limited edition/speciality twists on favorites, making this a must-try fry!  

Gilroy Garlic Fries are topped with a scrumptious blend of olive oil, parmesan, parsley, and of course, garlic.  They were made fresh to order and even more delicious than I'd imagined they'd be!  My mouth is watering just remembering them.  Yum!  After this worthy pit stop we were on the road again, Monterey-bound...

One of my favorite things about this adventure across the breathtaking state of California was road tripping through such a vast array of scenery.  The views during this drive were stunning!

We arrived at our hotel, the lovely and luxurious Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa in the early evening.

This hotel is incredible and the list of their complimentary services and amenities includes everything from complimentary valet and nightly turndown service, to courtesy Land Rovers and complimentary shoe shines.  Neither of the latter were needed by my family, but the nightly turndown service was something I could definitely get used to. 

Would you like a tour of our room?

These beds were AMAZING!  I still think about how comfortable they were!  It was like sleeping on a cloud!  *happy sigh*

Now for the reason I could hardly wait to check in to this hotel, the ocean view!

After checking in and freshening up we enjoyed a nice stroll to Cannery Row for dinner. 

When in Monterey there was no dinner debate, it had to be fresh seafood.  I'm not really big into seafood myself, but I can always go for some fish and chips, while my seafood loving family enjoy their favorites!

We ate at a place called Louie Linguini's Seafood Shack.  The view from our table was perhaps even better than the food!

It was a fantastic family night out!

We returned to a turndown serviced room, welcomed with beautiful music and complimentary bottles of water and chocolates awaiting us on our beside table.  It was truly a relaxing and wonderful finish to a memorable evening in Monterey!

Thanks so much for popping by today!  It's such a joy to share these travels with you!  Next week I'll take you along to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the inspiration for "Finding Dory"!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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  1. MY mouth was watering just looking at those fries! YUMMY! Oh goodness the photos in this post had me wishing for an ocean trip. Those views from that beautiful hotel were AMAZING!

  2. That delightful yellow room looks just perfect for a special Little One I know! Those views are tremendous! WOW! And the seafood looks SO yummy!!!!!

  3. I love McDonald's fries and those special California ones look AMAZING! Your drive to Monterey just looked stunning. And that hotel looked pretty fantastic as well! Can't wait to hear about the aquarium!

  4. I haven't had a McDonald Fry in 10 years but HOLY moly those garlic fries look amazing and I'd so be there right with you eating some!

  5. ummm hello lover - as in fried - hahaha yum! Your travels always look like SO much and I swear I'm getting in the luggage next time and Andi too!


  6. I'm with you on the fish and chips, can't go wrong with an order of those! And I looooove your room. Gorgeous!

  7. California coastal views are definitely awesome! I never get sick of it - NEVER! I'm so glad you guys were finally able to experience it. :)

  8. Oooh, I'm all about limited/special editions of food faves too! And although we rarely eat McDonalds, I do love their fries. These Gilroy Garlic fries sound delicious! What a great ocean view from your hotel room! And your seafood dinner is making my mouth water!


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