
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Trip Report Tuesday: California Day 6 {Part 2} // The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  Today I have the great pleasure of recapping a particularly magical California day that I've long anticipated sharing with you!  This, my friends, was to be a bucket list checking kind of day, because we were to visit The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco!  I can hardly wait to give you a tour, trip report style!

Day 6 - Thursday, September 15, 2016

First things first, time for a bathroom break.  This is something I'd normally leave out, except this was no ordinary bathroom.  Check out the hidden Mickey in the placement of the mirrors!  Too cute!  I should mention that I don't make a habit of taking pictures in restrooms and we were the only ones in there. ;)

Disney Magic is in the Details.  Check out these Mary Blair inspired floors!  Aren't they the cutest?!

Let's get to touring the museum now, shall we?

The first area you enter is a room filled with countless certificates, awards, various honors, and trophies.  So many wonderful things to check out!  

I was immediately drawn to was that famous statuette with seven miniature statuettes that Shirley Temple had the honor of awarding Walt Disney for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!

Disney Apartment
Walt Disney had an apartment put in above the firehouse at Disneyland.  (We loved seeing the lantern within it still aglow during our visit to Disneyland be shared in a future trip report. ;))  These are original furnishing from that apartment.



"I came to Hollywood and arrived here in August 1923 with forty dollars in my pocket and a coat and a pair of trousers that didn't match.  And one half of my suitcase had my shirts and underwear and things and the other half had my drawing materials.  I was a little discouraged with cartoons at that time.  I thought I was getting into it too late.  In other words, I thought the cartoon business was established in such a way that there was no chance to break into it.  So I tried to get a job in Hollywood, working in the picture business so I could learn it.  I would have like to have been a director, [but] before I knew it I had my drawing board out. I started back at the cartoons and I was able to secure a contract for twelve of these short films." - WALT DISNEY

"He was always worried, but always enthusiastic.  Tomorrow was always gonna answer all his problems." - ROY DISNEY

Vintage Mickey Mouse Toys and Memorabilia 

For those of you, like me, who swoon at the sight of vintage Disney goodness, here's a closer look at these goodies...

Disney Animation

The Multiplane Camera

You can learn more about Walt Disney's Multiplane Camera here.

A large windowed walkway in the museum had a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge.  As you can see, this was a much foggier day than it was when we'd driven to various lookout spots to view and photograph the bridge the day before!  Praise God for simple joys!

At this point in our trip we didn't know that we'd soon visit the actual Griffith Park Carousel where Walt dreamt up Disneyland.  The spot where this dreamy bench originally sat!  Stay tuned for that magical trip report, it will certainly be one of my favorites to come!

We will also visit Walt's Barn later in this trip as well!

How stunning is this model?!

The girls enjoyed playing with an animatronic that could be controlled with a joystick.

The story behind this bronze hearted hat melts my heart!

We left the museum with teary eyes and a happy heart, thankful that we had the opportunity to visit this magical museum.  I hope that you've enjoyed this little peek at it today!

After leaving the museum we traveled down the road to beautiful Monterey!  I look forward to telling you all about that next Trip Report Tuesday!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. What an incredibly magical place for you to visit! I'm so glad your Disney history loving heart was able to soak in the beauty of such a place! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. What an amazing place to see. It seems like the perfect museum for your sweet Disney loving family friend. I have loved getting to relive your adventures with you!

  3. What a wonderful museum. I love how much you love Disney!! Your trip reports always make me smile.

  4. So amazing! Love all your detailed photos. I would love to travel to that museum someday!

  5. Wow, what an amazing and magical museum! It had to be so cool to see all of this up close and personal!

  6. I didn't even know there was a Walt Disney Family Museum. How fun! Love your bathroom disclaimer, too funny! I had heard about the apartment above the firehouse from a children's book, Disney After Dark (Kingdom Keeper's series) but I didn't realize it was a real thing!

  7. How fun!!! What a very cool part of history.

  8. The vintage toys & the Disneyland model were probably my favorite things there. I loved playing with the animatronic bird too! It's too bad you didn't get to explore a bit of the Disneyland Hotel, though, because they have a huge display of vintage toys too. And an old Autopia car you can sit in! NEXT time!

  9. So very magical. Like one man's dream...but better! What an amazing man. It always makes me a little sad that he didn't get to see his dream come alive in Florida.


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