
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Throwback Thursday // Owning It! 20 {Possibly Unpopular} Truths

Happy Thursday, friends!  Today I'm throwing back to a post where I "owned" some things about myself that newer readers may not know, giving me the perfect excuse to publish again!  I had a lot of fun writing this nearly three years ago and it still holds true.

Owning It!  20 {Possibly Unpopular} Truths
Originally published here on July 30, 2014

Ready for some transparency and {possibly unpopular} truth???

*  Without hesitation I would give up my smartphone, tv, internet, new outfits for a year, you name it, if necessary to afford my life as a homemaker and full-time mommy!

*  I can NOT get enough of Disney!  At the end of our longest trip to WDW {17 days} I was still so sad to leave!

*  I say too much.  Compliment my top and I'll tell you where I bought it, what a bargain I got on it, what other colors were available, and how you can score a discount too!

*  I talk too fast. Even after 15 years together, my hubby still has to tell me to  s l o w  d o w n  sometimes.

*  As chatty as I am, I really don't like talking on the phone.

*  I tend to be a lit'l {okay, maybe a LOT} on the loud side, and my volume is directly linked to my passion over the topic at hand.  If the story is a good one I'll try to tone it down, but I'll likely be sharing it at the top of my lungs and laughing as happy tears stream down my face!

*  I talk to strangers.  If you're next to me in produce I'll likely mention what a great deal we're both getting.  That'd be because I look for sales on anything I need and will go to three stores if necessary to save money.  ...and I plan out those drives to hit up the sales when nearby for something else so I don't waste a drop of gas.  

*  I find great joy in serving my family in little ways.  Every weeknight I choose and set out work clothes for my hubby.  I pop out of bed the moment his alarm goes off to make him breakfast and pack him a lunch. He'd love me no less if I stayed in our cozy bed, but he works so hard for our family that any way I can show extra care, love, and support to him (and make his life a teensy bit easier) I think its so worth the effort.  I love spending that time with him before he heads off to work hard for our family!  

*  I believe every day is sprinkle worthy!

*  I don't make my kids play sports.  Little One requested to do taekwondo.  I love that she desired to do it and wasn't among the majority who quit immediately after earning a black belt.

*  Our home is small (by american standards), yet I'd be perfectly content living out the rest of my life here.  For years my girls shared a bedroom and we all share one bathroom.  Things I love about it:   We're always close.  I don't have to clean rooms we'd rarely use.  I only have one toilet to scrub.  The best part, I don't have to work outside of the home to enjoy living in my home!

*  I sing around the house a lot.  Whatever I'm doing, I'm probably changing the lyrics to a song to fit that activity.  Music makes my heart light. :)

*  I'm not a natural blonde ...and have been covering gray hairs with those fabulous faux bottles of hair dying goodness since my late 20s.

*  I LOVE to travel but driving outside of my own city makes me {sweaty palms} nervous!!!

*  I'm an all or nothing kinda girl.  This has led to multiple weight gains and losses during my adult life.  I'm either exercising a lot and watching every little bite I eat OR full out enjoying delicious eats like it's my job.  I'm still working on a healthy balance between the two.

*  I can remember every word to every song I loved as a kid in the 80's, yet I'll walk in a room without a clue what I entered it for.

*  I rush to the door when Jason returns home, clapping and cheering all the way there!  Every. Single. Day.  This isn't a habit as much as it's a natural response at the joy of welcoming home my love!

*  I'm the wretch the song talks about.  For years I called myself a Christian, but was living for myself and my own desires.  I fooled many, I even fooled myself for a time, but I never fooled God.  When I took a serious look at myself in the mirror of God's Law (the 10 Commandments) I saw how FAR I fall short!  Yet, God, being rich in mercy, made a way for sinners like me to be made right with Him!  When I repented and turned from my sins, and placed my trust in Him alone, the pure and spotless blood of Jesus paid the debt of my sin in full!  

Out of sincere care for you, dear friends, I'd like to echo the wisdom of 2 Corinthians 13:5, "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith.  Test yourselves." 


...& another excellent resource:
{Includes a thought provoking message, True and False Conversion.}

*  I overthink everything.  ...Did I share too much? ;)

Thanks for taking time out of your day to visit my lit'l corner of the blogosphere!  
PS:  I said that way too loud & too fast ...hope you didn't mind! ;)


  1. That last one brought a smile to my face. I often think about how Paul said he was the chief of sinners.... but he was PAUL! Probably my favorite person in the Bible. God uses the foolish friend. I talk too much too. Gotta learn to keep my mouth shut.

  2. No one is perfect that's for sure! You are ALWAYS so positive and happy and I really admire that about you. Whenever I read your posts I walk away wanting to be a better person. Thanks for sharing and I hope that you are having a great week!! :-)

  3. Since moving South, I've found myself talking to strangers a whole lot more. I just love how friendly everyone is down here, and it's helped me get out of my shell :) This is such a fun #tbt!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  4. Fun post! Your note about the top made me laugh because I’m the same way, haha. Tell me you like my top and I’ll give you every last detail about it!! I love the little things you do for Jason - I’m sure he very much appreciates them!! I can’t believe you’re not a natural blonde! I never would’ve guessed.

  5. This is such a cute post, loved everything I learned about you! I have never been on a vacation more than maybe 10 days... so, WOW! 17 days in Disney sounds ah-mazing! I gave up working full-time about 3 years ago and I really do love it. I've been making an income on the blog, so that helps! I do think about going back when the kids are older though. We have a ranch and it IS nice... less to clean and less clutter to pick up! It's just easier IMHO! I also think it is sweet you greet your husband at the door everyday!


  6. You know what? I love each and every one of these things about you! I LOVE your appreciation for your family and your home. Your home is delightful and practically perfect in every way! What makes it that way is YOU (and your spectacular family that you care for SO well!)!

  7. We are so the same!! I can't just take the compliment it has to be a long convo. PPL are like whatever crazy lady, say thank you and walk away!!

  8. I'm definitely an over-sharer! I always look back on the time we lived in only 1200 sf and even though we still don't have a huge house, I feel like we were all definitely "closer" when we lived there. And I am an all or nothing girl too...ugh..such a battle.


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}