
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Throwback Thursday // Ooey Gooey MINTerrific Brownies

Happy Thursday!  Today I have a sweet treat for you, sweet friends!

Ooey Gooey MINTerrific Brownies
Originally published here on March 5, 2013

I have a confession to make. I am not a brownie snob. Homemade or from a box. Gooey, cakey, or chewy, I dare say, I've never met a brownie I didn't like  .  .  .  but these brownies I L-O-V-E! They were created with my oldest daughter in mind, who also enjoys a good brownie and cannot get enough of all things mint. Thus, this scrumptious creation was born! They were such a success that I've been informed that these are "The BEST Brownies EVER!"

You'll wanna grab your grocery list. I have just a few ingredients you may be compelled to add. ;)

Steps to Ooey Gooey Delight:


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  1. Oh my goodness. You, my friend, are not helping me squeeze back into my shorts, lololol.

  2. I will be over later for some! :-) I hope that you are having a wonderful week too! :-)

  3. Ooooo goodness!!!!! Minty, chocolatey goodness! YES!!!!

  4. OMG I remember this was one of the very first posts I saw on your blog, and these look just as good as ever. What a perfect St Patrick's dessert!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven


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