
Friday, March 17, 2017

Five Loves on Friday

Top o' the mornin' to ya, friends!  Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Let's get right to the good stuff.  It's Five Loves time!...

One  //  An Extended Weekend

Jason took his first vacation day of the year on Monday and we enjoyed a three day weekend as a family!  It was so incredibly refreshing!  Extra family time makes the top of any loves list, for sure!

Two  //  Zoo & IMAX

We got a new family zoo pass for the year which includes free admission to the zoo's IMAX theater movies.  Even though temps were below freezing we enjoyed visiting our zoo's Desert Dome (it was warm in there - ha!), then headed to a 3D film about the National Parks.  It was an absolutely stunning film and had a great soundtrack too, including a song from one of my favorites, the Lumineers!  When the adventurers in the movie arrived at Yosemite memories from our recent vacation came rushing back. *Happy sigh!*

Three  //  Extra Sunshine

The one thing I enjoy about daylight savings time is the extra daylight into the evenings!  It has been so glorious keeping the curtains open and enjoying more of those spectacular rays flooding the house in the early evening hours!  I'm looking forward to the warmer temps to come when we can be outside enjoying the daylight too!

Four  //  Holiday Sweet Treats

I'd seen these reviewed on YouTube and had wanted to try them ever since.  We couldn't find them anywhere we shopped, until I took the girls on a Big Lots run and there they were in all their chocolate minty glory!  I liked these so much more than Hostess' traditional cupcakes.  There is just a hit of mint to that extra creamy center and it's delightful!  I only wish I'd picked up a second box while there.  If you spot them in a goody aisle near you (and you enjoy this sort of treat) I'd highly recommend scooping one up while you can!  If you don't like them, I'd gladly take them off your hands. ;)

Five  //  Birthday BYOP

Yesterday was my Aunt Ednah's birthday and we celebrated at my parents' place with a B.Y.O.P. party.  Never heard of that?  Me neither, but my creative mama thought it'd be fun for each family invited to bring their favorite pizza, keeping the cost for everyone down and the variety of flavors up!  We had a great time celebrating and enjoying the time together as a family!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you a fantastic weekend ahead!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate ...


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  1. Bring Your Own Pizza sounds like such a fun idea for a party! I might have to suggest that one for my group of friends soon. Thanks for sharing all your faves!

  2. You guys so know how to celebrate, pizza and pie...YES!! And where have those Hostess Shamrock cupcakes been all my life, I so wish I had one today, perhaps a St. Patty's day hunt down for them is brewing, lol!!! Your sweetness is infectious, Happy Weekend beautiful babe!!

  3. I love your pizza party idea! That is brilliant. Oh those cupcakes look so good. I don't think I saw them at the grocery store which is probably a good thing for my fat a^&62! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I'm very excited for more daylight - just makes everyone happier lol! Happy Friday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I am loving daylight savings as well! Love the extra light. The kids were playing in the snow yesterday until 7 PM!! I will have to look out for those mint hostess cupcakes. My kids love anything chocolate and mint. And I love the BYOP idea! Yum! Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh my GOODNESS! Minty Hostess Cupcakes?! WOW!!! Mmmm!!!! And I LOOOOVE the BYOP party idea! Party Mama sure is a creative one! Love it!!!

  7. I'm loving the extra sunshine too! Driving home from work in the sunlight again is SO NICE! And a BYOP party is such a great idea--I'd never heard of that before.

  8. Bring your own pizza?! Yes to that. Plus my husband would LOVE that haha. I could not agree with you more about the extra daylight too. Minty cupcakes sound good too. Every time I see a new sweet treat at the grocery store I think of you!! Seriously!! :-) I hope that you and your family have a wonderful weekend!! :-)

  9. Oh my goodness! That is SUCH a great idea for a party! I will be hosting a BYOP pizza party very soon. :) We are all about all things mint and chocolate, so be sure I'll keep an eye out for those Hostess goodies!!


    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  10. BYOP?! That is a GENIUS idea, I'll totally keep that in mind. I am quite the fan of weekends too girl. I hope yours has been amazing. OH! Your zoo has an IMAX?!?! That is so fun. I just wish we had a zoo :P!

  11. That Mac and Cheese is FAB! I have made it for several pot lucks at the kids school! <3


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