
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Trip Report Tuesday: California Day 5 {Part 2} // San Francisco

Happy Tuesday, friends!  Wanna hear all about our evening in San Francisco?  I can hardly wait to share all the wonderful deets!

Day 5 - Wednesday, September 14, 2016  // Part Two

After leaving Ghirardelli Square we walked down to Hyde Street Pier and San Francisco's Maritime National Historic Park.

Here they had all sorts of displays to check out and fun hands on activities where awesome dads like Jason could show off their knot tying skills for their amazed children.  Little One may have picked up a thing or two, me (k)not so much! ;)

Again, we never pass up a fun photo op! 

Walking around San Francisco's Fishermans Wharf area was one of the highlights of this trip for me.  I'm not sure that pics will do it justice, but this part of the city was hopping!  There was so much to see, do, and explore, all along the gorgeous backdrop and breeze of the Bay!

Here was our first peek at Alcatraz.  You can take tours, but prison wasn't on this day's agenda.

A closer look at that once maximum security federal prison...

I'm a big fan of hitting fun shops on vacation (or any time really, who am I trying to kid here).  If you've been around Chatting Over Chocolate for a bit, you also know that Jason and Little One really enjoy flying kites together.  So, a kite store was not something we were about to pass by!

We walked out of this store with a new kite for her collection, one that resembled her favorite animal, a duck!  Souvenirs that can actually be used and enjoyed for years to come are the best kind!

Pier 39

Seeing sea lions in the wild was totally on our agenda.  These guys and their, "Off, off, off"s didn't disappoint. ;)

As we strolled down the boardwalk we caught a performer just starting his show.  He was hilarious and talented, a great combination when stumbling upon unexpected live entertainment!

This entire boardwalk area was super cute!  It was lined with adorable shops, delicious stops, and fun surprises!

One such surprise was a musical staircase by the creator of the piano from the movie "Big"!

The girls had a ball "playing" this thing!

My two favorite lefties posing in front of a lefty specialty shop.

Being a big time seafood lover, eating fresh clam chowder while in San Francisco was on Jason's must-do list! 

 It was incredible how many grab and go seafood restaurants were lined up side by side!   Jason, always a researcher, took to Yelp and Trip Advisor for recommendations on which restaurant to order from. 

Dream come true by the spoonful!

Such a "sweet" shop!

We have heard so much about In-N-Out Burger over the years and have never been anywhere near one to try it.  So, when our hotel was located literally a staircase away from one we knew what we were having for dinner! 

We walked our yumminess up the stairs beside the restaurant and on into our hotel room where we promptly put on pjs, clicked on Disney Channel, ate, and relaxed after such a full and fabulous day!  From the Golden Gate Bridge to Ghirardelli Square and an evening strolling around Fishermans Wharf, it was a day to remember for sure!

Our San Francisco fun isn't over yet!  Next Tuesday I'll take you along on a trolley ride through Chinatown and Union Square, followed by a magnificently magical visit to the Walt Disney Family Museum!  Hope you'll be back for all the Cali fun to come!

My husband just published a video on YouTube from this day of our trip!  If you'd like to see some of my family's silliness captured (& hear about my hotel check in routine between laughs) click on over to our channel,  
Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. What an amazing day of exploring girl. I laughed about the off, off, off comment and wrapping it all up with In n Out. That was like the perfect way to end your day I bet you guys walked for miles upon miles on this trip.

  2. Whoohoo what a fun day! Love your cute photo ops and unique shops are the best! Love picking out kites. What amazing memories you create on each trip with your precious peeps!

  3. My bucket list includes a stroll on a boardwalk! What a perfect ending to a fantastic day!!!

  4. How have I never seen the musical stairs?!? Those are amazing. I love Pier 39 - I'd love to make a trip back to San Francisco!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  5. This day just sounded amazing. I want to do all of the above! And so jealous of your In N Out yumminess!

  6. Oh I want to go to San Francisco! A lefty shop?!! My daughter is the only lefty in our family. She'd love it! I've only had In N Out burger once, but it was delish! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  7. How did I miss yet another thing in San Francisco? Those piano key stairs are so cool! That candy shop was so cool - we went in there and I just wanted to buy everything. :)

  8. In N Out is pretty much the only thing on my california to do list! Minus Disneyland of course. Although if I had a real list it would be a mile long...


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