
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Throwback Thursday // Thank God for Dirty Dishes

Ready for another throwback?  This one is near and dear to my heart.  It features words written out by my late Grandma Pat, who I couldn't have adored more, that lead my heart to thankfulness when my initial response is to groan! 

Thank God for Dirty Dishes
Originally written and published here on January 11, 2013

This week our city dealt with a water contamination scare.  Everything turned out fine, but we were told not to drink, cook with, or basically use our water at all for 48 hours.  Once the "boil advisory" was lifted, our sink was definitely full.  I didn't realize we owned this many dishes!  Instead of grumbling (as I was tempted to), I turned my eyes upward to the frame on my refrigerator that holds a beautifully timeworn paper, golden with age, graced with my late Grandma Pat's handwriting.  I stumbled upon it while my family sifted through my grandparents' belongings after we lost my grandpa last summer.  They didn't have much, but sentimental keepsakes like these mean the world to us!  This was a gem I found tucked inside my Grandma Pat's high school Home Economics notebook.  I'm so thankful to have it, as it fills my heart with thanksgiving on days when I feel like I can barely keep up with it all.  My grandma didn't author this poem, but I adore that it was written in her hand.  May it remind you, too, to be thankful for dirty dishes!

Whistling While I Work, 


"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men" ~ Colossians 3:23

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  1. Absolutely precious and gave me comfort on this day when missing my grandma so!! There so much special about handwritten treasures, to save her forever and pass down for generations to come. Have a wonderful day sweet lady!

  2. Perfect timing for Throwback Thursday! I LOVE it! And I love the sentiment! It's PERFECT!

  3. What an amazing keepsake! I love this so much and it's a nice reminder that we are so very blessed. Beautifully Candid

  4. Awww! Such sweet words, and definitely a precious memento being written in your grandma's hand!

  5. Oh those words are so true. I saw a similar thing about laundry and I often think of it as I fold the endless loads. It reminds myself to do everything I do to the glory of God, even the laundry :).


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