
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Throwback Thursday // Flower Pen Bouquet Tutorial & Love Story Written in Wildflowers

Good morning, friends!  This week's throwback is an especially sweet one for me to look back at today as it is accompanied by a story of my husband's thoughtfulness when we were teenagers!  Oh yeah, I also share one of my favorite crafty gifts too. ;)  I hope you'll enjoy today's Throwback Thursday republishing!

Flower Pen Bouquet Tutorial
Originally written and published here on February 2, 2013

Flower pens are one of my favorite crafts! I make them for every season and occasion! They're simple, fun, and everyone loves receiving them as gifts ( least those I've given them to have! ;)) Before I share my favorite craft with you, I'd like to share a love story written in wildflowers. It was the summer of 1998. Gasoline cost 97 cents, which was good because my boyfriend went through plenty of it! He lived 45 minutes away and was trying to squeeze both me and 21 credit hours into his schedule. Finals week and I were competing for his attention. I seemed to be defeated by a serious case of urgent-need-to-hit-the-books-itis. Devastated, I poured my heart out to my dearest friends, "How will I possibly survive 2 or 3 days apart!" (This sounds overdramatic, but at 19 years old and madly in love I actually literally spoke those words.) He couldn't bare it either. His '89 Ford Escort and his heart raced to see me. While making his hurried path to surprise me, a flash of brilliant burnt orange, vivid purple, & golden yellow caught his eye on the side of the road. Wildflowers, beautiful and growing free in the nearly summer sun, just like our love ... how could he resist! He pulled over to the side of the road and picked me the most beautiful bouquet I've seen to this day. (This may have something to do with the deep sentimental significance those fresh flowers still hold in my heart.) As he continued on his mission to his future Mrs., he realized he had no vase, no lovely paper or ribbon, nothing he could use to present these flowers in. He pulled up to my parents' home and realized there was something in the car he could use. He removed his shoelace from his shoe and tied a simple ribbon, securing both the bouquet and my continued adoration. His heart pitter pattered with excitement as he made his way up the steps to surprise his future bride. The knock was answered by my mother. I was at a friend's house, trying to escape the burden of being apart from him for more than 48 hours. I wasn't there to receive what my mom said was the sweetest thing she ever saw. Yet that moment, my young beau with a smile and a hand full of wildflowers tied up with a shoelace and a whole lot of love, is still one of my favorite memories. Glorious handpicked beauty from the side of the road, nurtured the love that still flourishes for him in my heart.

I'm delighted to bring you a simple tutorial for a
He Loves Me Flower Pen Bouquet!

* Give extra attention to the top and bottom, wrapping a few extra times to secure those important areas well.

May your hand soon hold a gorgeous pen as you author a heartfelt love letter (...and possibly a grocery list too! ;))

In case you missed it...
Yesterday at Chatting Over Chocolate:
Direct link to this blog post:

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I appreciate each comment, & "like"! They let me know that you enjoyed what you read, which makes it worth sharing! ;)   


  1. Such a sweet story!! I think it's important to remind ourselves of that "new love" feeling that we experience with our spouse. Love these pens too - I need to make some for work so the guys will stop stealing my pens! ;)

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  2. My students have these!! They just love them!! Now I need to make one!! :) Have a great day Brenda!!

  3. Love, love, LOVE! And you're right---these are great gifts! ;)


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