
Friday, December 30, 2016

What I Got For Christmas 2016

Happy final Friday of the year, friends!  I hope you all enjoyed a fantastic Christmas and have recovered from all the hoopla too!  We had such a lovely holiday!  After all the celebrating I recouped in my comfiest clothes, munching on Christmas goodies while watching "What I Got For Christmas" vids on YouTube.  I love seeing people joyfully share the thoughtful gifts they received from those dearest to them!  Since I think it's fun hearing what others opened on Christmas, I thought I'd share a peek at my gifts with those of you who'd also enjoy such a post!  

First, I'll toss out the disclaimer I've heard repeatedly this week, this is in no way intended to be a braggy post.  Christmas is NOT about gifts.  (Please see my Wishing you a Merry & Meaningful Christmas post. ;))  While I didn't need or expect anything for Christmas, I am very blessed and 0h-so-thankful that sweet family and friends care enough to put time, effort, thought, and love into choosing and creating gifts that will certainly get much use and bring great enjoyment in the new year to come and beyond!  So, without further ado, wanna see what I got for Christmas?!  That's fabulous, because I'm so excited to share with you, friends! ...

Instant Pot

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law both have and love their Instant Pots!  I hear you can cook a whole chicken in this baby in just 45 minutes!  So far I've only made potatoes in it, but they were done in 20 minutes and tasted fantastic!  I'm so looking forward to playing with this more in the coming year.  Do you have an Instant Pot?  If so, I'd love to hear your favorite thing(s) to make in it in the comments below!

If you've been around here for a bit, you know my blogging bestie, Chrissy of Adventures in DIY, always creates and chooses amazingly magical gifts!  This Christmas was absolutely no exception!  

Mickey Snowman Faux Snowglobe 

You may have seen the cutest faux snowglobe you've ever laid your eyes on via my instagram earlier this month!  She had me open it early to enjoy throughout the Christmas season and I still "ohh" & "ahh" over it daily!  

Chrissy put together a blog post showing how she made this faux snowglobe.  You can check out her full tutorial here (after you finish reading this post, of course ;)).

Mickey Straws

Hooray for sipping with Mickey!  We bought a set of these straws a few Disney trips back and I loved using them nearly daily with smoothies!  However, I throw pretty much everything into the dishwasher and after a bazillion washes the Mickeys wore off and some warped a bit.  I kept thinking I needed to get more, but had yet to do so.  These replacements were met with much excitement!

Disney-inspired Soaring Over // Anthology Candles

My favorite Disney scent of all time was in the original Soarin' Over California and it's captured in this candle!  Now I can hang glide over the ocean and above a fragrant orange grove from the comfort of my couch! *happy sigh*

...because I can't resist sharing a close up! ;)

My new FAVORITE bracelet! // Lillian & Co.
The phrase "do as dreamers do" is a lyric from the Wishes nighttime spectacular at Magic Kingdom.  Just thinking of that song brings me to happy tears, so you can imagine how giddy I was seeing this in the form of golden wearable magic!  Chrissy so gets me! 

Better Homes and Gardens Accent Lamp Base

I've been really wanting some matching lamps for our matching bedside tables.  I fell in love with the look and finish of these lamp bases while shopping in the candle/lamp aisle of our Walmart.  When my mom asked for wishlist ideas for Christmas these made it to the tip top of the list.  Now it's time for some lamp shade shopping!

The Pioneer Woman Butter Dish
Confession time:  I've been married for 18 years now and have never owned a proper butter dish.  I've been using cute dessert size plates for butter at meals for nearly two decades now!  I spotted this super lovely one and knew it was time for a real (and real cute at that) butter dish.  I texted my mom a pic of it during the aforementioned Walmart trip and now I'm officially an adult, with a butter dish and all. ;)

McDonald's Glasses Celebrating 100 Years of Magic

My parents found these at a swap meet over the summer and I couldn't be happier that they got them for me as a Christmas gift!  I love collecting the fun glasses that restaurants have released in years past, especially Disney!

Microplush Heated Throw

Midwest winters are no joke.  I basically live wrapped up in a blanket all. winter. long.  This cozy throw has three settings so whether it's a mildly chilly or my toes are froze kinda day, this is sure to keep me comfy.  It'll likely draw my Lovey and girlies closer too and I'm totally good with that!

Pajama Party Essentials

On Christmas night my parents give us a pair of pajamas and as soon as we're done opening our gifts we immediately change into the comfiness and make up a plate of Christmas leftovers, a tradition I love!  These SONOMA Goods for Life PJ Pants with pockets are my new favorites!  I may be wearing them as I whip up this blog post. ;)  The tee they paired it with is adorable, and fun animal print fuzzy socks, yes, please and thank you!  

Winter White Woods PocketBac & Holder // Bath & Body Works

My mom understands my germaphobe ways. ;)

On Thanksgiving everyone in my extended family draws a name of one person to buy for that Christmas.  This year my cousin Andy's wife Jess got my name and what a thoughtful gift I received from her!

Dabney Lee Hard-Bound Journal & Personalized Walt Disney World Pen

The color of this journal is absolutely gorgeous!  I'm a bit obsessed with all things polka dotted and gold anything, so it was journal love at first sight!  Also, can we just talk about this personalized pen?!  I saw it was a wooden pen and thought, "Cool!", then noticed "Walt Disney World" and my Disney loving heart skipped a beat!  Finally, I realized that it was personalized too and it become an instant favorite!  I can hardly wait to use these in the new year to come.  There's nothing like a fresh new journal at the start of a shiny new year, am I right? 

Insignia 32 inch tv with Roku
I've been wanting a tv in our bedroom for a long time.  I often take my iPad in the bedroom to watch shows/YouTube vids while folding laundry in there or to relax in a quieter space while my kiddos are playing xbox in the living room.  So, this Christmas Jason made another one of my dreams come true!  (Seriously, he's such a keeper!)  I received this gift mid-Decemeber, so many a Hallmark Christmas movie with breakfast in bed have I enjoyed with this during Christmas break!  It's brought out the phrase "This is the life!" more than once! ;)

I hope you enjoyed this look at what I received this Christmas!  I'm still completely amazed at how well my sweet family and dear friends know me!  My heart is full!  I'd love to hear about a thoughtful gift you received or gave this year in the comment section below!  

Wishing you a wonderful last weekend of 2016 and a splendid start to 2017!  Happy New Year to you and yours!

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Linking up with:
My sweet blogging friends, Tif, Katie, & Della for High Five for Friday & 
Friday Favorites with Momfessionals

...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  
I'd love to come check out your Friday favorites too! ;)


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas Brenda! What beautiful and thoughtful gifts you received! I've been thinking about getting an Instant Pot, although my slow cooker has been working fine for me. And that heated blanket! I am such a cozy up on the couch and read or watch tv/movies in the winter type of person! This blanket looks perfect. Have a great weekend and Happy New Year!

  2. So many great gifts! Love your pajama party essentials and props to your husband for getting you the TV you wanted for your room! :)

  3. Oh, Bren, what beautiful gifts! The best part--they're SO you!!!! And just think--the celebration is not over yet!

  4. These are such amazing and lovely gifts! Happy holidays!


    Tamara -

  5. I love that sweet gift you got from your blogging friend. :) I love handmade stuff! I have a blogging friend with a bday coming up and I need to shop for her soon! I also like the heated blanket, I need a new one! I have been wanting an Instant Pot, I forgot to ask for one this Christmas!


  6. What sweet & thoughtful gifts!!! Thanks for subscribing to my YouTube channel! Did you know that your comments come from a no-reply email? Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I wasn't responding!

  7. I have those glasses! Love them! cute haul! lots of useful stuff as well!

  8. Wohoo! So many great things in this post! I have heard wonderful things about the Insta Pot - can't wait to hear what you enjoy cooking in it. Love the "do as dreamers do" bracelet! I love the Wishes song too, and that is such a great keepsake! Hooray for a TV in the bedroom...I've been begging Paul for one for our entire marriage. He always says very religiously, "No, we do not have a TV in our bedroom. That's not good for our marriage." I finally pointed out to him that we watch Netflix and YouTube on our phones every. single. night. and it would be BETTER for our relationship if we could actually watch something together. LOL. Bravo to your hubby! :) Thanks for sharing what you got for Christmas, I love these posts too!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  9. LOVE everything! And it's always so fun shopping & making things for you guys!! And those McDonald's Disney glasses!! SCORE - way to go mom & dad!!

  10. I am loving that bracelet and that journal. Those are beautiful! So much fun! Thanks for stopping by! I'll be following along going forward! Have a Happy New Year!

  11. I am dying for an Instant Pot! And that butter dish is so cute! I got my sister some PW stuff this year, it's all so pretty!

  12. Sounds like a pretty great Christmas to me. I keep hearing about these Instant Pots and didn't quite get it - I already have a Crock Pot. I had no idea the Instant Pots cooked things so quickly though! I may need to put one on my wish list!! Happy New Year, Brenda!


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