
Friday, February 26, 2016

Five Loves on Friday


Happy Friday!  Hope your week has been a good one!  I'm looking forward to sharing a handful of loves from mine.  Let's get right to it!

One  //  Disneyland 60 The Wonderful World of Disney

Did you guys catch Disneyland's celebratory television special on Sunday?  It was so incredibly magical! One of the highlights for me was the surprise at the finale of "Step in Time"!  

 *If you are reading this blog post via an email subscription and cannot view the above video, please visit the original post at to watch this clip.

The special in its entirety is available now on Hulu.  If you're a Disney fan, it's definitely worth the watch!  

Two  //  Date Night In

My husband was sick much of this week, but was doing better in time for our date night last night!  Woohoo!  We settled in for some cozy couch time, tv, and pizza.   It was simple and much enjoyed!

Three  //  Essie Loveliness

essie penny talk

Yesterday was so dreary outside.  I cheered myself up with a pop of shine in a feminine coppery-pink.  Essie's mirror metallics are some of my favorite polishes.  I also love good as gold from this collection!  When the sun isn't shining at least your nails can be! ;)

Four  //  Comfort in a Mug

Another thing that's helping me get through this last little bit of winter is my favorite sippable sweet treat, Starbucks Double Chocolate Hot Cocoa with extra marshmallows.  YUMmm!

Saving the Best for last...

Five  //  TODAY is my Dad's Birthday!

A few of my favorite snapshots of/with my dad during our recent WDW vacation together!

If you've been reading Chatting Over Chocolate for a bit, you probably already know that I'm a daddy's girl.  My dad is one of my favorite people on the planet and I adore him with all my heart!  Today is his birthday and I can hardly wait to celebrate him!!!

Happy Birthday Dad!  Wishing you a day that's as wonderful as you are! 

Thanks for stopping by today, friends!  Have a lovely weekend!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

Trip Report Tuesday: WDW Day 8 {Part One}

Linking up with:
 Cup MomfessionalsTHE GOOD LIFE BLOG 

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet daddy!!! Oh that Penny Talk polish is sooooo pretty!! I could go for a mug of that hot chocolate, looks heavenly. I hope your weekend is as glorious as you are beautiful Brenda!!!

  2. Happiest of birthdays to your dad! Enjoy your weekend :)

  3. Love that nail polish and that hot chocolate looks delicious!! Happy birthday to your dad too. I hope that you and your family also have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  4. Happy Birthday to your dad! I have the good as gold nail polish - love it. Now I want to put it on. I debated the coopery one for a while too. Such a fun color both of the m. I Didn't see the TV special but I did see the finale - how fun.

  5. I have that nail polish color and love it!!! Happy birthday to your dad - hope you guys have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I saw some of the Disneyland special--it was great! I love Disneyland, it's so cute and charming. I have a book about its creation that I really need to get back to! I also really need to try out "Penny Talk" because I'm pretty sure I have it but have never used it-whoops! Have a great weekend! :)

  7. You and I are totally on the same page lately! I also just posted about Starbucks Hot Cocoa! How amazing is it? Love! Also, I am on the look out for a very similar nail polish shade! Thank you for posting this! Have a fabulous weekend! xo

  8. HAPPY Birthday to Dad! I don't think your daddy could ask for a better girl! ;) SHINY nail polish?! Get outta here! That fits you perfectly, my dear! And yes, I cried during the dance number with my fave chimney sweep last week! Wasn't it the best?! Have a SUPER time celebrating your dad's special day! Lots of love to my fave fam!

  9. Dick Van Dyke's appearance was my favorite part of the Disney special! Bless his sweet heart. :) Happy birthday to your dad!!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  10. Happy Birthday to your dad. I hope that he had a great day. I got to see most of the Disney special. It was awesome including the Cameo by Dick Van Dyke in the Finale. I hope that yall have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Happy birthday to your dad!!!
    I finally just watched the Disneyland 60th special last night and that was one of my favorite parts - seeing Dick Van Dyke dancing at his age was amazing!
    One of these days I'll have to try those Essie polishes. I generally stick with OPI, but I rarely paint my nails - too much paint & hot glue get stuck on my nails! lol
    Starbucks Hot Cocoa is the best!!
    Hope Jas is feeling better!

  12. I hope your dad had the best birthday ever! And there's nothing like a good nail polish on your nails to cheer yourself up. That color is adorable. Hope your hubby is feeling better, but sometimes (most of the time), date nights in are the best!!! Hope you've had an excellent week, friend!



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