
Friday, February 12, 2016

Five Loves on Friday!

Happy Friday, friends!  The past week sure has been a delightful and delicious one for my family!  I can't wait to share a handful of its highlights with you today!  Ready, set, Five Loves time!

One  //  Friends Dayte!

My dear friend Nikki and her sweet kiddos joined us for a fun-filled day of chatting, snacking, laughing, and playing games that revolved around our mutual love of Disney!  It was truly a treat having them visit and most definitely a highlight of our week!

Also lovers of food (all the best people are), they brought beautiful trays of fruit and cheese, and even a dessert straight from Beauty and the Beast!  The Grey Stuff was oh so delicious!  

Two  //  A Gift Bag of Girly Goodness!

Nikki, being the incredibly thoughtful friend that she is, also came bearing beautiful (& scrumptious) gifts!  

These goodies had my name written all over them!  I mean, pink & gold, chocolate, donut references, and cozy socks - she clearly knows me well!  Thanks again, Nikki!

. . . Days just don't get much sweeter than that!

Three  //  Date Night + a Date Day

My parents invited the girls over for a sleepover on Friday night, then took them to a birthday party on Saturday.  This allowed Jason and I almost 24 hours of couple time!  It was so wonderfully refreshing enjoying one on one time with my sweet, funny, and adorable hubby!

Four  //  Super Bowl Sunday Eats

I admit, all I watched of Super Bowl 50 was the halftime show (Coldplay is one of my all-time favorites so I couldn't miss that)!  Even sans football, Super Bowl Sunday is a great excuse for some taste bud touchdowns!  We ordered a smorgesbourg of yumminess from Pizza Ranch and had our own lit'l buffet of comfort food!  YUM!

Five  //  Dinner at My Parents' Place

Speaking of comfort food, my parents invited us over for a happy helping of of bread, cheese, and pasta, followed by one of my mom's always yummy dessert spreads!  It was a fantastic night with family and food, two of my favorite things! ;)

Thanks for stopping by today!  Wishing you the sweetest of weekends ahead!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

Linking up with:
 Cup MomfessionalsTHE GOOD LIFE BLOG 

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Hi Sweet Lady! What a fun week you had. I love friends who have thoughtful ways of making an ordinary day so special. Sounds like your friends is that one! I wanted to let you know about my party on Thursdays, still going on, and inviting you to join me by linking up your favorites, old and new. I haven't gone through them all yet, so if you haven't stopped over, please do. Would love to have you. Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy....

  2. Our visit was DEFINITELY a highlight for our family as well! I just love that we were able to spend time together and we are already looking forward to next time! By the way, we are TOTALLY bringing donuts! ���� Love you BUNCHES, my favorite, sparkly friend!

  3. You and your friend are so cute! :-) I love the girly goodies that she gave you too!! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful weekend!!! :-)

  4. Sounds like a fun week! Yay for date night. Have a good weekend!

  5. Happy Friday and happy Valentine's Day! Looks like a great week! Have a great day! xoxo Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet

  6. That pizza you guys had on superbowl sunday looked so good!! I hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Bread, cheese, and pasta, can't beat dinner at mamas house! What a sweet friend you have and you deserve to have little sweet goodies given to you as you were such a sweetheart yourself! I hope your Valentine's Day weekend is full of so much love, fun and family snuggles! xo

  8. What a great week! Your play date looks like so much fun. I love that y'all love Disney :) The goodie bag also looks amazing - I looove me some cozy socks. Have a great weekend.

  9. What sweet and fun friends you have! Also, all of your food looks SO good!

  10. Looks like it was a great week!! Your play date looks like so much fun. Have a wonderful weekend pretty!!

  11. Popping by from the link parties... The grey stuff, is that good?? Your Super Bowl spread looks good! I'm going to check out your WDW trip report!

  12. All the best people DO love food! haha! Your superbowl menu is awesome!!! And yay for girl time and couple time! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!

  13. Aww - looks like a great time and so sweet of Nikki to bring you a Valentine's treat (I mean, chocolate is already great, but when it's DOVE? YUMM!).
    I keep seeing/hearing about "the gray stuff"! What exactly is it??
    I think I didn't know how Coldplay is one of your all-time favorites? I missed the half-time show, but they are so awesome. If you've never seen them live in concert, you should really go check them out. I've seen them a couple of times - the first time I saw them (I think it was for their 2nd album) was at the Hollywood Bowl and it's still one of THE BEST shows I've ever been to. They have a reputation for being mellow, but they totally rock out in concert!

  14. Ooooh looks like a totally fun and delicious week! I spy a rapid refill mug on the table at your parent's...I use ours all the time. :) Happy Valentines, sweet friend!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort


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