
Friday, January 15, 2016

Five Loves on Friday

Hello, sweet friends!  Welcome, welcome, to my first five loves of the new year!  Woohoo! My holiday hiatus was a bit longer than I initially intended for it to be.  I enjoyed every lit'l bit of it, but I sure missed you all!

Before we get to this week's five I'd like to share a sweet milestone Chatting Over Chocolate has hit, its 3rd blogiversary! 

I can hardly believe it's been THREE years since I started Chatting Over Chocolate!  I began this blog as a creative outlet and had no idea that blogging would lead to so much more!  The friendships I've made throughout these years have definitely been one of the sweetest parts!  I'd like to take this moment to thank YOU for reading!  It is such a treat to share with you, and to hear from you as well!  I hope each time you pop by my lit'l nook of the blogosphere you feel welcomed, as if we're meeting up for a slice of delicious chocolate cheesecake and enjoying a nice long chat over it!

Would you like a peek at what else has been happening around here?  Here's a handful of things that have made my heart smile this week!

One // Bicycle Love

Remember this beauty?

I hate that my pretty bicycle has been collecting dust during these winter months!  I was telling Jason how much I miss riding and that I really wished I could be more active during this bitter cold season.  Being the incredibly thoughtful, ridiculously amazing man that he is, that night he surprised me ordering this...

*Please be advised that I've included affiliate links to the above products we purchased and love!

Seriously, I can't even put into words how much I adore and appreciate that man I call mine!  I'm loving this thing!  It's comfortable, compact, and such a simple way to be active inside my warm cozy home!

Two // Austin & Ally Finale Fun

If you don't have kiddos you may have missed out on a super fun and hilarious sitcom on Disney Channel, Austin & Ally.  It's Princess' all-time favorite.  Sunday night was the series finale and we celebrated with Austin's favorite meal of pancakes.  The episode was so well done.  I might have even cried through it.  Gotta love Disney! 

Three //  Lilly Loveliness!

My Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale goodies arrived this week and I am in love!  I absolutely adore the wild confetti print, so much so that when planner shopping somehow a matching drink hugger found its way into my cart.  How'd that get there?! :)

Four // A Dear Friend's New Beginning + Winning!

My sweet friend Elise launched her fabulous new blog this week, Her Heart and Home!  In celebration of this exciting new chapter in blogging, she hosted a giveaway for a $25 Starbucks gift card.  Guess who won?  This girl!  Woohoo for free caffeinated deliciousness!  You should definitely pay her fresh new space a visit a.s.a.p..  While you're there be sure to tell her that your mutual friend Brenda says, "Hello"! ;)

Five // Date Night!

Last night was date night, which always makes for a great night!  We cozied up for dinner and a movie, and afterward we did some couples Q&A.  After 17 years of marriage it'd be easy to think we know everything there is to know about each other.  But, I sifted through several websites' date night questions and found about a dozen that I didn't know the answers to.  These fun questions also led to reminiscing about some of our most cherished memories.  We laughed.  I cried (happy tears).  It was a pretty perfect night with my man!  

Thanks for stopping by today!  I appreciate you, sweet readers & dear friends, so very much!  Have yourself a lovely weekend!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:
Trip Report Tuesday - WDW Day 5 {Part One}

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
 Cup MomfessionalsTHE GOOD LIFE BLOG 

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I saw that gorgeous planner you posted - so pretty and I'm sure you couldn't wait to write in it lol! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Oh Brenda, you're such a delight!! I almost cried about your date night too, lol, just because that is how I feel about my hubs and learning new things and sweet!! Happy Blogiversary!! Look at those gorgeous planners, a dream for this list making organized type A personality, lol!! Yay for the Starbucks win, guess what I'm drinking a Starbucks right now that I used my gift card for, got $73.31 left. ha!! Obviously people got me a lot of cards and I combined em! Oh lovely lady, I hope this weekend is ahhmazing for you!! hugs!

  3. Oh my goodness! I need that Lilly planner in my life ASAP! So cute! I got that koozie for Christmas and I seriously FIND reasons to use it haha! Happy Friday! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. i need more date nights in my life and that planner is gorgeous girl! so glad youre hitting great milestones with your adorable blog! So glad I came across your blog on the link up! Hope you'll stop by mine as well :) Happy Friday

  5. I love that Lily planner!! That date sounds fun too. Happy Blogiversary too!! I always enjoy reading your posts and talking to you via email. You are always so kind and happy. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I have that exact same bike in my office! I use it daily, I love it so much. That planner is fantastic, I need to get one ASAP! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Alexis @

  7. Happy blogiversary, friend! Your date night sounded fabulous! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Isn't it crazy that we will ALWAYS have questions to ask each other even after years of marriage?! Happy blogiversary, my friend!! Love your stationary bike and Lilly goodies. I had JUST bought a planner, otherwise, I probably would have gotten that one. I saw it in the sale!

  9. Go get yourself a warm, yummy Sbux treat today, sweet friend!!!!! :)

  10. Aww happy blogiversary!! Those goodies from the Lilly sale are fantastic, and those pancakes look delicious :) All I know about Austin & Ally is that Ally is played by April (from Gilmore Girls)'s little sister haha!

  11. Happy Bloggiversary Love! That is so sweet of your hubby to have bought you that bike! I miss mine so much. I cant wait until it is warmer and I can ride it again. I totally feel your pain! Well, maybe not anymore since you have an indoor bike now, lol! Have a great weekend! xo

  12. I didn't get to see the Austin & Ally finale....I need to check the listings because I so want to watch it! I have just loved that show and I'm positive I will cry. I bawled like a baby when Good Luck Charlie ended. :) The character that plays Trish is actually from College Station so it's always crazy when we see them out and about here.

  13. Love love love the Lilly lovelies!! :) Happy weekend pretty lady!!

  14. Happy 3 year blogiversary! We don't have cable anymore but I know my daughter has watched and enjoyed Austin & Ally. I am hoping in the spring to get a bike like yours. And how cute was your date night! Love it!

  15. Happy blogiversary! Totally obsessing over that Lilly confetti print - so pretty! Happy Friday gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  16. Happy blogiversary! 3 years is quite an accomplishment - way to go! How fun that you won the giveaway...I followed Elise's old blog on Bloglovin but didn't realize she'd rebranded. Thanks for the update on that, too! <3 I love your date night idea, and the fact that you're still learning things about each other. Go you guys! <3

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  17. Oh..that finale had me in tears too :)

  18. I just want to put my spoon in that decadent cheesecake along with extra whipped cream. It looks heavenly. Congrats on winning. Saw that on Instagram. And another year of blogging, you go girl. My anniversary is this month, still trying to decide how I want to celebrate. Enjoy your weekend.

  19. So loved your date night story! What a fun, sweet time! I love the idea of a little Q&A time. And that print on your Lily finds is so pretty. Definitely a favorite print of mine. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging, friend!! You are such a ray of sunshine for so many people!! HUGS!


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}