
Friday, December 18, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday!  Can you believe that one week from today is Christmas, and the following Friday we'll welcome in a fresh new year?!  I hope you're all soaking up these precious few and festive days we have left of 2015!  We sure have been!  Here are a handful of highlights from our week...

1.  My Aunt Ednah's Annual Christmas Open House

It was a sweet day catching up with family in her beautifully decorated holiday home!

2.  Date Night

My parents invited all the grandkids to come back to their house after the party, giving Jason and I a much appreciated date night!  We grabbed some dinner and settled in for a movie night.  Ant-man was a good mix of action and laughs, but the best part of the evening was simply having a few uninterrupted hours snuggled up next to my man!

3.  Time to Celebrate!

Sunday we headed to my sister-in-law's house for our family Christmas celebration.  We enjoyed delicious eats, chatting and laughing with loved ones, gift giving, and watching some cute cousins play together!  Good times!

4.  Daughter Date Night

This week Jason and I each enjoyed some special one on one time with our girls.  He took Princess out on a dad/daughter dinner date, while Little One and I enjoyed a fun night in watching Christmas shows and stringing popcorn garlands!  Mine now decorates the purple Disney Princess tree in her bedroom, and hers added an appropriate touch to our home theater Christmas Tree. 

5.  I won!  

Do you remember Crystal Pepsi from the early '90s?  Well, Pepsi produced another 13,000 6-packs for a giveaway and I am among the winners!  Woohoo!  While they haven't officially announced a date when we'll see this nostalgic clear soda back on store shelves, they've hinted at a possible return around June.  Meanwhile, I can hardly wait to treat my taste buds to a blast from the past!  Merry Christmas to me! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit today, friends!  Do you have any fun weekend plans?  We've got two things on our calendar that I've been really looking forward to!  Tonight we're going out for one of my favorite traditions, driving around looking at beautiful Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music.  *happy sigh*  There's also a little something my family has been counting down to for months now, seeing Star Wars:  The Force Awakens!  It should be a weekend to remember!  I hope you enjoy every lit'l bit of yours too!

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
 Cup MomfessionalsTHE GOOD LIFE BLOG 

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I love how many fun christmas celebrations that you guys have been partaking in!! Tis the season!!! Enjoy your weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. What a beautiful Christmas tree! So much fun Christmas inspiration in this post! Can't believe it is one week away! Have a Merry Christmas!

    Alexis @

  3. Star Wars! Hope you all have fun. Love all the date nights this week - husband date night, and daughter date nights. So sweet :) I like the idea of hopping in the car to look for lights - we need to do that! Have a fun, festive, merry weekend!!

  4. Hi sweet Brenda, we continue to have so much in common! You're never going to believe this but my husband and I had date night last weekend and watch Antman snuggling up on the couch! What a great Christmas parties you all have been having, everybody looks so happy and so precious! what great gifts Brenda, you have in your life!! I hope you have a most joyous and Merry weekend my friend!

  5. Looks like you have been up to a lot of fun stuff Brenda!! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful weekend!! :-)

  6. I love that you had so many date nights and fun activities going on! It puts me in the holiday spirit just looking at all of your adventures! :)

  7. haha Crystal Clear Pepsi! My friend and I started a 'club' back in school about it. Just nonsese between us two. Memories though ha. I don't think I actually ever even had any...
    We watched Ant Man the other night! It was better than I anticipated. I just thought it was such a silly concept but the movie was good.

  8. So many great things going on in your life. So many date nights and parties, love it. Just makes me smile and helps put me in the holiday spirit.

  9. I am so jealous you are going to Star Wars this weekend! I was fine waiting for a couple weeks, but now I want to go RIGHT AWAY! I need to find a babysitter asap!
    How sweet that you each had some one-on-one time with your kiddos...I love doing date days with my sons.
    Crystal Pepsi! Yes, I remember! I don't think I liked it though...LOL!
    Have a wonderful and fun weekend with your family!

  10. I love all your Christmas celebrations! So festive! I need a daughter date night this weekend! Happy weekend love!

  11. Your fun filled family filled post put me in the holiday spirit. Have a lovely weekend, lovely lady!!!

  12. Love that you have a daughter date night! And that Christmas open house sounds like so much fun!

    Happy Friday <3

    Green Fashionista

  13. I love the idea of separate kid date nights! We must implement that soon! It looks like you're having lots of family fun. I love this time of year! Have a great weekend!

  14. OH wow!! So cool that you won, Brenda! We're both winners latey...yay! :) So fun that you've already done so much Christmas stuff. I CANNOT believe it's only a week away. I'm not ready for it to be over. Have a lovely weekend, friend!

  15. LOVE that Spirograph is still a thing!! I used to love those. Your aunt's tree is also so pretty - what a fun party!

  16. Love that popcorn garland with your little one! Precious moments! Sweet, sweet quality time! xx

  17. Wow, Crystal Pepsi! Haven't thought of that in a long time. :) Enjoy your trip down tastebud memory lane! How fun that your Aunt hosts an open house. My mom does that every other year or so and I think it's such a great idea! I always love seeing how much family time and date time you pack into your week. Merry Christmas, sweet friend!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

  18. LOL...Crystal Pepsi!! I totally remember that!! Congrats!! And YAY for all the Christmas fun and celebrations already!! Hope the weekend has been great!! Merry Christmas!!

  19. Stopping in to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  20. You got Crystal Pepsi?!?! You'll have to do a full review on here once it arrives. Your Aunt Ednah's open house look gorgeous. And yay for both married date nights and daughter date nights. Chauncey and I are trying to go out alone together more often. Merry Christmas, friend!


  21. How many Christmas trees do you have?? :) Wish I had room for like 3 big trees! lol
    Looks like you had a good week leading up to actual Christmas (posting this comment, way late!).
    P.S. Is that BB8 on your mantel that I spy?


I would love to hear from you today! I enjoy reading each and every comment I receive. (I do moderate them before they're published. Gotta keep it family friendly! ;)) Let's chat! B.Y.O.C. {Bring Your Own Chocolate!}