
Friday, August 14, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!  Hope you've enjoyed a lovely week!  Here's a short 'n' sweet peek at some highlights from mine...

*Once again this week's loves are listed chronologically. ;)

o n e // This is what bicycle baskets were made for . . . 

Jason and I decided to put our bikes to a delicious use and headed out for an ice cream run on Saturday.  The best part was burning even more calories than I'd consume eating either treat, before we even got home with them!  Winning! ;)

If you are looking for a new, low cal frozen treat to try, I'd highly recommend Skinny Cow's Chocolate Mousse Ganache cones!  They are so good that I may have gone back to the store later in the week and stocked our freezer with them!  Weight Watcher's Peanut Butter Caramel  Ice Cream Candy Bars are delightful too!  Nothing quite like a fabulous frozen treat in the midst of the summer heat!

t w o //  Unexpected Date Night

When my parents texted inviting our girls over for a few hours on Saturday night, they were excited and so were we!  Unexpected date nights are the best surprise!  The weather was perfection so we decided to go out for a different kind of bike ride. ;)  The sunset lit world looked absolutely breathtaking from the back of that bike!  Ahh...*happy sigh*

t h r e e //  Happy Birthday to my late Grandma Pat!

My cousin Emily posted the sweetest snapshot on Instagram last weekend in celebration of our late grandma's birthday!  I adore these old photographs and remembering the best grandma a girl could've ever asked for!  Thanks again for sharing, Emily!  I've looked back at your beautiful photo throughout the week with a smile. :)

f o u r // Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

a few snaps from the Q&A portion of that post

I finally got that sisterhood post up this week. {Hooray!}  I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed putting it together!  I had a great time answering the questions posed to me, and passing on the nominations was a joy too!  If you missed that post you can check out the fun Q&A and perhaps discover a few new fab blogs among my nominees HERE!

f i v e // Cookout with my Parents

The girlies with their Grandpa Bob & Grandma Kathy

Jason was out of town most of this week on business.  One of those evenings my parents invited the girls and I down for a fun cookout and dinner on their patio, followed by a movie night complete with my mom's homemade munchies!  It was such a great time and a memory I'll definitely cherish from this summer!


New video up on our family Disney YouTube channel, 
Eat, Sleep, Dis, Repeat!  
Watch our Retro Disney World Trip vid #2 HERE!  

My girlies were so little and adorable!  This mama's heart nearly bursts with happiness each time I look back at these magical memories and hear my sweeties' teeny tiny voices!  I hope you enjoy the pixie dusted cuteness if you click through to view!  

*Psst... if you like it, be sure to give it a thumbs up (a great encouragement to my hubby, the video editor!), and subscribe to the channel for weekly vids!  Following this fun retro series we'll share new vlogs from our upcoming trips to Disney World & Disneyland!! 

Wishing you a fabulous weekend!  Jason is homeward bound as I type this {cue the confetti!}, so I know mine will be wonderful!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

Check it out here:  Sensational Summer Recipe Roundup

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
 Cup MomfessionalsTHE GOOD LIFE BLOG

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. So fun as have an active life and I always enjoying reading about it. Have a great weekend!

  2. Who doesn't love a little bike ride to get ice cream?? That's my favorite part of being on vacation somewhere that's a little more quiet/less trafficky...going for a night bike ride to get ice cream! So glad you guys got an unexpected date night! :)
    Hope you have a great weekend friend!!

  3. I love that you got two types of bike rides in this week! How much fun!
    Trish - tales from trish

  4. Wow you are so good biking for ice cream and getting Weight Watchers and Skinny Cow! After all that hard work I'd want the real thing! LOL! Love date nights and unexpected ones are even better! Although you won't find me on the back of a motorcycle anytime! Have a great weekend!

  5. Sounds like you two love birds had quite the date night!! If I rode a bicycle I'd want it to have a basket just like yours! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Awww an unexpected date night is THE BEST and so sweet!!! Happy Friday! Xx

  7. Happy Friday! Looks like a great week. I love unexpected date nights, they are the most fun! I hope you enjoy your weekend! And I loved your Q&A post, thanks so much for answering my questions, it was so fun getting to know you better!

  8. What a perfect date night! We are getting Eric a motorcycle next year and I have to admit that I'm a little nervous about it, ha! But if we can enjoy date nights like this, I'm all for it!!
    And I love that you two rode your bikes for an ice cream run! Genius!!
    Happy weekend, my sweet friend!!

  9. What a fun date night! Yay to date night. If I had a bicycle I totally would want a basket just like yours. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Your Grandma Pat looks JUST like your girls!! What special memories with those photos. Date night on the bike looks like so much fun, too!

  11. You're so stinking cute Brenda, an ice cream run on your bikes! I love it! I'm going to tell my husband that's what we're doing on our bikes next time none of this uphill crap, we're going get some ice cream! Looks like you had a great week my friend, I love that you had a date night and I love that you had to cook out with your parents! Such a sweet family! I hope your weekend is full of so much love and laughter!

  12. Yay for unexpected date night and a basket full of goodies!! Happy weekend! Xx

  13. Yay!!! I cannot wait to check out your new Disney video!!!

  14. Not hot enough for the ice cream to melt on the way home?!

  15. So glad you got a surprise date night in, so fun!

  16. Another awesome week with my favorite Platts! :) You are so good for picking Skinny Cow - I'd go for the Ben & Jerry's (even though, I need the Skinny Cow - LOL!). Are those black & white pics of your Grandma? If so, Christyn looks so much like her!

  17. I love Skinny Cow's! They are so good. Yay for a date night!! It's always so nice to get away with the hubby. That bike ride sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you have a great week my friend.

    Thanks for linking up to H54F!


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