
Friday, June 26, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy 1st Friday of summer, friends!  I hope this fresh new season has gotten off to a beautiful start for you!  Ours was filled with celebrations and simple joys.  Here are a few of my favorites (listed chronologically ;)).

1.  One on One Time with Little One

Princess went to a swap meet with my parents on Saturday.  While she was off having a great afternoon, Jason and I soaked up the special one on one time with Little One!  We took her out for frozen custard, then headed to the lake for some sunshine, fresh air, and bubble blowing.  It was a simple, beautiful, carefree time together!

   2.  Backyard Fire Pit Fun!

I heart summertime family fun!

We set up a fire pit in our backyard last weekend.  It was so much fun making s'mores, chatting, laughing, and stargazing after a gorgeous sunset!  

3.  Father's Day 2015

It was such a joy to celebrate Jason (even more than usual ;)) on Sunday!  I prepped some of his favorite eats, like my Cheesy Eggilicious Bacon-y Quiche.  He loves all things water related, so we made a trip to the lake and enjoyed a dip in our pool.  We surprised him with gifts - a few handmade, a couple useful, and others just plain fun.  Best of all, we created new memories as a family!  Those are the kind of gifts that last a lifetime. :)

4.  Lightning Bug Catching 

Ahh, the simple joys of childhood. :)

My girlies are really good at catching lightning bugs!  I couldn't believe how many they got in their lit'l bug house!  When I was growing up, the kids in my neighborhood would gather on summer evenings for lightning bug catching contests.  I was never as successful as my daughters, but I remember those fun nights fondly.  I'm sure my sweeties will too.  Did you catch lightning bugs as a kid?  (Do you call them that or "fireflies"?)  

*For anyone feeling bad for these little buggies, they were released ...outside. ;)

5.  Celebrating Father's Day with my Parents

Last night we had my parents over for a cookout in celebration of Father's Day.  My dad is one of my favorite people on the planet and I loved celebrating him (& having another excuse to give him something else to wear during our upcoming trip to Disney World)!  We had such a sweet time around the table together.  I cherish evenings like that so very much!

Thanks for stopping by today, sweet friends!  Have a lovely upcoming weekend!

Earlier this week at Chatting Over Chocolate:

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Oh the fire pit looks like so much fun and such a great way for you all to unwind after the day!! Your dad looks pretty happy with his shirt :) Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Love the fire pit fun!! Great pictures too with your family. :-) I hope that you have a wonderful weekend with your family Brenda! :-)

  3. I'm so glad you got some nice one on one time this week as well! Sounds like a fun time! Your Father's Day celebrations sounded wonderful as well. And that quiche - I MUST make that! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You know how much I love a good evening around the fire pit......AND s'mores! :) Lightning bugs all the way! We've been catching and releasing here as well! <3

  5. Fun week! I used to catch lightning bugs when I was a kid. :) Recently I read that some local society is trying to take a lightning bug census and has asked people to keep count of how many they see or catch. How funny is that? Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Backyard firepits are the best! One of my favorite memories growing up. And I also always caught lightning bugs too! So fun! Happy Friday Brenda!

  7. What a fun week of good memories you created. Catching lightening bugs and s'mores really brought back some childhood summer memories of mine.

  8. How wonderful! Looks like Summer is treating you well :)

  9. Hi Brenda, I'm visiting from H54F and was intrigued by your blog title. I love anything chocolate! It looks like you had a great week with family! A fire pit is something we have been wanting to to put in our back yard. They are great for summer evenings. Yes, I caught lightening bugs too. I think we called them by both names!

  10. Catching lightening bugs brings back memories for me as a kid. Happy Fathers day to your dad and Jason. I hope that you have a great weekend.

  11. I love catching lightening bugs, fire pits and summer nights! Yeah for summer! :-)

  12. I've never seen a lightning bug in person! I think we must not have them out here? I always thought it would be so cool to see them in action.
    Looks like the guys got some good stuff for Father's Day!

  13. Your week sounded like my ideal week as a kid (and as an adult.. who am I kidding...). I LOVED any day that involved water, a fire pit, and catching fireflies. What fun memories!! Hope you had an equally fun weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  14. Fire pit! Fun! I want one. Although it sounds like more fun in the fall around here. It is almost too hot to hang out outside in the mornings anymore. Ick.
    I have never seen a lightning bug...they look creepy. We don't get those in FL, or at least here in FL. I did catch them when I was visiting family one summer in Georgia. That's about my only experience though. I don't recall seeing what they looked like though...just the glowing. I think I've probably called them lightning bugs and fireflies equally!
    Can't ever have too many Disney shirts or Star Wars shirts! For Chris that would also include Guinness shirts.

  15. I want a fire pit. Sitting around one sounds like fun!

  16. ahhh this all sounds so awesome!! and how fun you got to spend time with your little one while your other daughter was out with her grandparents :) I am so jealous you guys have fireflies! None here in AZ but I went to Indiana once and I was enamored by them. fireflies are SO COOL!
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants


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