
Friday, June 19, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday, lovelies!  Ready for a peek into my week?  Let's get right to those Five Loves! 

1.  Family Time at Heartland of America Park

A beautiful evening in the park with my family was the perfect way to spend last Friday night! :)

2.  I love picnicking with my favorite people!

Jimmy John's Calorie Cutting Tip:  Switching my sandwich (the Vito) from the typical French bread version to their lettuce wrapped "unwich" saved 248 calories!  Yummy win!

3.  Walking the Riverfront Trail

One of the highlights of summertime for me is taking nice long walks with my family.  I love walking this riverfront trail!  The entire pathway smells of wildflowers and the view is gorgeous!  

4.  We tried Pizza Hut's New Hot Dog Bites Pizza with Salted Pretzel Crust!

While it was tasty, it made my list of loves simply for the sheer fun of trying something new and surprising my girls with a wacky new culinary combo.  They had no idea that this new pizza existed.  I sat the box down in our kitchen and let them open it.  They couldn't believe their eyes!  Pizza plus pigs in a blanket with pretzel crust!  They giggled with amusement and couldn't wait to grab a slice.  That alone made this pizza pie with the price. ;)

5.  My First Giveaway at Chatting Over Chocolate!

I was so encouraged through reading "Anxious for Nothing" that I'm delighted to give away a copy to one of my sweet readers!  

If you haven't entered yet, it's open until 6/20/2015 - 12am central.  I'd love to have you toss your name into the rafflecopter widget today!

Enter Here!

Thanks so much for stopping by today, friends!  
Have a fabulous weekend!

You may also be interested in:
Check it out here:  Target Beauty Box // Summer 2015

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Ooh Pizza Hut is a little treat for me. Got to try that new crust! But looove lettuce wraps and eat them so often!!

  2. Looks like you all had a great time. Family walks, a favorite of mine too. Great photos to capture the moments. Hey, please join us at Tuesday Talk and link up. Would love to have you Brenda. Have a great weekend!

  3. Well I haven't had breakfast yet and those pizza hot dog bites look incredible!! Your walk around the riverfront looks like it was done on a beautiful day! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Great pictures of what looks like a fun time with your family!! :-) I'm glad that you were able to enjoy some nice weather there too. I hope that you have an amazing weekend!! :-)

  5. Some people are grossed out by the new pizza, it looks great to me :)

  6. I love family time, family time is the best time. I haven't had jimmy johns in forever, I really love their Lulu club, but that's easily 1000 calories. I think pizza hut has also come out with a 2 foot pizza? Interested in trying that too.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  7. That pizza looks so entertaining! Your walk along the riverfront looks just spectacular! :)

  8. Hahaha that pizza cracks me up! I'm not one for pretzel and the hot dog doesn't really appeal to me but just your picture of the cheese and pepperoni makes me hungry! Looks so fun! Happy Friday!

  9. So many fun outdoor activities! I love feeding ducks. What awesome family time. And that pizza looks so fascinating! You're right - just the act of ordering it would be such a highlight!! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  10. Looks like you're having a blast outdoors! I've also been meaning to go on a picnic soon. :)

    That pizza looks amazing I'll have to try it.

    Happy Friday Brenda!

  11. My hot dog loving husband's eyes almost popped out of his head when I told him about your hot dog pizza. I see one in our future! :) Have a lovely weekend!

  12. Haha! I saw that pizza on a commercial, glad it brought some smiles!

    Happy Friday! The Southerndoe

  13. That pizza looks amazing. I agree about summertime evening walks. Those are beautiful pictures.

  14. The Riverfront Trail looks amazing!! I love those wildflowers!!

  15. What gorgeous parks, trails, and picnic places! I'm envious. It's been so hot lately we can't bring ourselves to leave the house, esp if there is no AC involved. Miserable. Aria and I get up in the morning and spend as much time on the back porch as we can before the sun gets high enough to hit it and turn it into a hot mess. That pizza is fun! I've seen it around. I'm a randomly picky hot dog person but totally fun to try at least once.

  16. That pizza is crazy! I've never seen anything like it! I love saving calories at Jimmy John's by getting unwhiches too - so yummy. It looks like you are getting some awesome family time in outside lately, isn't that the best? I'm too late for the giveaway but I added that anxiety book to my reading list. I manage my anxiety pretty well right now we breathing exercises (and a whooole lot of prayer!) but it always creeps up on me and I am always worrying that I will be worried (I'm a nut case). Definitely picking that one up!!

  17. That pizza looks so yummy! Your picnic looks like fun too. :-)


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