
Friday, June 12, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

It's that time again!  Wishing you the happiest of Fridays!  Before the weekend arrives I'd love to share some of the highlights of my week, but first I'd like to throw out there a lit'l reminder that these posts are just that, highlights.  I don't ever want to make it seem like my life is all smiles and sunshine.  I deal with troubles like everyone else and am so thankful that I can seek the Lord in those situations.  "I lift up my eyes to the hills.  From where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." {Psalm 121}.  In the busyness of life I've only been sharing on Fridays for the past few weeks.  Since I haven't also shared the valleys of life with you lately, I felt the need to kick off the post with this truth.  Life is filled with both struggles and sweet moments.  This is where I capture the cheery spots and save them to smile back at.  During both the ups and downs of life the same God who has shown me incredible love and grace sustains me through it all.  I couldn't be more grateful!  With that being said, ready to get to those highlights? :)

1.  Platt Pool is officially OPEN!

It got up to 96 degrees here this week making pool time extra refreshing!  

2.  Zoo & Aquarium Fun

Doesn't it look like that penguin was trying to give Little One a kiss on the cheek? ;)

3.  Grilled GOODness

During our "cheat night" this week we grabbed dinner from Culvers {I love their ButterBurgers!} and headed out to the lake.  The rest of the week Jason showed off his incredible grilling skills!  That's right, the extent of my cooking this week was simply prepping veggie sides.  I was one thankful, well fed wife!

4.  More Floral Loveliness in Bloom

I love it when my daylilies fill our yard with bright yellow cheeriness!

5.  It's officially flip flop season!

For $3.46 how could I resist the bright, glittery summer goodness?!  Now I'm not wearing my "cute shoes" out to our pool.  Walmart is good for something. ;)

Cheers to the weekend! 

Wanna put a cool drink in the hand of someone devoting their days to serving our great nation?  Click here to give a Coke to the Troops!  I love finding simple ways like this to say "thank you"!

Oh so glad that you stopped by today, friends!  
Have a fabulous weekend!

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. I'm loving all of the warm weather fun...the post just screams "summer"! All of that grilled food looks incredible, and there is just something about the season that makes grilling taste extra delicious :) Thanks for sharing that Coke link - what an incredibly easy way to give a little back! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I'm drooling over those burgers! Also those flip flops are super cute. I need some pool/beach sandals.

  3. So much good food over the summer - I mean who doesn't love grilling out! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Woohoo for pool parties, grilled food, flowers and ice cream :)!

  5. You've showcased all the BEST of Summer. Super sweet and may your weekend be as beautiful as you!! :-)

  6. Your pool looks so sparkly and inviting! I bet the girls are thrilled!

  7. Love all of your pictures!! I will be right over for a pool party too!! :-) That food looks delicious and I love those foot flops. I hope that you have an amazing weekend with your family!! :-)

  8. Yay for an open pool, grilling, flowers, and flip flops - some of the greatest parts of summer! And that aquarium looks so cool! That tunnel - wow!

    Thanks for sharing the link to give a Coke to our troops. Such a simple but sweet idea.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Brenda!

  9. Yay for pool and grilling season! Love your opening perspective - sometimes the week can seem so sad and pitiful until we sit down to write our Friday recaps. It's a good exercise for me, as a person who tends to highlight the negative in my mind. I love choosing to highlight the blessings God gives us during the week. And those flip flops. Adorbs. :)

  10. I just love that first paragraph, Brenda. :) Thank you for being honest and also so encouraging! It's been a tough couple weeks for us and I haven't even posted. :-/ That verse was just perfect! That grilled food looks amazing and the summer activities look like a blast! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  11. We grilled a LOT this week as well! When it's hot, I hate heating up the house! :) Aed has the same flip flops! I hate investing too much in flip flops, and the girl has outgrown The Children's Place where we used to purchase the cute little girl ones! ;) Love ya, friend, and praying. Thanks for being transparent and real! <3 I appreciate THAT more than anything! Muah!

  12. Now I'm craving some ice cream... I wonder why ;) Grilling all week sounds amazing (even the cheat night). Happy pool season - 96 degrees definitely calls for an afternoon in the water!

  13. I am for sure trying to focus on the cheery as well! I love reading y our highlights, but it's ok to share the lows :)

    We haven't been able to have our movie night for last month and haven't got to do one this month yet, my back just isn't up to it ;(

    Love the yummy grilled food and zoos are just soo fun!!

  14. So much to be thankful for in this post - absolutely can relate to it all! Daylilies, the one thing I managed to grow and not kill. Did you know that they only bloom for a day. To get more blooms I've read that we are to pluck the old blooms off each day. I've been doing that since last summer when I learned of it and they do kick back. My favorite summer time flower. Everything about this post makes me smile and say yeah to summertime!

  15. Wow!! 96 and is only June. With our high humidity it felt 96 this week. You can't beat pooltime in the summer. Cookouts in the summer can't be beat. I hope that you and your beautiful family have a great weekend....

  16. Grilling is my favorite! Maybe I'll pull out some chicken for Chris to grill tonight in fact! Burgers sound even better. With cheese.
    Happy Summer Pool!!!

  17. I love going to the zoo. I go at least once a year if I have my way, even if there is nothing new.

  18. Yay for the pool being opened!!! We need to take Kane to the zoo sometime this summer. I think he's to an age where it would delight him. That penguin "kiss" is pretty adorable. And thanks for sharing the Coke thing--I clicked through:) I hope you've had just as wonderful a week this week!

    Thanks for linking up with us for H54F!

  19. Wish I could come by and enjoy a dip in the pool, along with that yummy, grilled goodness! :)


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