
Friday, June 5, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy first Friday of June!  Hope this month of summer goodness is getting off to a beautiful start for ya, lovelies!  Here are a few things I can't resist sharing from the beginning of mine...

1.  Celebrating my Husband

Jason's birthday was Tuesday, making it one of the BEST days of the year!  

I'm so thankful to have enjoyed the sweet gift of another year of life with this incredible man!  I would have never dreamt when celebrating his 20th birthday with him 17 years ago what a beautiful life and family God would bless us with!  It has not been without trial, but each struggle we've had throughout these years has drawn us closer to Christ and each other.  What more could we ask for?  My heart overflows with gratitude to God for blessing me with a husband who loves so selflessly, works so hard and with such integrity to provide for our family's needs, and whose utmost desire is to honor God in all he does.  He amazes me continually, and will no doubt humbly shake his head when he reads this.  Yet, every word of it is true, so I recant not a single letter of it. ;)

So, how did we mark this fun occasion?  Upon his homecoming he was greeted with a driveway filled with celebratory sidewalk chalk drawings, when he entered our home he found it decked out in streamers.  We immediately got right to the good stuff, treats and gifts!  When dinnertime arrived, he chose a Mexican fiesta as his birthday meal. YUMmmm!

Thanks again for a great reason to devour chicken nachos with the works, completely guilt-free, Lovey! ;)

After eating {way too much} we headed out to the lake for a relaxing evening as a family.  

The night was absolutely wonderful, much like the man whose special day we were celebrating!

2.  Presents on the Porch

My parents are so incredibly sweet and thoughtful!  The other day they left a tote full of surprises for us on our front porch.  Inside were homemade desserts, a super cute Disney World jacket my mom found at a garage sale for me, a basket of yummies for Jason and I, and a bag of goodies for each of the girlies.  Princess' bag had everything from snacks to make up and manicure sets.  Little One's was chock full of toys, sticker books, nail polish, and tasty treats!  It was such a fun surprise!  Thanks again, Mom & Dad!

3.  Tiger Lily Loveliness

The first of my tiger lilies bloomed this week!  Its vibrant color makes my heart smile!  Now if I can just get those darn bugs to stop nibbling on them.  Anyone know of a great way to get rid of pests like that without harming my blooms?

4.  My Summer Phone Case

I adore this fun and cheery lit'l slice of summertime that my phone is now wrapped up inside of!  I can hardly believe it only set me back $7 for this sweet new look!

5.  Real Simple BARGAIN!

For quite a while now I've been on the lookout for a great price on Real Simple magazine.  This week I spotted an unbeatable bargain on it! has it on sale for $5!  Sweetening the deal further, I entered their website through Ebates which offers a whopping 40% cash back for purchases made at through their site!!  So shortly after placing my order I received this email:

After pairing Ebates' amazing cash back offer with the already low sale price, I scored a year of Real Simple for just $3!  Can't beat that!

If you don't have an Ebates account it's as simple as {eating a delicious slice of} pie!  Click here to sign up.  Why not get some money back on what you're going to buy anyway? :)

*I'm in no way affiliated with  I just love a good sale as much as the next gal!

Wishing you all a happy weekend, but first, a delicious celebration of today!

What a SWEET holiday!

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Happy Birthday to the hubs. What a fun day to celebrate him. Donuts, they are all over the internet. All for tempting one who is trying to cut back on sugar. All I want is a donut!!!

  2. Happy birthday to your husband!

  3. Do you enjoy ebates? I have no idea why i am dragging my feet on joining. Seems like a win-win!

  4. Yummy, I want to eat those chicken nachos right now, and it's not even 9:30 in the morning haha

  5. Happy Birthday to your hubby!! What a lovely post and I am loving your bargains. Thanks for your sweet comment and for visiting my page today. It is always fun meeting other bloggers. Is there any specials on donuts today that you know of?

    Garay Treasures

    1. Visiting Krispy Kreme today for our free donuts. Thanks for the link and for your comment reply.

      Garay Treasures

  6. What you said about your husband was so sweet. :-) It sounds like he had a nice birthday celebration too. Those flowers are gorgeous and that picture of the water is beautiful too. Have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  7. Happy birthday to your hubby! And how sweet of your parents to leave you those goodies - it must've been such a nice surprise to find! Happy Donut Day and enjoy your weekend!!

  8. Happy birthday to your husband! Relationships are a lot of work but so totally worth all the effort. I'm a hopeless romantic and I love seeing happy relationships work out :)

    Love your summery iphone case. I need to get one!

    Happy Friday!!

  9. That phone case is way too cute! Those nachos look awesome! I just recently signed up for eBates and it annoys me to no end when I buy something but forget to go through their site! Ugh!

  10. I love any reason to eat Mexican food, but birthdays are especially fun :) I'm going to take advantage of those magazine deals NOW! Happy Friday :)

  11. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I love reading your sweet words about him! Good stuff in this week's post - love the iphone cover and donut day! Woohoo! Have a lovely weekend <3

  12. aww, happy birthday to your husband…. I love that he chose nachos!! Mine chose pizza! Love the iPhone case-- it's Otterbox all the way for me as my kiddos break my iphone!!

  13. Happy Birthday to Jason. Birthdays with family can't be beat. I had no idea today was donut day till arriving at work and was promptly offered a donut. A wonderful start to the day. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  14. Celebrating sweet husbands is the best!! Happy Birthday Jason!! Thanks for making my hungry (for maybe the 100th time ever) with those nachos! Holy moly yum. Your tiger lilies look incredible! Good luck with the bugs, that stinks!

  15. Happy belated Birthday to your husband!!! Any excuse for Mexican is good in my book. And how sweet to find all those treats on the door step. Esp that great garage sale find!

  16. Happy Birthday to your hubby! It looks like he had a great one. Your Tiger Lillies are beautiful! Thanks for linking up to H54F!


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