
Friday, May 29, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!  Hope you're enjoyed a fantastic week!  Here's a short 'n' sweet look at some of the loves from mine...

o n e //  Happy Birthday Arianna!
Over the weekend we celebrated my niece's 12th birthday!  My sister threw such a great party in celebration of this sweet occasion!!  We chowed on pizza, the kids cheesed it up with props in a photo booth they set up, and the cousins had a ball together!  

t w o  //  Omaha Symphony and Fireworks
The Omaha Symphony put on a free pop concert over the weekend followed by fireworks.  It was such a fun night out with Jason and our girls!

t h r e e  //  evening stroll season
I love this time of year when we can enjoy beautiful nighttime walks as a family.  So happy that summertime is {unofficially} here!!  *happy sigh*

f o u r  //  Mickey popsicles coming right up!
These Mickey popsicle molds are on clearance right now at Disney Store.  When they offered free shipping for Memorial Day I snatched them right up!  I'm looking forward to creating low cal lemonade and juice pops this summer just like my mom used to make for me as a kid.  Did anyone else enjoy homemade popsicles growing up?

f i v e  //  National Burger Day Week
Thursday was National Burger Day!  I love me a good burger, so we actually celebrated it a bit earlier in the week with a drive through Culver's ... so yummy!  Did you celebrate Burger Day?  If not, fire up that grill for some belated celebratory goodness!  It's always a good day for a cheeseburger.  Am I right? ;)


Cheers to a love I wouldn't be here without!  My parents celebrated their 39th Wedding Anniversary yesterday!  

They met on a blind date in high school and have been inseparable ever since.  Wishing you a beautiful start to your 40th year of marriage, Mom & Dad!  Love you both so much!

Tickled pink you stopped by today, friends!  
Have a fabulous weekend!

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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Wow, 39 years! Awesome ... so happy to hear there are long marriages lasting. You are one lucky recipient of that bond. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. What a delightful week!! How do I miss these national food holidays? Every single time. Fireworks and a symphony concert sounds like the best day ever. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  3. Aww that is such a great picture of your parents, and an awesome milestone for them! Funny story - yesterday I was extra hungry for lunch at work, and I decided to splurge on a cheeseburger (which I rarely do in the middle of the day). I found out later that it was National Burger Day, so I guess I somehow celebrated without even knowing it, haha. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Here's to one killer 40th year of marriage!!! That is so wonderful.
    Shoot I missed burger day! I looove burgers yum, and fries, and milkshake. Friday sounds like a good day for a burger too. =)
    Free fireworks and clearance mickey pop molds - can't beat that. I don't recall ever making pops as a kid but Aria and I make some- we like the strawberry cheesecake variety. Sinfully delicious.

  5. Those Mickey Mouse popsicle molds are so cute, and that concert sounds so nice. I love nightly walks during the summer too. :-) Congratulations to you parents too. Mine just celebrated 46 years together. Pretty amazing and wonderful to have parents who have been married for a long time isn't it? I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!! :-)

  6. I actually have a friend who plays violin in the Omaha Symphony! So cool!!! <3 Happy Friday, Friend!!!

  7. Wow, I stepped away from blogging about a year ago, and just came back to catch up! So happy to see you are still doing the weekly Friday post! Love the popsicles!!

  8. Sounds like a great week! Those Mickey pop molds are adorable. Do yoy have any favorite popsicle "recipes" to share? And speaking of the Disney store, they just reopened the one at our local mall last weekend! Next weekend, they're having a grand reopening celebration with Mickey and Minnie and I am so excited to take Mila and get some goodies for us! :)

    Wishing your parents a very happy anniversary!!! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Wow 39 years is great! I wish we had free concerts in the summer. We loved going to them when we lived in Charlotte.

  10. Happy anniversary to your parents, I love that picture! I had no idea it was burger day, I totally would've partaken ;) have a great weekend!! Xx

  11. Aww happy anniversary to your parents and happy birthday to your niece! That cake looks fantastic. I've actually said at least twice this week that I want some popsicle molds, so I might need to do some online shopping this weekend. Have a great one!

  12. The Mickey Mouse popsicle molds are so cute! Happy Birthday to your niece and Happy Anniversary to your parents! Have a good weekend!

  13. One of my friends worked at Culver's through high school and college! She always talks about their frozen custard...I want to try it so badly!

  14. Happy Birthday to your niece and Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. I missed burger day too. I will make up for it and have one real soon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Happy anniversary to your parents! Mine got married after less than three months of dating, and their thirty-third anniversary is later this year.


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