
Friday, May 22, 2015

Five Loves on Friday

Happy, Happy, HAPPY Friday!  Who's ready for a three day weekend?!!!  I can hardly wait to welcome my Lovey home this afternoon!  Meanwhile let's pass the time talking loves from the past week, shall we?

1.  Date Night = Great Night!

The girls received a sleepover invite to stay with their Great Aunt Ednah last Friday.  This meant fun for them and their parents.  We thought about all our options and decided to go with takeout and television - oh yeah!  

We shared some Peanut Butter Chicken and General Tso's Chicken because we like each other's taste buds to be happy.

Does a date night really get any better than some refreshing time alone with your man enjoying a bunch of delicious food that you didn't have to cook, and the only clean up involved is walking the boxes to the trash?  I think not. ;)

2.  Congratulations are in order!

My cousin (who also happens to be one of my favorite people) graduated from college with honors this month!  GO EMILY!!!  We were so bummed that we couldn't make it to her grad party over the weekend, but those frowns turned upside down instantly when we received a sweet text and pic of the accomplished grad posing with the Disney pals we sent to celebrate her on our behalf.  What's she going to do now that she has graduated?  She's going to Disney World!

CONGRATS & wishes for the most magical celebration of this accomplishment, Emily!  We love you and couldn't be more proud of ya!!!

3.  DWTS Finals & Finale
*Spoilers Ahead*

Anyone else enjoy DWTS finale week?  This was my favorite bit of fancy footwork...

*If you are reading this post via an email subscription you can find this video here.

Care to see Fred Astaire's version from the 1935 film Roberta?

*If you are reading this post via an email subscription you can find this video here.

As you may have guessed from my favorite dance of the finals, I was Team Riker all. the. way.  But Rumor was also very deserving!  We were fine with our #2 pick taking home the mirror ball trophy, even if my initial response may have been, "oh no".  It was such a fun season!

4.  Fresh Flowers

My irises are in bloom!  Oh I how love their vibrant colors!

5.  Summertime in Cookie Form!

I love trying limited edition oreos!  When I heard the latest Oreo cookie creation was inspired by my favorite summertime dessert I couldn't wait to get my hands on them!  

These did not disappoint.  The graham cracker cookie is delicious!  I think they could use a bit more chocolate flavor.  I can never get enough chocolate though. ;)  If you're like me, a big fan of all things s'mores, be on the lookout for these tasty gems!  I found mine in Walmart's cookie aisle.

Thanks so much for stopping by today, friends!  Wishing you a fantastic Memorial Day weekend!

Looking for something to bring to the cookout?   
May I suggest this crowd pleaser?

Check it out here:  
Most-Requested Crockpot Macaroni & Cheese (5 Ingredients to YUM!)

Join me in the adventures to come!
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Linking up with:
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG Cup The Diary of a Real Housewife Momfessionals

If you're visiting from one of the link ups, be sure to say "Hello!" ...I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Your irises - beautiful. A favorite flower of mine too. I can't grow them for the life of me. Or anything for that matter. Congrats on your cousin, off to DW, what a fun time! I already responded about DWTS via email, so I won't go there. Cookie addiction I have and so going to try these new Oreos. Usually not an Oreo fan, but smores, all over those. See ya my friend.

  2. Oh how I have been craving Chinese food all week and then I see your I really want some now.

  3. I'm such a fresh flower fan, loving your irises! And your date night sounds perfect! Happy weekend Brenda!

  4. Your date night sounds fabulous, lady! I haven't had Chinese in awhile, I need to fix that stat.

    Your flowers look amazing, sooooo pretty!

    I can't wait to grab some of those Oreos! I'm a smore'saholic so that sounds right up my alley.

  5. Takeout is my favorite date night too! That Chinese looks great!

  6. Peanut butter chicken sounds fantastic! You have the best take out food near you!

  7. I'm not a big Oreo person, but those sound good! I'm glad that you got some quality time with your hubs and your flowers are beautiful. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!! :-)

  8. Your Disney loving family is SO cute! Congrats to your cousin! I didn't watch the DWTS finale but I heard how awesome that freestyle was. Riker was probably my favorite too...I was definitely swayed by his amazing Jack Sparrow impersonation during Disney week. :) Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Yay for extra family time. :)

  9. We will definitely be picking up the Oreos to sample. Have a great weekend!

  10. Congrats to your cousin! Oh my goodness those Oreos sound amazing. I am writing them on my grocery list as we speak! Have a wonderful weekend, Brenda!

  11. I have an almost painful Chinese food craving now. Chinese food cravings are the worse, are they not? And those S'more Oreos sound good.

  12. oh those irises do not disappoint! Congrats to your cousin! I've seen those oreos around the internet, but have not spotted them at the store yet!!! I couldn't find barley either. Though pretty different those are.
    I could also go for some Chinese now. I've been wanting to hit up PF Changes for a date night with Chris but it is all the way in Orlando so it would take some serious time commitment. It has yet to happen. I'd take Aria if I was assured it would be one of those times she is super well behaved eating out haha. But dinner with a 2.5 yr old never screams relaxing. sigh

  13. I was at a grocery store today and they didn't have the s'mOreos, dang it! I've got to keep looking!

  14. Have a fantastic long weekend!! Those irises are SO pretty and now I need to go find those Oreos! I loooove Oreos :)

  15. I love some Chinese takeout! I went to a graduation last weekend myself! So proud of your cousin! It is such an accomplishment :)
    Have a great weekend!

    Somer DeLane

  16. Congrats to your cousin on her graduation. I hope that she has a blast visiting the famous Mouse in Florida. The Oreo Smores look wonderful. I will look fo those on my next trip to Walmart. I hope yall have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  17. I want to try those oreos! I love smores. And your flowers are gorgeous!

  18. General Tso's is my FAVE!! Purple irises are ALSO my favorite! ;) And we searched for cotton candy Oreos at Target today only to find that they're already gone and the Smores ones won't be in our particular store until NEXT week! Bummer! I couldn't bring myself to go to Walmart to buy them even though the Target employee told me I could find them there! ;) I can't wait to get my hands on the Smores deliciousness! :) HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!

  19. That chinese food! It looks so good. My husband and I love General Tso's chicken. Congratulations to your cousin too. And where oh where did you buy those smores oreos? I may have to pick some up this weekend.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  20. I ALWAYS insist on sharing Chinese food. It's all just too good - I can't pick just one item :)

    Midwest Darling

  21. Oh my gosh that Chinese food looks sooo delicious!! I'm such a sucker for crab rangoon - it's seriously a weakness. Look at those flower, Green Thumb!! How pretty! My husband keeps talking about those smores Oreos but he knows I have no desire to even try them (I'm an Oreo purist you see) and doesn't trust himself with the whole box alone lol!

  22. Yum! The Chinese looks scrumptious! I was team Riker too! And those cookies, wow! Hope you had a great weekend!

  23. I have been looking for those oreos here, but I can't find them anywhere! They look so good though :) Hope you had a great Memorial Weekend with your family!

  24. S'mores Oreos?!? I will definitely be stopping by Wal-Mart this week specifically to pick these up! Yum!! And there really is nothing better than fresh flowers :)

  25. Congrats to Cousin Emily! It's too bad they didn't have those grad mouse ears available. :(
    I hadn't heard of those S'mores Oreos yet! We like to taste test all the new & different flavors at work, so we'll have to try that one if we can get our hands on them.
    Pretty, pretty Irises!!

  26. And this is why we're friends. . .thank you for the PSA that Smores Oreos acre out!!! I can't wait to try them and hope I love them as much as the Cotton Candy ones. Your irises are beautiful, and congrats to your cousin! Love your grad gifts to her. And let's not forget your fabulous date night! Sometimes a night in is awesome:)

    Thanks for linking up with us!


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